Sunday 13 August 2023


Whistleblower Karen Kingston Flees U.S. Claiming Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Advisor Dr. Robert Malone Ordered a CIA Assassination of Her

by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

Some of our readers have alerted me to an explosive video published by Karen Kingston on her GETTR account on August 6, 2023.

She claims to be video streaming from Mexico, where she said she had gone because it was no longer safe for her to travel in the U.S., because Dr. Robert Malone, who is an advisor to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a current candidate for the President of the United States, had allegedly worked with the CIA to put Karen on a hit list to be assassinated.

Karen Kingston has a Substack Page where she publishes her work, and this is her bio:

As a strategic consultant and biotech analyst, Karen is hired by her clients to ensure that expert doctors (key opinion leaders), attorneys, corporate marketers, board members, and investors are all on the same page in regard to what is being said about a product and a disease state.

She has been brought in to turn around situations where her clients were looking to dissolve strategic business units ranging from $200mm – $350mm because they were facing up to a billion-dollar fine or simply losing too much revenue. One turnaround resulted in a $1B+ exit acquisition strategy for Mallinckrodt.

Her clients have included Pfizer, Medtronic, Allergan, Johnson & Johnson, Thermo Fisher Scientific and many smaller companies. (Source.)

As a former industry insider, Karen can be properly called a “whistleblower,” and most of her recent work has been in exposing the danger and fraud around the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines,” which she refers to as “bioweapons.”

She recently began a campaign in Florida to encourage people to contact their sheriffs and demand that they seize all remaining COVID-19 shots to prevent further death and injury, and she believes that it is this action, which she claims people had begun responding to, that led to her being put on a CIA hit-list.

Her original video is over 40 minutes long, but I have annotated it down to 13 and a half minutes so people can grasp why she is claiming that her life is in danger, as she pleads with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to ask Dr. Robert Malone to call the CIA and stop trying to kill her. This is on our Bitchute channel, and will also be on our Telegram channel.

I do not know whether or not Dr. Malone is guilty of the things Karen is accusing him of, and am simply reporting what she has said, but we do know that Dr. Malone has tried to restrict the free speech of others in the Alternative Media who have criticized him by suing them for millions of dollars. See:

Why is Robert Malone Trying to Censor Debate in the Alternative Media?

I do not agree with everything that Karen Kingston has published regarding the COVID experimental shots (she believes in transhumanism, for example), but she most certainly has an insider perspective on the biotech industry having formerly worked in it.

I have researched some of her past connections, and I recognize one of them as being one of the same organizations that threatened and came after me in 2019 for exposing the Mormon connections in Arizona behind child sex trafficking there.

She most definitely has worked for the enemy in the past.

She would not be the first Big Pharma whistleblower to “die suddenly,” if what she is reporting is true. See:

Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Found Dead Inside Her Own Home as Police Open Investigation

What is especially concerning to me in the video above, is her statement that many people in the Alternative media have reportedly contacted her and tried to get her to stop criticizing Dr. Malone, including film producer Mikki Willis, Children’s Health Defense, and Mike Adams of Natural News.

Karen reports that she was interviewed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in November of 2022 regarding the DOD contracts with Pfizer, and that he has refused to publish that interview.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies about Big Tech Censorship while Raking in $Millions from Big Tech Supporters to his Campaign

Background image source. RFK Jr. and Musk image source.

One of the things that Karen Kingston says that I wholeheartedly agree with, is that we need to stop trusting in these so-called “leaders” of the “Health Freedom Movement.”

What amazes me is how easily so many jump on bandwagons to support these “leaders” simply because they are saying things that they like to hear, while completely ignoring that person’s past history and actions.

Elon Musk is one of the latest to be embraced for “free speech”, even though he has complied with Government requests for censorship at a higher rate than Twitter’s previous CEO, Jack Dorsey, both of whom now support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign.

Freemason Elon Musk Rebrands Twitter to “X” – New “Everything App” is the Goal

RFK Jr. reportedly lives in Los Angeles County now, and here is what his home city’s news organization reported about him:

Column: The tech elite’s embrace of RFK Jr. is a grim omen for Silicon Valley’s future

Silicon Valley’s archetypal hero is the founder of humble beginnings — he who, through grit, sweat and genius, unleashes a world-changing idea from his garage.

