Thursday 21 September 2023


Plaquex Effects On Live Blood Oxidative Stress Affected By Self Assembled Nanotechnology/ Synthetic Biology - A Before And After Darkfield Microscopy

Many people around the world have now seen with Darkfield microscopy how the human blood is changing. Dr. David Nixon just posted a Substack showing his findings of hydrogel filaments and the rouleaux and oxidative stress in people. Please look at the images, they are very similar to what I am also seeing. Dr Nixon, Filaments and Oxidative Stress In Live Blood. You can see similar changes in my previous posts: Correlation Of Severity Of Live Blood Contamination Seen On Darkfield Microscopy With Visible Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated Individual

The oxidative stress is red blood cells that have spikes and are clearly in distress. I have observed that the micro robotic spherical lights or Quantum Dot like structures as well as the filaments are associated with this kind of harmful influence on the red blood cells. Here I present a case of a 40 year old C19 un injected male who is exposed to vaccine shedding. A large portion of his red blood cells were in oxidative distress, and this phenomenon showed immediately after placing the blood on the slide. Hydrogel filaments and construction sites were seen. 

Here is a video of the cells and you can see a micro robot or Quantum Dot like structure swimming around: 

Hydrogel filaments and rouleaux also seen

Here are other structures built with cellular distress visible: 

We did 2 infusions of Plaquex ( a patented form of Phosphatylcholine) which helps regenerate cell membranes. I had connected with Dr Anita Braxas after she sent me the book Plaquex, The Miracle Molecule, Heals Heart,Liver and Kidneys. You can find her substack here: Dr. Anita Baxas Substack 

It is used to reverse Atherosclerosis, but also can help regenerate liver and kidneys. This unique form of Phosphatylcholine ( 1,2 dilnoleoylphosphatidylcholine) regenerates cell membranes, so can be helpful to many different organ systems. Many practitioners have excellent results with relieving inflammatory bowel disease symptoms, and see improvement of memory loss in patients. I started using it in my office and people are reporting relief from brain fog and excellent sleep even after one IV. I was curious to see what it would do to the oxidative stress of the red blood cells. 

The individual had 2 Plaquex IV’s within a week and we rechecked the blood. Below you can see what the blood looks like 5 days later. Huge improvement. 

The individual just had food, so all the small moving dots are not nanotech but chylomicrons, meaning fats. However you can see how much better the red blood cell look, without spikes, with healthy shimmering in the center and not clumping. 

The cell membranes are very important in maintaining electrical conductivity, so it appears we have a very useful new tool to help. I have heard of other practitioners treating vaccine injury with Plaquex and having great results. There are many providers that are offering Plaquex. I am adding it to my arsenal of treatment options for shedding, accelerated aging, reversal of atherosclerosis. I know of practitioners who use intravenous Plaquex with Methylene Blue with great success for C19 vaccine injury. I also use Methylene Blue and find it helpful for a huge array of ailments. I wanted to post this for other clinicians to check out and people to know about. I will update on my progress. 

It is also great to hear that other health care providers are using the EDTA intravenous infusions. Just heard of a vaccinated woman who had 5 months of uninterrupted vaginal bleeding which started after she got the jab. She had tried all kinds of interventions to no avail. She got 1 IV EDTA Chelation and the bleeding stopped. I also heard from an unvaccinated individual affected by shedding experiencing exertional chest pain. This was resolved after the 5th EDTA IV Chelation’s. I have reported many times about my treatment documentations and different treatment approaches ( I use many different things for people but this some of what I have written about): 

COVID Spike Protein Causes Accelerated Aging Age Reversal Strategies Can Help Long Covid and Possibly Vaccine Injury Symptoms of Brain Fog, Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmunity, Cardiac Symptoms like POTS and more

Decontaminating The Blood From Synthetic Biology Hydrogel With EDTA Chelation - Live Blood Documentation

Hope Wins: Before And After Intravenous EDTA Chelation + Vitamin C - Dark Field Live Blood Analysis - A Case Report

Complete Resolution Of "Long Covid" Symptoms After 2 Weeks of Treatment With IV EDTA Chelation Alternating With Vitamin C Infusions - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Documentation - A Case Report

Darkfield Live Blood Analysis 90 Minutes After IV EDTA Chelation In Unvaccinated Patient Affected By C19 Vax Shedding Shows Marked Improvement - A Case Report


EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

Methylene Blue – a phenomenal anti- aging molecule in my most favorite color – helps with long COVID symptoms too

Humic Acid as a Natural Antidote for Graphene and Mitigatior of Graphene Induced Embryonic Toxicity - Study review

Reversing Autoimmunity – How Can Peptides and Antiaging Treatments Help? New Epoch Times Article Discussing C19 Infection and Injection Autoimmune Effects

Is EDTA Chelation and Intravenous Vitamin C An Additional Hopeful Medical Treatment For C19 Vax Injury? How Can Toxic Metals Found in C19 Shots Synergistically Harm The Body?

The Polyphenol Flavonoid Family – Natural Potent Help for Long Covid, Vax Injury, Shedding and Acute Covid Prevention and Recovery – from Quercetin, to Hesperidin, Fisetin and Luteolin.

For those who have heard bad things about EDTA - that is disinformation - here is a literature review. 

Literature Review of EDTA Chelation

I recommend the Med Five System to my patients and use it myself. Co-developed by Cardiologist Dr Roberts he also documented reduction of carotid artery stenosis of 95% to 55% in 5 months with Medfive. Impressive! Read more here about reversing heart disease and vascular atherosclerosis: Medfive clinical data

Here is the link: Medfive EDTA System

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