Monday 18 September 2023



 In August-September of 2023, the FDA is again repeating the fraud perpetrated on America and the world in 2021 announcing “approval” of the Emergency Use Authorization experimental COVID shots, deceptively called “vaccines” instead of the correct gene therapy description of the new mRNA technology. America, at NO TIME in 2021 or in 2023 have we had available for use a fully FDA-approved “vaccine” for COVID.

Our guest today, USAF (Ret) Col. Tom Rempfer who was a plaintiff in the 2004 successful lawsuit to overturn the unlawful mandate for the investigational Anthrax vaccine, explains in detail how the FDA’s actions in 2021 and 2023 repeat the same actions that violate multiple federal statutes designed to protect Americans –civilians and military—from mandates to use any experimental medicine or vaccine or medical device.  Col. Rempfer explains the parallels between the Anthrax and COVID “vaccine” rollouts and the ways in which laws were knowingly violated by the government in both.

Col. Rempfer discusses the FDA’s own standards that the FDA itself is violating by arbitrarily lowering the standards specified in federal law, waiving good manufacturing practices, safety oversight and full disclosure of ingredients and formula modifications without further testing. We explain the alarming trend for government to deliberately mislead and deceive its citizens about whether there is actually a fully approved COVID shot, instead of being forthright, transparent, candid, honest and truthful. Col. Rempfer’s views expressed in this video are his own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. government at this time.

Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, is a courageous example of a public official speaking truthfully to the public warning about the safety “red flags” with the dangers of the COVID shots.  You can’t afford to miss this informative report – it may help you avoid deadly health consequences from yet another experimental “vaccine.”

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website AND Access our archive of all our shows at Check out medical and legal resources for help at to download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide.  If you have been injured by any vaccine, go to to file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report.

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