It’s hard to imagine someone more antithetical to that formula than a scion of the most powerful political dynasty in the nation. Yet Robert F. Kennedy Jr., … is the toast of the town among the elite tech set.

He’s been championed by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, promoted on a live audio event hosted by Elon Musk, and embraced by the venture capitalist podcasters David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya, who not only endorsed Kennedy for the Democratic nomination, but also threw him a fundraiser.

LimeWire creator Mark Gorton set up a super PAC with $500,000 that has been buying up newspaper ads for the candidate. (Full article.)

Politico reported that Kennedy’s Super Pac brought in over $6 million in July, and that his best day of fundraising last month was when he appeared before a House subcommittee testifying about Big Tech censorship.

A super PAC supporting the presidential ambitions of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. raised $6.47 million in July from a mix of major donors from both parties, according to a press release from American Values 2024 on Monday. About $5 million of that haul came during his testimony in front of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

American Values 2024 boasts the support of former Donald Trump megadonor Tim Mellon, Democratic Party donor Abby Rockefeller, and Gavin de Becker, a security consultant and author close to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, according to the press release. (Full article.)

Why does Kennedy get such a free pass in the Alternative Media? (He has refused to be interviewed by me in the past.)

With all the names being exposed in the media these past few months during the Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Islands lawsuit against Chase Bank and those who were part of the pedophile’s business network, why has no one asked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about his past dealings with Jeffrey Epstein? See:

Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024

I have had people email me and complain about my writing about Kennedy’s past, including his sex diaries, heroine addiction, etc. Some have scolded me and told me that all that happened in the past, and that Kennedy is a reformed person, and that we are told to forgive people.

When Skyhorse Publishing, whom I have done business with for years now, sent me a complimentary copy of the book “The Real RFK Jr.” by Dick Russel, I went directly to chapter 8, which is titled “A Personal Breakthrough.”

Maybe this chapter will document his “come to Jesus” moment, I thought.

But no, he gives a lot of credit for beating his sex and drug addictions to psychologist C.G. Jung, one of the founders of Alcoholic Anonymous.

When I did a search for “Epstein,” it returned zero results.

As I previously wrote, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has never before held an elected office, because he was always considered “unelectable” due to his past sex and drug addictions.

He was even considered too controversial to serve as Obama’s administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, because he said that global warming skeptics should be treated as “traitors.” (Source.)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is, to my knowledge, the only member of the Kennedy family that admits that the CIA was responsible for the deaths of his father and uncle.

He, more than almost anybody, should know full well that Presidents and other politicians do not run this country without the approval of the CIA.

So if by some chance this Big Tech sponsored candidate does actually become “elected” to hold the office of the President of the United States, it will probably only be because the CIA is on his side and controlling him.

Sheriffs Will Not Save America

While I applaud Karen Kingston’s courage to try and actually do something about the mass murderers who are committing genocide in the U.S. through Big Pharma and Government, there is one point where I think Dr. Malone is correct: Pfizer will never be convicted in a court of law – although NOT for the reasons Malone allegedly states.

It is because the Globalists who control this country also own the courts, and unless Americans take control over the judicial system, there will never be justice in a court of law. See:

Justice for Sale – Why the Criminals Running the U.S. Will Continue to Operate Until the Corrupt Judicial System is Replaced

And of course with no hope for legal remedy in the courts, sheriffs are powerless to do anything.

If you look at the power structure graphic above that someone created, you will see that even politicians are not at the top of the chart. They are in the third tier, and sheriffs and other local law enforcement are below that.

No, I am sorry to break this news to you America, but the chance the public had to “take back” America died in 2020 and 2021.

It died the day everyone decided to obey the government to stay home and only go outside if they were wearing a mask.

It died the day everyone complied with COVID vaccine mandates as a condition to stay employed.

And it died when people decided to go to Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021, hoping their savior Donald Trump would start an insurrection and call out the military and “drain the swamp.”

Sorry America. It’s too late. You already made your choices.

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