Sunday 3 September 2023


I AM STARTING A NEW FREEDOM MOVEMENT: Humanity United - For The Preservation Of The Human Species

Image: The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn’s battle speech

After working all day at my clinic to make better the lives of others, I was notified last night by a prominent Christian Truthteller that some people have significant concerns because I am a student at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE). They would not want to be associated with me or interview me if I do not concede to their beliefs. Apparently they are concerned that I am deceived by a demon. And even insinuating that I am possibly cursing people by showing the world what I find in the blood. Wow. 

What’s next, will people call for me to be burned alive at the stake?

They are worried because Ramtha claims that he was a warrior 35000 years ago. 

Yes, that is true, Ramtha is the great Ram of the Hindu people. He was a Lemurian who marched against the people of Atlantis, who just like the transhumanists today worshipped technology. He conquered two thirds of the known world and ascended on the northeast side of the Indus river. He channels through the great American channel JZ Knight. He founded Ramtha’s School of Ancient Wisdom that has as its cornerstones four pillars: 

  1. Behold God 

  2. Consciousness and energy create the nature of reality 

  3. Make known the unknown

  4. Conquer yourself

Ramtha was an icon in the 1980’s but then was viciously attacked by the deep state and the churches, because he taught people that God lives within everyone. He has taught extensively about Jeshua Ben Joseph as an Initiate of the great mystery schools, who was trained in India and Tibet with the great Masters of the White Brotherhood. Ramtha has always taught his students to become Christ Consciousness, meaning instead of thinking Jesus will save you - to do the work to become the Christos within you - all inclusive, all loving, all knowing and one with Source, which is God - the father mother principle. 

The school is not a cult, but an academy of mind. We have been hated for decades because of the disinformation campaign against RSE. We have been called everything you can think of - from baby devouring demons to antichrists. 

We are none of these things. Ramtha has given teachings since 1977 about the days to come which are here. He said to never take a government vaccine, that pandemics will be created so vaccines can be given. He advised to become sovereign, explained who runs the world and what would happen in these final days at the end of time. His legendary predictions can be found in the book : The Last Waltz of the Tyrants . He prophesized the term “The Great Awakening” in the 1980’s as documented in the “White Book”.

Here are Ramtha’s predictions from 1991 about the digital identity technology, the increase in the value of gold, the created and planned pandemic. To say I was well prepared for what is coming is correct. I knew exactly what would happen in these days we live in now for the last two decades. I prepared for it, mentally, spiritually and physically. I also know what the magnificent future holds. We just have to get there. 

I have been a student at the school for 18 years. The disciplines of mind taught at the school literally have saved my life, and I healed myself from ovarian cancer in 2012. I have been the personal physician of the great American Channel since 2018. I have written my autobiography and contribution to the future of medicine for all to see and know in my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity. I do not speak for the school, am not a teacher there and the school has nothing to do with my medical freedom work. 

I say that explicitly so the prejudice against me will not be used to attack the school. Those beautiful souls have taken enough of unfounded hate and resentment over decades. I am responsible for all my actions, all of my writing, all of my words. I seek counsel from no one, nobody influences me. I have put out everything about my life so nothing is hidden. I cannot be blackmailed anywhere, because I have no secrets. I am a divorced woman, I was married to a woman and the love of my life. Now I only love God and I fight for the survival of the human species and the planet. 

Great minds who came to give lectures at our academy include Judy Mikovits, PhD, whom I met for lunch at the time. While she later claimed RSE is demonic, she seemed to enjoy herself while visiting with us. Robert F Kennedy Jr has lectured at the school three times, absolutely brilliant presentations regarding his fight for the environment. Shady Groove of the Matrixx came to speak at the school with permission of General Michael Flynn. They were later attacked for the visit. J T Wilde also came. If the school is so demonic, why would all these people come to visit us? And if people want to cut me out of the freedom movement, are they going to start cancelling the above named too? 

How far does religious discrimination and prejudice go? 

I am a board certified internal medicine physician, with an anti aging practice. I am the CEO and CFO of AM Medical LLC, where I work to heal people and save lives. I am the founder of Tru Blu Medical and my publishing company is Arthema Sophia Publishing

I believe my discoveries on live blood and nanotechnology are extremely important for the survival of the species. My collaboration with Clifford Carnicom has significantly advanced understanding in many areas. I have risked my life, career, livelihood, reputation and everything else you can think of to help the world survive this. Who has the right to dismiss all my work and my beingness? And how righteous are they in the final judgement to do such a thing? There is that saying - before you try to get a stye out of someone’s eye, take the log out of your own. 

