Wednesday 20 September 2023


Mat Taylor Provides Summary of Microscopy and EMF Findings from His Experimental Work

This addresses things colloquially called "nanotechnology" in the injectables, environment and food

Mat Taylor is a true natural scientist in the original sense of the word, which does not mean “a PhD from a state accredited university, deeply afraid to think outside of approved narratives in his narrow area of expertise, or else he will not get funding from the gods of NIH”. Science derives from knowledge and earns to understand nature, which has no beginning nor end, and laughs at your artificially defined area of “expertise”. 

I do not have much knowledge of electrical engineering, but I see that this approach to understanding what is going on with covid injections is a valid one. There should be thinking across disciplines and a collaboration between medical and electrical/electromagnetic research communities. 

My preference is not to call this “nanotechnology” (yet) because it is based on optical microscopy observations (not nano-scale). There should be more investigation at the actual nano-scale, and in addition, a chemistry/material science investigation. All of this is very difficult on a very small to no budget by a few volunteers. 

As always, just because I re-post an article or an interview does not mean I endorse everything it says. Use your own judgement. It is ok to agree largely with the direction a person is taking and at the same time disagree with some aspects of it. That’s what critical thinking is all about.

The quote and video links are from David Nixon Substack and website. Please watch this video, especially if you or loved ones are vaccine injured. There are some great insights in it of what you could try. 

Mateo has done a summary of his considerable catalogue of work recently and I am keen for everybody reading this to watch it:

It is available on Bit Shute

or from my website:

Art for today: Old Barn, oil on panel, 9x12 in.

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