Sunday 10 September 2023


Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford

Since the Rockefellers' attempt at corruption to the tune of $500 billion has failed, the end of the game is approaching.

By Benjamin Fulford

September 4, 2023

Nowadays, reporting on world events once a week is like taking fixed photos of an ongoing train accident. Over the past week, a lot of damage has occurred at a frantic pace.

For Americans and the West, revolution, civil war, permanent slavery or anarchy could occur as early as October, according to multiple sources.

People who support the revolution, the nationalization of the Federal Reserve and the restoration of democracy in the West are not part of the current establishment.

These include people like Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Judge Anna Von Reitz (we received a handwritten postcard from him and can now confirm that he is a real human being and not an AI).

MacGregor was a long-time supporter of Donald Trump who now realizes that he is not the man needed to save the United States.

"People are wrong if they think that if we elect him, he will save us," he says. With Congress, the judicial system is compromised and being "elected" president in the current system makes no sense.

They lead the state ship to the biggest storm in history. Washington's ruling class must disappear, but the question is how to get rid of it. That's what needs to be done.

The American people must understand that the bipartite system is an illusion. Bankers think we will become happy serfs in their plantations.

Those who push for civil war are supporters of establishment candidates such as Donald Trump and Obama's avatar "Joe Biden".

Their mud and right fights against each other dominate the official information cycle.

It is now obvious that only a civil war will solve the situation, unless people realize that they are all actors working for the MK.

A civil war would transform the United States into a mega Ukraine and help to further enslave the American people.

The Khazarian Mafia stages a series of "emergency situations" made from scratch, like a civil war, to try to frighten people and subdue them like farm animals.

These emergencies include a new "pandemic", "climate change", a total nuclear war and an "extraterrestrial invasion".

If none of these forces prevails, anarchy and social collapse are inevitable in the United States and most Western countries. This would be the worst possible alternative.

In any case, multiple events show that things are rushing.

The most important was the failure of a last attempt by the Rockefellers, etc. to stay in power thanks to a $500 billion bribe.

Here is how a CIA source based in North America describes the situation;

"Many members of the deep state were waiting for Rockefeller money today [September 1], but NO ONE received a penny.

They went to various banks around the world and discovered that their accounts were not there or that they had been emptied of their funds - the money collected by the IRS is supposed to go to Rocky's banks, but this is no longer the case.

This is the only way for the United States to float right now - many large boats are likely to sink soon.

Another important and little-publicized event was the division between India and China at the last BRICS meeting on the control of the global financial system. A visible signal is the fact that XI Jinping, the Chinese president, will not go to the G20 meeting to be held this week in India.

The MK licked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi by offering him a cornucopia of promises, including the management of the G20 controlled by the MK.

The Chinese say that the G20 has been replaced by BRICS 11 and that it is therefore useless to attend the G20 meetings controlled by the West. The Russians agree. This is why their presidential avatar, Vladimir Putin, will not participate in the event either.

Things should rush on September 18 and 19, when the UN General Assembly will meet as part of a last-minute initiative by the MKs to use "Agenda 2030" to create a totalitarian global government under their control.

The failure of the Rockefeller's $500 billion corruption attempt means that this agenda is almost certainly doomed to failure.

The fact is that the UN is a private, unelected organization, and that most of the so-called leaders who participate in its events are bribed and blackmailed puppets, note the sources of the Asian secret society.

This is why they interrupted the financing of the UN, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank and other MK-controlled institutions.

The lack of money makes it possible to find actors in the Deep State who, until now, have been trying to remain hidden. This is the case, for example, of a person named

Matthew Hornby contacted the White Dragon Society to ask for help (a huge bribe was offered) to encourage Neil Keenan to collect the gold-backed bonds in his possession.

These are the $134.5 billion in U.S. Treasury bills seized under the Chiasso case in 2009. The people of Hornby also tried to pretend that Keenan was:

THE ONE and ONLY - who is in possession of the sealed Black Book and who, by his predestined superior authority and supreme power over the world's financial systems - including the financial instruments of the Eastern Dragon family.

The problem is that Keenan's colleagues claim that he was murdered in 2014. He was replaced by a Rothschild impostor who did not even know that Keenan had a son in Bulgaria.

Hornby contacted the White Dragon Society because the Asian secret societies asked the Rothschilds to do so. However, the White Dragon Society only negotiates directly with the Rothschilds and not with one of their agents.

In any case, according to the Dragon family, the obligations in question are their property. The original Keenan had vanished with them, they say.

The Rothschilds therefore stole stolen goods and naively thought they could use them to keep control of the global financial system.

Another actor of the Deep State who must be unmasked is Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons. For some reason, Zagami does not mention that Pope Francis was killed in 2020 and replaced by an impostor wearing a mask who receives orders from the Rothschilds. How is this done? Zagami did not respond to an email asking him about this.

Zagami told me, when I met him, that it was his team that put Barack Obama in power. He also said that the P2 Freemasons had created communism.

As noted by Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Obama controls the "clearly cognitively disadvantaged", Joe Biden, who is only "the tip of the iceberg" of the "real corruption" involving Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other Deep State actors.

Since Biden is only an Obama puppet and their actions are clearly communist, this implies that Zagami is involved in supporting Biden's horrible false regime.

In any case, Obama is now unmasked. His brother, Malik Obama, will be interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, September 19. "Is Malik Obama survive until September 19? This is the billion-dollar question, "says a Mossad source. s=46&t=DtI-ALvvgA2qc_6ffPh3NQ s=46&t=DtI-ALvvgA2qc_6ffPh3NQ _=1

Simon Case, Secretary of State in the United Kingdom, is another MK intermediary who tried to remain hidden. Two separate sources from MI6 say that Case and the MK are eavesdropping on the phones of all deputies and senior magistrates.

"The operation is conducted by GO2, based in Vauxhall Cross. The MI6 is powerless to stop them. GO2 (director Sir John Scarlett, involved in Diana's assassination) in turn provides blackmail summaries to Case and the Cabinet Office. Sunak is homosexual, but has not revealed his homosexuality, and GO2 has given Case the contact details of his homosexual partners, "say MI6 sources.

They add that Case and Sunak are aware of "two bribes paid in the amount of €10 million each by the EU to [former Prime Minister] Boris Johnson about the EU withdrawal treaties".

This is why the British Minister of Defence, Ben Wallace, resigned. Sunak replaced him with Grant Shapps and look who is hiding behind him. _=2

As soon as Mr. Shapps' appointment was announced, the British arms company BAE Systems created a legal entity in Ukraine to offer "more direct support" to the country at war with Russia. MI6 says that this is a vast money laundering operation.

According to MI6 sources, it goes without saying that the British army will not follow the orders of Shapps, Case or Sunak.

In any case, Keenan, Zagami and Case are just some of the many people who compete for control of the global financial system. The problem is that they are all Westerners.

The rest of the world wants to replace Western domination with something that truly represents the real world. As Vladimir Putin, avatar of the Russian president, points out, the displacement of the center of economic and political activity outside the West is "a totally objective and inevitable process", which goes beyond the "current global political situation".

Here are some recent signs of this process, particularly evident in Africa.

In Gabon, the military took power after the re-election of President Ali Bongo. _=3

Bongo was an Obama protégé who was celebrated from Washington to Davos. He played a key role in the war waged by the MK against Libya. The huge hiding place of cash found on Bongo is typical of puppet leaders controlled by the MK.

Meanwhile, in Niger, thousands of people gathered in the capital Niamey to ask the former colonizer, France, to withdraw his troops from the country. _=4

This action is part of a revolution throughout Africa against the MK. The map below shows the African countries where the military took power.

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