Tuesday 22 August 2023


The vaccine genocide is killing and maiming hundreds of millions of people; while also creating population blocs with unprecedented mental illness

August 21, 2023

This blogger acknowledges that the United States was founded on violence, rape, manipulation, degeneracy and human trafficking. Granted there is bias from a Generation X writer. But the late 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s was the closest the U.S. ever came to its advertised “all men are created equal,” “land of opportunity,” etc. selling points.

Government-sanctioned murders and looting were vastly curtailed after the 1960s. There was no war for the most part from the late 1970s until 1991. Television was wholesome. The vast majority of Americans still had God in their lives, and lived in father-mother-married households.

This blogger has ruffled a lot of feathers in the past for repeatedly saying and standing by his declaration that so-called “integration” in the 1960s was the worst thing to ever happen to Black Americans, and was nothing more than a manipulative economic and social boon for White-owned corporations and the powers-that-be (“TPTB”).

The statistics and truth speak for themselves therein (copied from an article on The OP-NAT EYE):

It is what it is. That being said, this blogger would never trade his upbringing, his lifelong friends and/or the greatest loves of his life for anything in this world. We are the United States. And even with this country being severely flawed, we all learn so much and create so many memories with one another.

It’s no coincidence the following song came out in 1982, and was a global #1 hit that year. But then decades later, it’s now a hated songthat is classified as “woke” in 2023 because of the aforementioned devolution of the world today.

The 20 years from 1975 to 1995 notwithstanding, the U.S. has always had problems. It was 75 years ago, on August 4, 1948, when the Chicago Herald-Americanpublished this photo of Lucille Chalifoux selling her four children.

Lucille Chalifoux and children Lana, 6; RaeAnn (“RuthAnn” in some publications), 5; Milton, 4; and Sue Ellen, 2 years old. PHOTO CREDIT: Bettman, The Vidette-Messenger/Rare Historical Photos.

RELATED: Original Depopulation: Lax state laws facilitate free-for-all abortion, fetus trafficking industry, with big food, pharma corporations as most loyal customers (July 22, 2023)

Mrs. Chalifoux, 24, was pregnant with her fifth child in this photo. But husband Ray, 40, had just lost his job as a coal truck driver, and the couple didn’t want the stress of feeding five children. The photojournalist captured Mrs. Chalifoux covering her face in shame. The full story is crazy. But all of the five children were ultimately sold for as little as $2 each, with most of them sold into labor and sex slavery.

Mrs. Chalifoux ended up having four more kids after selling her first five kids. She kept the last four kids. It was apparently legal to sell your kids in 1948 since there were never any repercussions for the seller or the buyers. Social services allowed Mrs. Chalifoux to keep her last four (of nine) kids despite selling the first five. It was a real-life version of “The Color Purple” except the latter is a movie and was a period drama that took place right at the turn of the 20th century – 40-plus years earlier.

So again, the U.S. has always been messed up, with messed up people. Thus Americans have no right or position to speak negatively of other countries, their people, and their f-ed up-ness. But now there is more than ample proof that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections negatively effect people’s personalities. Some end up with dementia-prions type conditions, while others go as far as committing suicide.

This is the age of social media, and people definitely do things solely for attention and clout. But some of this stuff has to be caused by post-injection psychosis.

Japanese man spends $14,000 to become a dog

He goes by the name Toco, and refuses to reveal his real name out of fear that friends and family will think he’s nuts (ya think?). The Japanese man paid a company called Zeppet $14,000 to make a costume that could “fulfill his dream of becoming a dog.”

He first debuted the suit on his YouTube channel (again, social media clout?) in April 2022. The video garnered 3.4 million views as of publishing.

RELATED: Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials; country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (September 1, 2021)

But his latest video, published on July 21, has already received 7 million views. The man went out in public in the dog suit, and interacted with people and other dogs while on a leash held by German television station RTL reporter Karolina Kaminska. The funniest part is that you can tell the other dogs knew it was not a real dog.