I am not afraid of death, the deep state or Satan and his demons. I do not care who you are and what you believe, I respect life and think everyone has a right not to be killed by psychopaths. I personally think Jesus would approve of my work. For those who want me to be saved by Jesus, I tell you I already am redeemed by the God within me. There have been many others who garnered their knowledge from Ramtha and then became world famous by denying who the source of this enlightened information really was. Dr. Joe Dispenza, loved by millions, is such an example. He was a student and teacher at RSE and became famous because he denied it all. 

I am not a coward, nor a deceiver. I will never ever deny my teacher. He helped shape who I am today, and I am forever grateful for the wisdom I have garnered in my education. Fame, popularity, money, fitting into peoples paradigms - is of no interest to me. The future however, and the survival of the human species, is. I believe humanity has a lot of growing up to do, to a more mature and rational species, as reflected in this article. The vibratory frequency of love and absolute truth is above the reach of graphene plasmonic demons. In other words, the artificial intelligence algorithm cannot mind control you in a state of love. Even the CIA admitted, as written by Dr. Robert Duncan, that in a state of enlightenment and love, which absolute truth and transparency is, they have no ability to hack the human mind. 

You are not protected when you tell half truths, or are afraid. You have a kink in your armor that can be easily found and a mind virus inserted. Shame and guilt literally can be detected by their AI supercomputer - aka known as the demi urge - and a mind software virus attached to it. That should be a noteworthy eye opener for everyone. 

My “Humanity United” initiative is for all the people who do not fit in any exclusive religious creed or category. I am very concerned that not only main stream media has a blackout on the nanotechnology information, the medical freedom movement also does and apparently now some Christian news outlets will also not report on my findings because of their prejudice. That is highly concerning, since this information needs to get out to the whole world and be known by billions of people. I would ask them to reconsider the value of my findings for the survival of humanity. 

This discussion is very important and I do not shy away from any such adversity. I believe that mankind needs to unite and stop thinking we are separate. We are all in the same boat. No matter your religious or spiritual beliefs, skin color, sexual preference or language, you and I are on the list of the globalists to be depopulated. In a war, why would you discard a fine warrior because you do not like what they believe? 

I think we need humanity united and all need to have a voice and resist this existential threat. 

My vison moving forward:

  1. We need more of an information network ourselves - so those who are not of a particular religion can get on broadcasts. I will start doing my own interviews again. If anyone has a network station where we can reach to a global audience -contact me. Nanotechnology information is suppressed worldwide. We need to have the infrastructure to reach to large audiences fast, so we can save as many lives as we can.

  2. We need a network of health practitioners who understand the importance of combating nanotechnology and synthetic biology, do or learn darkfield live blood analysis and are willing to explore possible antidotes like EDTA intravenously, since the burden of contamination is visibly increasing exponentially. 

    I was thinking of designing a workshop to show health practitioners what I see under the microscope and how to improve it. I will work on it as time permits.

  3. The undisclosed weaponized nanotechnology via geoengineering and C19 bioweapon as well as other sources is a threat to our planetary biosphere and our species. I am willing to work with any legal team that wants to bring this to court as crimes against humanity. I have a library of evidence catalogued here. 

  4. Spiritual awakening is a most important component to understand who we are fighting against. This is spiritual warfare. Whatever spiritual practice gives you the fortitude to be a Light to the World, I respect and allow that choice and welcome you as my brother and sister. I am honored to fight by your side. 

An Analogy

My favorite movie is “The Lord of the Rings”. In this story, many different people had to unite on the earth because if they did not, they would all die, facing an existential threat to be overtaken by absolute evil. They did not like each other, but they learned to respect each other. I love that movie, and I identify a lot with Frodo carrying the ring of power and getting sickened by it travelling through the wasteland of nanotechnology and synthetic biology and evil transhumanist intentions. Some days I am also like the wizard Gandalf on the bridge telling the Balrog - “You shall not pass.” In moments like yesterday I also feel like Stryder, cast out from humans because of his beliefs and experiences. 

The bottom line of the movie though is in the short clip above. We are under siege. We unite and fight - or perish. 

If you still have any concerns about me regarding what was brought up in this article, kindly hit the unsubscribe button and I wish you well. Do not waste my time with silly conversations questioning my integrity. We have a war to win. Lets go and do it. 

For those who understand the importance of my work and the value of my viewpoints, please share my work as much as you can, so we can get the word out there. 

One of my patients, a former police chief, sent me this: 

George Orwell’s recommendation - “Do not let it happen”. 

- My response: “I will not.”

Thank you and may God bless you all. 

Dr. Ana

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