Tuesday 12 September 2023


Can I help teach you how to heal? That depends. Can you walk away?

Whenever I have the opportunity to speak and share my research at events and conferences, there is always a Q&A after where I have a chance to talk one-on-one to people. Usually lots.

I deeply value these interactions, but many have felt my exasperation at the questions that come and my continued attempt to provide answers that stick.

Let me make it simple. Are you sick? Without knowing all the details, the symptoms, the ailments, the discomforts, the backstory, I can tell you there is a high likelihood you are suffering from one or both of the following: malnutrition and toxicity. How do I know? Because if you are like me, you face choices every day that contribute to your health or dis-ease. You must continually and vigilantly use your discernment to recognize and walk away from the MAN-ipulated food, air, water, sick-care and all of the other small but significant choices we face daily as we strive for health, as we discern what is of God, and what is not.

Whatever the ailment, We CAN start here, where I start.

  1. Stop the shots. All the shots.

  2. Take these two products, every day.They are food, not supplements.

  1. Take these two classes (the build on each other each other). How can you heal if you don’t understand what health looks like and how to navigate its language and tools? Educate yourself, become a student of God and the immune system he has blessed you with.

  1. Read my latest book. You will truly understand why I don’t stop teaching, sharing, and trying on a daily and hourly basis to share the power we have to honor God and walk away from that which is not from him.

No, we don’t know what’s in the shots. Yes, everyone is getting hit (even the unvaccinated) and yes, there are solutions.

Once this resolve, nutritional foundation and key knowledge are part of your toolkit, you will be amazed at how much healing has been at hand all along. 

Stop all the shots. Build back your immunity. Walk away. 

And then addressing your health will be a completely different conversation.

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