Thursday 21 September 2023


Check and Mate!

A Recap of DNA Plasmid Contamination in layman terms and a call to action!

The battle against the corrupt "Safe and Effective" narrative perpetuated by government regulators and the mainstream media is nearing its endgame. While many of us are aware of the toxicity of the mRNA platform and Spike Protein, evidence has been obscured due to those in power controlling the narrative through corrupt academic journals and the “bought and paid for” mainstream media.

However, we're now very close to the endgame because they are trapped in a web of lies and an exposé is imminent.

Let's summarize the situation up until now:

  1. Earlier this year, in February, Kevin McKernan discovered DNA Plasmid contaminations and SV40 promoters in some Pfizer vials that were sent to him. These findings were dismissed by the corrupt narrative as fear-mongering, and the media created a sensational "Green Monkey Virus" story only to debunk it later. This is the common “strawman argument” which is used to drown out real news by poisoning it with some fake details, leaving everyone confused. Kevin didn't find any "Green Monkey Virus"; he clearly explained that it was SV40 promoters, which is a small part of the SV40 virus but not the entire strain.

  2. Several labs replicated Kevin's findings, but the story did not gain traction until Dr. Phillip Buckhaults from the University of South Carolina conducted tests himself. Originally intending to debunk the story, Dr. Buckhaults, who is a supporter of the mRNA platform, confirmed Kevin's findings.

  3. On Sept 14, 2023, Dr. Buckhaults testified in the South Carolina Senate that he reproduced Kevin's findings and found DNA contaminations in some Pfizer vials that exceeded regulatory limits. You can watch the full clip and my commentary on this here.

  4. German Professors Prof Dr. Brigitte König and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kirschner have now replicated the findings in five other Pfizer batches, which also showed DNA contamination well above regulatory limits. [SOURCE]. 

  1. According to Jessica Rose's analysis, the two vials which have DNA contamination levels exceeding regulatory limits by over 200 times is associated with mortality rates of 6.2% and 4.7%. The evidence supports the existence of a causal link between the high DNA contamination and the observed deaths. (Kaboom!)

The presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer vials serves as definitive proof that the experimental Pfizer vaccine does, in fact, contain DNA. This contradicts previous statements made by regulatory bodies, affirming that these products do not alter DNA because they lack DNA content.

Dr. Buckhaults and Kevin McKernan have stated that these findings can be easily replicated by any lab worldwide at a low cost ($100 and 3 hours according to Dr. Buckhaults).

Are we approaching the end game?

So, are we approaching the end game? The ball is now in the regulators' court, and time is running out for them. 

The reason is because many independent labs are currently rushing to replicate these findings, as it is a great opportunity for unknown scientists to make a name for themselves. There is a strong incentive to quickly publish a paper and receive recognition. It's like an academic gold rush to publish groundbreaking research! 

Here's my prediction: in a few months, you will see numerous labs testing multiple Pfizer vials for DNA transfection (i.e., DNA-contaminated plasmids entering human cells). As Dr. Buckhaults testified, these injections will leave a "calling card" in the vaccinated, and it has clear harmful effects (bacterial plasmid DNA integrating into the vaccinated).

Here’s what you can do

As citizens, we have the power to advocate for accountability and transparency. I would like to share a template with you that empowers you to raise your concerns with regulators, ministers, and other responsible individuals. It is crucial that we apply pressure to hold these individuals accountable for their actions. I encourage you to use this template, customize it to your needs, and send it to all your local regulators and politicians as an private citizen. Do not wait for someone else to do it. Cut and paste the below and email them officially, and ask them in their Facebook, Twitter etc. 

Together, we can make our voices heard and ensure that our concerns are addressed. 

Please share this with as many as possible.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Subject: Concerns Regarding DNA Plasmid Contamination and SV40 Promoters in Pfizer mRNA Vaccines

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (Replace this with your local authority)
PO Box 100
Woden ACT 2606


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding recent findings of DNA contamination and the presence of SV40 promoters in Pfizer mRNA vaccines. As a concerned citizen, I believe it is crucial to address these issues for the safety and well-being of the public.

DNA contamination within vaccines is a serious issue, with potential long-lasting effects if integrated into the human genome. Integration of foreign DNA into the genome can disrupt normal cellular functions, leading to genetic mutations. These mutations can potentially contribute to the development of various disorders, including cancer and autoimmune diseases. The incorporation of foreign DNA into the human genome has the potential to alter gene expression, disrupt cellular processes, and compromise the integrity of the genetic code.

Based on recent reports, it has come to my attention that significant findings have been made regarding the composition of Pfizer mRNA vaccines. In February 2023, Mr. Kevin McKernan discovered DNA Plasmid contaminations and SV40 promoters in some Pfizer vials that were sent to him. 

In addition, Dr. Phillip Buckhaults from the University of South Carolina, an advocate of the mRNA vaccine platform, has confirmed the presence of DNA contaminations in Pfizer vials and shared his alarming findings during his recent testimony in the South Carolina Senate. Dr. Buckhaults expressed that investigations must occur before anymore injections take place. 

These DNA Contaminations have also been replicated by German Professors Prof Dr. Brigitte König and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kirschner , which also showed DNA contamination well above European Medical Agency regulatory limits. 
Source: []. 

Given this background, I would like to ask a series of questions regarding the your awareness and actions in response to these issues:

  1. Are you aware of DNA contaminations in Pfizer mRNA vaccines before it came to public attention? If not, I am curious to understand why the TGA[replace accordingly] did not conduct tests for DNA contamination when this issue first arose in February 2023.

  2. If the TGA[replace accordingly] was indeed aware of the DNA contamination, could you please confirm whether the levels of contamination exceeded regulatory limits? Understanding the extent to which the contamination surpasses permissible thresholds is crucial for assessing the potential risks and evaluating appropriate regulatory responses.

  3. Are you aware that the regulatory limits for DNA contamination were originally designed for naked DNAs and not DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, the delivery mechanism of Pfizer mRNA vaccines? Considering the different characteristics and potential effects of DNA when encapsulated, it is important to reevaluate the appropriateness of the current regulatory thresholds.

  4. Are you aware of the presence of SV40 promoters in Pfizer mRNA vaccines? If so, why has the general public not been properly informed of this fact? Transparent communication and disclosure of all pertinent information help to ensure informed decision-making and maintain public trust in regulatory processes.

  5. Additionally, I would appreciate an explanation as to why Pfizer did not include the SV40 promoters in the ingredient list of their mRNA vaccines. Complete and accurate ingredient information allows individuals to make informed decisions about their health and weigh potential risks and benefits.

  6. Lastly, could you please provide clarification on the purpose of SV40 promoters in mRNA vaccines? Understanding the scientific rationale behind their inclusion will enable individuals to better comprehend the intended mechanism and potential effects of the vaccines they receive.

Given the gravity of these potential consequences, I kindly request that the TGA[replace accordingly] thoroughly investigate these concerns and provide a comprehensive response addressing the questions raised above before pushing anymore COVID vaccines. It is crucial that regulatory bodies uphold the highest standards of safety, transparency, and public trust.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I look forward to receiving your response and engaging in a constructive dialogue about these important issues.


[Your Name]

Here are the available options for you to communicate with your local regulatory agencies:

New Zealand



Signing off for now!

Thank you for reading PharmaFiles by Aussie17. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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