Saturday 9 September 2023


Pharmafiles News 🍍 September 5, 2023 🍍 Shocking exposé from Pfizer's original trial!

and a 3.7-fold increase in cardiovascular-related deaths among the vaccinated subjects compared to the unvaccinated placebo group

🍍 Pfizer Lied, People Died! 

For those who may not be familiar, Pfizer's initial clinical trial involved a substantial cohort of 44,060 participants, evenly divided between those who received the vaccine and those assigned to the placebo group. One perplexing aspect of Pfizer's trial pertains to the recorded mortality figures. Officially, the data indicates 21 deaths within the vaccinated group and 17 deaths within the unvaccinated group.

This means that there is a staggering 23.5% more deaths in the vaccinated compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. Adding to the intrigue, Pfizer seemed to employ some linguistic gymnastics when touting the effectiveness of their COVID vaccine as 100%, a subject that RFK eloquently discussed here.

🍍 But wait, there is more!!

A preprint paper has emerged yesterday (Sep 4, 2023) titled: "Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial." [SOURCE]

This paper isn't holding back; it's scrutinizing Pfizer's behind-the-scenes procedures and revealing some rather questionable practices during Pfizer's initial vaccine trials. To kick things off, let's turn our attention to the unvaccinated subjects. Below, you'll find a table detailing the 17 deaths that occurred within the unvaccinated group.

Upon closer examination, subject #10841470 (as indicated in Line 14) had originally been part of the unvaccinated group, receiving Placebo doses 1 and 2 on September 30 and October 21, 2020, respectively. However, a significant twist occurred on December 23, 2020, when this subject received Dose 1 of the Moderna mRNA vaccine. The plot thickens as the story unfolds: on December 31, 2020, the subject was admitted to the hospital, where a turbulent medical journey ensued. Oxygen levels dropped significantly, leading to intubation on January 2, 2021. In a desperate bid for recovery, monoclonal antibodies were administered as part of the hospital's treatment regimen. Despite these Herculean efforts, the subject's health continued to deteriorate, eventually succumbing to multisystem organ failure on January 11, 2021.

The subject’s death was eventually classified as an “unvaccinated death” due to COVID-19!!

Let's explore another case. Below, you'll find a table that outlines the details of the 21 deaths recorded within the vaccinated group.

Take Subject #11271112 (Line 8), a 53-year-old Native American male with a history of COPD and a prior episode of "stress-related myocardial infarction," passed away unexpectedly on December 4, 2020, less than two months after receiving Dose 2 of the BNT162b2 vaccine. Following the subject's demise on December 18, the trial site's medical monitor initially recorded the cause of death as "cardiopulmonary arrest related to myocardial infarction."

However, a day later, on December 19, Pfizer/BioNTech communicated to the trial site that only one cause of death could be entered into the Case Report Form (CRF) and requested the removal of "related to myocardial infarction." The medical monitor resisted this modification.

On January 5, 2021, Pfizer/BioNTech took aunilateral decision to change the cause of death to "cardiopulmonary arrest" and opted not to include "myocardial infarction" as a secondary cause of death. 

These are just a few instances that prompted the authors of this study to reach a conclusion: there were some substantial problems with many of the "death cases." It's almost as if crucial pieces of the puzzle were mysteriously absent.

Furthermore, vital information regarding the subjects' medical history before the trial seemed to have vanished into thin air! 

🍍 3.7-fold increase in cardiovascular-related deaths among the vaccinated subjects

Most importantly, the authors also found evidence of over a 3.7-fold increase in cardiovascular-related deaths among the vaccinated subjects compared to the unvaccinated placebo group, which was not reported by Pfizer/BioNTech.

The revelations uncovered within Pfizer's vaccine trials underscore the urgency of a comprehensive inquiry by relevant authorities. The public rightfully deserves an honest, unaltered assessment of the vaccine's safety and efficacy, devoid of any manipulation or evasion of critical data. Transparency isn't merely a catchphrase; it stands as the bedrock of trust in our healthcare systems.

Signing off for now

PS: Some individuals are misinterpreting this scenario, thinking that Pfizer is designating individuals as unvaccinated even if they've received the vaccine. The primary concern here revolves around the insufficient control of the study. The placebo group should not have been administered any vaccines. Allowing them to receive the Moderna vaccine and still classifying them as part of the placebo group reflects a significant lapse in clinical trial oversight or, in a more serious light, intentional fraud.

Thank you for reading PharmaFiles by Aussie17. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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