Monday 11 September 2023


A Doctor Uses the F Word - My Roguski Rant - Your Silence is Consent - Take the Poll and Help Us!

All Responses Appreciated and Needed

I recently conducted a poll on what readers thought of the Maui Fires and based on 126 votes about 90% of you realized they were either man-made or of unknown causes. Only about 6% thought they were naturally occurring. 

Bravo. As a Chemistry Major and Physician, I agree with the 90% - the science is clear they were not natural. You cannot explain the cat not being cremated in a 3000-degree F fire, and you cannot explain where the fuel in the vacant lot came from to create such a hot fire.

Today, I am conducting a new and different poll, and this one is vastly more urgent. I need all hands-on deck, and that means you if you wish to remain living in a free society, the United States of America. 126 votes will not cut it, and if I may be so bold, we all need to not just awaken, we need to act - peacefully of course.

The United Nations is meeting in New York City, and will be casting votes on September 20, 2023, on a Declaration that is essentially like the IHR or WHO Pandemic Treaty. It is a version the UN plans to vote in as a dress rehearsal for the Davos vote.

It sounds like most of my readers agree with me on the cause(s) of the Maui Fires, and I would bet most of you also agree on the cause of unexplained increase in deaths around the world, and I would bet most of my readers also would agree that Repurposed Drugs can cure or greatly assist in cancer treatment, yet corrupt forces have suppressed this life-saving information.

I would also bet most readers are aware the middle class is being targeted economically and squeezed at this time through a campaign of fear and propaganda. My question is what do you plan to do about it? My assumption is that my readers may feel powerless. 

However, there is much you can do, and should, and must do. Remaining silent or paralyzed in fear is the worst thing you can do. 

I wrote a book after my friend got brain cancer, and when I found that curative repurposed drug treatments had been suppressed, I sounded the alarm and spread the word. 

Did it help? Could my tiny unknown book on cancer ever have made a scintilla of difference against Big Pharma? I never imagined that I would meet Dr. George Fareed, Betty Miller - Editor of the Desert Review as a result. I never could have predicted I would meet Dr. Pierre Kory or that Dr. Paul Marik would share my fight and take up the banner of Repurposed Drugs for Cancer in a way I could only have dreamed. When you set out to use your small voice to fight a Goliath battle, you will be shocked at how the universe comes to your assistance and helps level the battle ground. I promise you, each and every one, when you join in this fight, you will experience the help from unknown and powerful sources.

Based on my Maui Fire Poll, 90% of you know the truth, yet remain silent. James Roguski, my friend and colleague has worked his tail off in countless hours to reveal the WHO’s plans to basically enslave all of us with the Pandemic Treaty or IHR. All 330 million Americans, or at least 90% should speak up now and stop this nonsense. 

Dr. Scott Jensen, a man I admire and have dubbed The Soul of Medicine, who has served in the Minnesota Senate and been named the Outstanding Family Physician of the Year in his state, said it as well by repeating this quote:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 

While attributed to Edmund Birk, this quote was repeated by President JFK in a speech he gave in 1961. It is something I did when I wrote my cancer book, and now it means there is something you, the reader, must do in the interests of saving our Republic to ensure freedom of future generations. 

Share Roguski’s “The People’s Declaration” or make your own and share it. Take the poll I attached below and register your objection. Share this post or share Roguski’s post and let as many people know about the pending vote by the UN on September 20th and ask them to oppose it.

I cannot say this any more forcefully than now, although I have written about Roguski and Defunding the WHO many times. I have warned about potential enslavement in previous articles, but the time is now closing in and I must use the F-word. Freedom was not historically popular among Pharaohs, Kings, and Dictators; I guarantee you that the WEF and Oligarchs, if given their way, will not revere it either. However, in 1776 our Forefathers fought a war to gain it. And I will be F’ing damned if it is lost on my watch. 

UPDATE AS OF 09/11/23 at 5:08pmPST. California time. Initial attempts to recast Roguski poll met with glitch. 

So, I posted a new poll. Simply go to Repurposed Drug: Powers and Possibilites Substack and vote on the poll entitled, “Take the Roguski Poll: Recast Poll” and tell the Globalists to stuff it. An alternate poll, an exact duplicate can also be accessed at this link if anyone still finds a glitch.

UPDATE AS OF 09/11/23 at 4:30 pm PST. California time. James Roguski cross posted the article. BRAVO JAMES!

However, the poll did not follow in the cross post due to a Substack Glitch. I am therefore creating this updated poll in real time below that should cross post: Use this poll if the original glitches. We will get your voices heard one way or another!



AN UPDATE AS OF 09/11/23 at 1:00 pm PST. California time.

MY COMMENT: Just an FYI. The "Freedom Caucus" isn't going to save us. It is up to us to save ourselves. 186 people have voted overwhelmingly in favor of withdrawing from The WHO and keeping our healthcare away from Federal and Global Power. Yet these same 186 people are not willing to so much as share this post. Only 5 did so. I am not saying this to criticize or discourage; rather I say this to illustrate James Roguski's point. Your overwhelming silence is deemed your consent; thus you - we - must do more to make your - our voices heard. James Roguski is willing to post his personal telephone number and give all his time for this. Can you please at least help share this post? If you are willing to cast a vote in this poll, please also share with at least one other person. Thank you. Call James Roguski and get involved. His telephone number is +1 310-619-3055. I have spoken with him at length. Have you? It will not cost you any money. But it may cost you your freedom if you do not.

Below is James Roguski’s People’s Declaration:


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