Monday 18 September 2023



Bill Gates is sociopathic, hubristic, pedophile billionaire who made his fortune with crappy software, infected with viruses and with built in backdoors for his companions within the Deep State to do as they wish with our personal data. This arrogant know-it-all was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein, having been to his pedophile island dozens of times. He is on that list. His wife divorced him because he is a pedophile. He was the kid always picked last for a baseball or basketball game.

Since he exited Microsoft in 2008, he has spent the last 15 years using his billions to buy off the media, buy off the World Health Organization, and conspire with Schwab, the WEF, and the Davos elite to rule the world. He uses his extreme wealth as a cudgel to get whatever he wants. He believes the world needs to be de-populated and is doing everything in his power to accomplish this task. His father was a huge proponent of eugenics.

His foundation funded Event 201, along with his WEF cohorts, a mere months before they rolled out the covid plandemic across the globe. This dude planned the entire scam, while pretending to be a doctor, despite being a college dropout. By buying the MSM, he had a platform to expound upon the beauty of vaccines. He demanded everyone get jabbed. We now know for a fact these toxic jabs have killed millions, while shortening the life expectancy of millions more. This was his plan all along.

We know he has bought up millions of acres of farmland. He has no intention of farming that land. He just doesn’t want anyone else to farm it and provide food for us lowly eaters. He has released millions of mosquitos in Florida. Why? Now malaria has reared its ugly head in the U.S. Coincidence? He uses his billions to conduct experiments in Africa. He is a powerful pedophile, with a desire to depopulate the planet, and a co-conspirator in the Great Reset, where you will own nothing, live in 15 minute gulag cities, eat bugs, and be happy. Or else.

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