Sunday 10 September 2023


I Will Be Speaking At "New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science And Stop The Silence" Medical Conference For Truth, Justice And Healing - September 16th, 2023

Here is the link: 

New Zealand SOS

I am so honored to have been invited to speak at this medical conference in New Zealand remotely. Over 800 medical professionals have already signed up. The reason this is so significant is because they are allowing and inviting the discussion about nanotechnology and synthetic biology, Darkfield Microscopy live blood analysis and have asked me to discuss my treatment protocols and approach. 

This is phenomenal, given that in the United States there is still a blackout and censorship by mainstream freedom doctors discussing the nanotechnology and subsequent necessary treatment protocols. Many alternative media platform also will not cover this topic, neither will certain organizations with legal representation and activism. Our mainstream medical freedom movement is subject to censorship, compartmentalization and prohibition of freedom of speech, as we have all witnessed publicly. 

This selective silence also affects politicians in a much broader way, who are not even mentioning genocide and crimes against humanity because it is politically too inconvenient - not even coming close to even remotely mentioning nanotechnology. This continued silence in the face of this human catastrophe should be unacceptable to any citizen.

We at National ARM and Ban the Jabs movement are calling for a reveal and confrontation of the pro -genocide political rhinos - who do not care that tens of thousands of Americans were murdered by this bioweapon and millions injured. They just ignore the issue. These politicians who keep silent, cannot adequately represent us. We need to continue to apply political pressure and demand from our representatives to address these crimes and break the silence in the United States. Our representatives must address the political military industrial pharma and regulatory corruption in league with the WEF depopulation agenda. 

This same pressure should affect any medical freedom movement and all alternative media. Doctors and scientists cannot willfully ignore vital information that has been objectively uncovered by scientists around the world and be called representative freedom movement spokespersons. The scientific evidence of self assembly nanotechnology in the C19 bioweapons has been published by scientific groups worldwide and summarized in this 133 page article: What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

Our movement of Truth and Justice will become so revolutionary freeing by informing and educating everyone, that those who continue the silence will become obsolete by their own choice. This includes the self evident issue of nanotechnology and synthetic biology for the modification, surveillance and mind control of humans into Cyborgs. 

I highly recommend everyone check out this New Zealand medical association as a model to break the silence on all topics related to the biological and technological weapons. Get involved with colleagues internationally, because worldwide we will break the denial and censorship. The problems that we no longer ignore and shy away from, we can solve together. New leaders will emerge, who are committed to truth, justice and the preservation of the human species. 

Read the brave letter directed to healthcare providers addressing their fear of loosing their license. 

This development of building parallel systems needs to be accelerated in the United States as well, and new models of medical licensing that honors our Hippocratic oath and respect for life need to be developed. New medical associations that respect and protect our values of doing no harm, informed consent, and regard Nuremberg Codes as international guidepost of scientific ethical standard - need to be started everywhere. Clearly none of the current American institutions like ABIM, FSMB, FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, Medical Boards and commissions do so - and we need to leave them in the dust of yesterday, a shameful criminal decaying memory in human history. Here are some hopeful examples of parallel systems: Professional Wellness Alliance and First Nation Medical Board

I strongly support NZ SOS and hope to see you there. 

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