This could all be for money and clout. The dog suit YouTube channel now has 54,000 followers, and generated at least $35,000 in ad revenue from the foregoing video. He hasn’t posted a new video since the last one, which also garnered a 1.6 dislike to 1 like ratio. But the man told several media outlets that he’ll keep doing it because the dog suit “makes me happy and other people happy, too.”

For the record, 82% of Japanese people have received at least one lethal injection, according to government data.

German woman is a “Objectum Sexual” and wants to marry a toy Boeing 737

Sarah Rodo resides in Dortmund, Germany. The 23-year-old “came out” as an “objectum sexual” in 2022. That means she is sexually attracted to inanimate objects. Rodo was previously in love with a toy train, according to The U.S. Sun. But today she owns over 50 replica Boeing 737 model airplanes, with one special one named Dicki. She wants to marry the toy someday, but says she can’t because it’s illegal in Germany.

Bodo has a total of 11,000 followers between Instagram and TikTok.

British twins spend $200,000 on surgeries to make themselves “look like Barbies”

The following photo is British twins Daisy and Dolly Simpson circa 2015.

Here is Daisy…

…and Dolly…

… in Instagram photos this month. Addiction to plastic surgery is nothing new. Those Kardashian people have normalized it (more on that later). Joan Rivers still semi-looked like her normal self in 1990 at age 57 versus when she passed away in 2014 at 81.

 Ms. Rivers got carried away because she was aging. Daisy and Dolly Simpson, both only 26 years old today, said they first got lip fillers at age 18 because of “insecurity.” They were both strippers in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham until so-called COVID-19 shut down all the bars in 2020.

They both traveled to Romania for labiaplasty procedures (which means they took several nasal swab tests to travel) and then got breast implants in the summer of 2020. Their goal was not only to look like twin Barbie dolls, but also to launch their OnlyFans pages since they could no longer work in strip clubs due to lockdowns.

RELATED: Forgotten victims: countless people suffering adverse effects after PCR nasal swab “tests” which are no longer authorized for COVID testing (April 19, 2022)

They’ve both since had rhinoplasty (nose jobs), Brazilian butt lift surgeries, lots of botox injections; chin, cheek and jaw surgeries; and veneers for their teeth. They’ve spent a total of £160,000 ($203,000) on all of their procedures…all allegedly financed by stripping and OnlyFans income.

Their mother, Ms. Christina Simpson, appeared to hold back tears when discussing all of her daughters’ plastic surgeries on ITV’s This Morning show on October 4, 2021.

Both women have indicated that they are far from done with plastic surgeries. Larger breasts are next for both of them.

Arizona woman chronicles testosterone therapy, breast removal surgery

Perfect transition (no pun intended). We assume her name is Ainsley. That information is not publicly available. But she is 21 years old, goes by “Ainsdawg” on TikTok (117,000 followers), and is a student at the University of Arizona in Tucson. This was Ainsley in 2020 at age 18.

The following short, yet highly disturbing TikTok video published on June 21, shows you what Ainsley has been up to since that time.

Ainsley, who identifies as a “pansexual trans man” and uses the pronouns “he/him,” is scheduled for breast removal (“top”) surgery on September 1.

The surgery costs $1,350, and was fully financed by a GoFundMe campaign.

This blogger highly recommends the book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier, especially if you have teen and preteen daughters.

CNN provides lesson on “neopronouns”

Forget men wanting to be called “she/her” and women wanting to be called “they/them.” We won’t be linking the CNN article, as to not insult our readers’ intelligence. But here’s the headline…

…and here are a few quotes from the article:

xe/xyr (commonly pronounced zee/zeer). [Use in sentence]: I asked xyr to come to the movies. Xe said yes!”

fae/faer (commonly pronounced fay/fair). [Use in sentence]: Fae told me that faer best friend is in town this week.”

There are also “nounself pronouns” and “xenogenders,” according to The Human Rights Campaign, the same organization that provides us the valuable statistic that 95%-plus of homosexuals in the U.S. are at least triple-vaxxed.

