Thursday 7 September 2023


PetDazole: Pharmaceutical Grade Pure Fenbendazole

Just like they went after one of the very best cures for PSYOP-19 in Ivermectin…

…the Medical Industrial Complex does not want the truth to come out about a powerful cancer cure in Fenbendazole. 

Thanks to the deployment of the DEATHVAX™, we are now seeing parabolic increases in “turbo cancers.” Those responsible for these slow kill bioweapon injections never wanted the truth about Ivermectin to come out precisely because this drug is exceedingly safe and effective at cancer prevention and treatment. 

Imagine if Ivermectin not only prevented the majority of COVID-19 deaths, democidal hospital protocols notwithstanding, but concurrently there would have been a sudden collapse of all cancers? 

What would BigPharma, hospitals, et al. ever do if their single most profitable “treatment” were suddenly no longer required? 

What would the populace think if the BigPharma bought and paid for MSM quillings would have reported on this phenomenon? 

Among other actions, Ivermectin binds to the hsp90 protein, and other relevant heat shock proteins, at the interface between the N-terminal ATPase and the middle domains, preventing the stabilization of mutant checkpoint proteins. Furthermore, ivermectin acts to suppress the action of TAMs, which otherwise produce aberrant cytokine signals that act to suppress tumor apoptosis via a number of the above mentioned pathways, particularly TGF-β, and also upregulates the expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene.

What if the populace were aware of a drug that was even more potent than Ivermectin at curing cancer? 

What if this drug worked even better as a combination therapy with Ivermectin?

What if this drug were a cheap and readily available anti-parasitic commonly used in veterinary medicine?

What if this drug had a potent anti-tumor enhancing effect?

What if this drug acted as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent that causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways?

And what if this drug had, just like Ivermectin, zero side effects?

That miracle drug is Fendendazole. 

Perhaps the most famous Fenbendazole success story belongs to a man by the name of Joe Tippens. In 2016 Tippens was diagnosed with lung cancer. He started chemo and radiation simultaneously, and by 2017 these were the results of his treatment:

A PET scan was scheduled to coincide with my last radiation. Up to that point, I dealt with the radiation oncologists for radiation and the thoracic (lung) oncologist for the chemo. My radiation oncologist just happened to be in line to be the number 2 guy in the entire organization. Great guy, who told me he had good news and bad news. The good news was that the chemo and radiation had done their job in my Left Lung (which was amazing considering the size of the tumor there). The bad news was that my PET lit up like a Christmas Tree from head to toe. The cancer had spread to my neck, my Right Lung, my stomach, my liver, my bladder, my pancreas and my tail bone. Dozens of tumors.

Of course, the “experts” had many other options for Tippens. 

My thoracic oncologist told me he could put me in a clinical trial that “Would NOT save my life, but the best case scenario might extend my life by a year…or so”

A year (or so) sounds a lot better than 3 months, so I said “Let’s go for it”

Basically, Tippens was told he had exactly a 0% chance of survival.

And then a miracle happened.

Two days after coming home from being told I’ve got 0% chance to survive, I read a post on the OSU sports board that simply said “If you have cancer or know someone who does, give me a shout”

I had known the author of that post (and his sons) for a very long time, so I picked up the phone and called him. He is a large animal veterinarian in Western Oklahoma. What he told me next should have stunned me, but I was fairly numb and not stun-able (new word that should be a word).

He told me a story of a scientist at Merck Animal Health (veterinary side of Merck) that had performed cancer research on mice by injecting different types of cancers into different mice body parts. And this scientist stumbled (trial and error) across a product in their canine product line that was batting 1.000 in killing these different cancers.

He told me that the scientist in question got diagnosed with 4th stage brain cancer and was told “no hope, 3 months to live”. This person decided “what the heck” and started taking the canine medicine. Six weeks later, she was all clear.

I had just been told I’ve got no hope and 3 months to live, so it wasn’t a hard decision for me to take the leap.

As of this posting Tippens remains in total remission, vibrant and healthy. 

Tippens’s Fenbendazole protocol has changed throughout the last few years, with his original protocol that saved his life as follows:

I. Protocol

  •  Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

  •  Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

  •  CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 25mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week)

  • Fenbendazole

    The above three items every day (7 days per week) and the Fenbendazole (300 MILLIGRAMS PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week.

II. Scientific Backing 

The protocol from the important research study Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins is as follows:

The above research study concluded:

Most importantly, our observation that fenbendazole in combination with supplemented vitamins significantly inhibited tumor growth… 

What if the average person had access to the information presented in this article?

Would you share this crucial information with your loved ones if they were afflicted with cancer, even if the captured and criminal FDA did not approve such a protocol? 

After all, what we learned during PSYOP-19 is that the Medical Industrial Complex did everything in their power to destroy all off-patent cures while they deployed their deadly bioweapon injections under the guise of nostrums to a scared witless population that paid for their very own “free” poisoning via theft (i.e. taxes).

Every human being has the natural right to treat themselves how they see fit. And everyone should have access to the information and the drugs that can save their lives.

Thankfully, you can now purchase this miracle drug for your horse, cat, dog, cattle, sheep, and even pet swine. And you don’t even need a prescription.

PetDazole is human-grade pure Fenbendazole. It comes in the standard 150mg tablet. It is significantly less expensive than all other Fenbendazole tablets and powders currently on the market. You get 50 tablets for $79.95, plus shipping.

But it gets even better.

All 2nd Smartest Guy subscribers receive 10% off by using code 2SGPET.

Treat and protect your beloved companions with PetDazole.

And don’t forget to take advantage of the synergistic healing of these products by grabbing a box of PetMectin and a bottle of the powerful nutraceutical VIR-X as well.

Do NOT comply.

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Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

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