Tuesday 19 September 2023


Prospective Difference Between C19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood: Electromagnetic Observations, ELF Response And Potassium Metabolism - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD and Clifford Carnicom

Executive Summary: 

We cannot ignore the connections between three topics. It is the inclusion of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) electromagnetics within the discussion of health problems we see in the post C19 Injection era. 

Key Findings: 

  1. We have found a potential variation in ELF response between C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood 

  2. Presence of a 4Hz ambient ELF Field extensively documented over years that has been ignored in previous discussions

  3. Prediction based on physics and biophysics introduced to us by Dr. Robert Becker that establishes the foundation of ionic disturbances of the body with special emphasis on potassium as it relates to ELF field. 


In our most recent article, we discussed a new method of evaluations of the blood, called Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). As a reminder:

Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy(EIS) can be understood with a comparison to the resonance of a radio antenna. As we can dial in to the resonant frequency of a radio antenna, we can also measure the resonance of a biological system. EIS looks at the response of a system over a range of alternating current(AC) frequencies. AC signals oscillate but DC signals do not; AC electricity dominates the modern world. Our equipment can vary the frequencies over a range of 1HZ to 25000Hz.

Please familiarize yourself with our blood conductivity findings as these are essential to understand our progressive findings: 

In this paper we discuss the comparison of 5 C19 - injected and 5 un-injected blood samples. These blood vials were subjected to EIS frequency range from 1Hz to 25000Hz. There is a disturbance in the ELF range between 2 to 6 Hz, while the rest of the measurements seen in the graph are the same. 

This is the first documented prospective difference that is showing up between C19 injected and un-injected blood. The impedance measured is the opposition to the AC current. 

In the Carnicom Institute research library, the historical discovery of the presence of a 4Hz ELF field has been documented. The lowest natural frequency on earth is the earth’s Schuman resonance, which is created due to the size of the earth. Considering the extent of the earth, this field is suspected to be artificially created. It is a difficult field to measure as one can have massive interference with electrical infrastructure such as powerlines.

In these articles, Clifford has documented the relationship of A CONNECTION: ELF – SATELLITES – HAARP – AEROSOLS. HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

Clifford over many years has documented ELF in many areas of the United States: 




The specific source, intent and effect of these radiations remains unspecified at this time.  As a topic of additional research, it is well documented within the HAARP literature that ELF production that results from the pulsing of the ionosphere with high frequency radiation is an application of importance.  ELF propagation has the property of traversing extensive distances over the globe due to the extremely long wavelengths involved.  Earth penetration and subsurface communication applications are also major uses of ELF propagation.  The role of a modified atmosphere (refer to previous discussions on the plasma frequency) resulting from the introduction of massive amounts of electrically conductive particulate matter must be considered in conjunction with these disturbing findings.

Six significant effects or mechanisms of ELF radiation upon human health have been identified through initial research on this topic, including but not limited to:

1. human mental functioning, influence and control
2. disruption of cellular metabolism
3. suppression of the immune system
4. genetic modification and/or DNA effects
5. influence upon free radical formation
6. cyclotronic resonance


ELF is where the body and brain functions. We have a long history that documents a global ELF field most likely of artificial source. We know that ELF fields affects and are at the core of affection biophysical and mental brain processes. 

Ions like Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium resonate at a specific frequency. Dr. Robert Becker, Author of the book The Body Electricgave the mathematics of the cyclotronic resonance with the 4Hz field. If we combine the identification of an ambient 4Hz field in relation to ionic disturbances of the body, Potassium is the closest resonance to 4Hz. 

Research regarding the potassium connection has been documented: POTASSIUM QUESTIONS INTENSIFY

Recent work indicates the very real possibility of sources for interference in the metabolism of the potassium ion within the human body. This interference is based upon the detection of continuous and apparently artificial ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) propagation at 4Hz multiples. The fifth harmonic of this radiation, detected at 20Hz, corresponds to the cyclotronic frequency of the potassium ion in the mid latitude ranges of the globe. 

Medically hyperkalemia can cause can cause life-threatening heart rhythm changes, or cardiac arrhythmias. It can also cause paralysis and weakness. Hypokalemia can cause weakness, fatigue, muscle spasms and cardiac arrythmia.


We have a just cause to do intensive study of ionic disturbances in the body. This graph may lead to a very important puzzle. Why is there a variation between C19 -injected and un-injected blood in the ELF frequency range? 

It appears that the C19 -injected samples are responding differently to ELF frequencies. This suggests an electromagnetic alteration of the body. It is popular to discuss 5G in relation to the C19 shots. However, ELF fields are global and of a lower frequency than the Schuman Resonance, which means they are bigger than the earth. 

Electromagnetics are involved in the transformation of the blood which we have repeatedly documented in experiments: 

Our concern is the increased susceptibility to ELF response in C19 injected blood could be weaponized as well as used for remote control purposes. ELF waves have been shown to alter DNA, manipulate and control brain function, cause accelerated aging, immune system dysfunction. 

I wish to direct the reader to two papers I wrote about scalar interferometry and other electromagnetic mechanisms of harm to the body. This knowledge broadens our understanding. 

If you would like to support our research Project “ What happened to Humanities Blood? “, please donate to Carnicom Institute. We are a team of scientists dedicated to saving the human species and our planet. Thank you.

Note to my subscribers: Thank you so much to my paid subscribers for making my substack a bestseller. Your contribution to my work is helping fund this research and an upcoming documentary on nanotechnology. Please know that I have over 33.000 subscribers at this time, I run a full time medical office, do research, give interviews, write and much more. I simply am not able to keep up with the amount of inquiries and questions I get, let alone see all the comments. Please understand that I do what I can. If you would like to contribute to these efforts, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Thank you!

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