TPTB facilitate, enable and reward mental illness for easier manipulation, self-deletion

The COVID Blog® first mentioned pop star Britney Spears in July 2022. Spears, 41, received at least one injection in April 2021. This woman was already out there, if you will, before the shots. But her antics lately are just…

Spears and then-boyfriend Sam Asghari, 29, announced they were pregnant on April 11 , 2022. A miscarriage was announced on May 14, 2022. The two got married on June 19, 2022, but not before signing a prenuptial agreement that pays Asghari nothing if the marriage lasted less than two years. It lasted 14 months.

All the he said/she said typical divorce stuff immediately commenced. Allegations of Spears being physically abusive and cheating on Asghari with the house help are already floating around.

Asghari posted (and then deleted) his humble, level-headed announcement of the divorce via Instagram on August 18.

Spears responded with…well, judge for yourself. She wrote the following and posted the video along with it (the same type of video that her two teenage boys said embarrass them), and shared it with her 42 million adoring fans on Instagram.

We’re not here to take sides in a trashy celebrity divorce. But unless Asghari has the greatest divorce lawyer in the world who can nullify a seemingly solid prenup, then Asghari has absolutely nothing to gain from this (except maybe a tell-all book when the divorce is final). But Spears is considered the 89th most-famous pop star of all-time by some measures, and is worshiped like a deity by 30-something men and women all over the globe. She is to Millennials as Taylor Swift is to Gen Z.

RELATED: India: three popular singers die in 10-day stretch, including one who collapsed and died on stage, as the country continues using celebrities to push “vaccines” (June 10, 2022)

TPTB enable and facilitate Spears’ unhinged, erratic behavior because it epitomizes single, zero accountability adulthood. It allows tens of millions of young people to live in vicarious fantasy worlds of mammon and as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” (note: the real term by American author John Steinbeck is “temporarily embarrassed capitalists“).

We talked about Kardashians already. Kim has 363 million Instagram followers – 9 times more than Britney Spears. This woman had the nerve to arrange for the California DMV to open only for her so she should take a “glam” driver’s license photo.

There’s no indication that the DMV workers were tipped or even paid overtime for the extra hours. But from the sound of Kardashian fans and haters, it was none of the above. Many people wouldn’t even know that the following photo is Bruce Jenner and the Kardashians before they all became plastic surgery addicts.

Point is that people emulate their idols. This entitled, disconnected-from-reality society is the result of idolatry. And now 80%-plus of humanity has been genetically-modified with the installation of transhumanism software. Depopulation is a lot easier for TPTB when idols shepherd vast swaths of lambs to their own slaughters or suicides.

When this blogger was a child, songs like “We are the World,” (1985) “Dear Mr. Jesus” (1987) and “Self-Destruction” (1989) were international, national and regional hits, respectively.

International pop stars got together to help feed starving children around the globe. Every big-name West Coast rapper got together to help stop the violence in Black communities. And a then-unknown Christian music group made “Dear Mr. Jesus” to address child abuse in the U.S. All of said songs made people want to be better people, to help others.

These days music, television and social media are toxic, divisive, narcissistic and self-aggrandizing. Add mRNA and viral vector DNA injections to the mix, and you get a population of people mutilating their bodies for money and/or mental illness, having sex with toy airplanes, and wearing dog costumes in public when it’s not Halloween. And because society rewards and facilitates this kind of behavior, millions of people do it.

Most vaxxed people know they are going to die at any moment. We are all going to die. But GMO humans recognize all these young people spontaneously dropping dead and/or falling asleep and never waking up, even if they publicly live in denial. Perhaps all the global lunacy is because people just don’t care anymore. They know they screwed up and can’t reverse it. Might as well be rewarded with social media clout and a little pocket change on their ways out.

Everyone featured in this article is a products of social media and vaccines. Limit and monitor your kids’ exposure to these toxic platforms if they get on them at all. It’s just as bad to wake up to your 12-year-old daughter’s corpse in her bed, as it is for your son to come home from summer camp with his testicles surgically removed.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.

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