Friday 8 September 2023


GLOBAL GENOCIDE: Excess Mortality and Covid-19 Vaccinations per Capita Equivalent To A WORLD WAR

Do you still want to inject your baby with this?

One-time or recurring donations can be made through Ko-Fi:

•Countries where the population has received more than 2 shots → High excess mortality (6 to 20%) 

•Countries, where the population has received less than 2 shots → Low excess mortality (-4 to 6%) 

20% excess mortality, is not small – it’s equivalent to a World War 

Do you still want to inject your baby with this?

Sources :
Cumulative Covid Vaccine Doses Per Capita Source: OUR WORLD IN DATA.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data

Crude Excess Deaths per Million (CMR) in % Source: MORTALITY WATCH & MORTALITY WATCH-C
World's Largest Mortality Data Repository! - Mortality Watch

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National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 and the Global Depopulation Agenda


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