Wednesday 23 August 2023


Russia will not negotiate peace with current US regime

The US and Western authorities are trying to start peace negotiations with Russia over Ukraine and elsewhere. The Russians -for good reason- do not trust the current Western leadership. “The problem, however, is that the United States has no intention of ending the conflict,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explains, noting that “their officially declared objective is to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia.”

Russian FSB sources and Asian Secret Society sources say that as much as they would like to reach a peace agreement with the West, centuries of broken promises and ignored treaties mean the current Western leadership is not trusted.

In a recent example, Western leaders like former German Chancellor Angela Merkel say they deliberately deceived Russia over the 2014 Minsk Agreement in order to buy time to build up the Ukrainian military. Their plan was/is to conquer Kazakhstan, re-establish the Khazarian empire and destroy Russia, multiple sources agree.

The Russians know they are dealing with Satan-worshipping religious fanatics who can only be stopped, not reasoned with. In other words, the only solution they see to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine is regime change in the West.

The non-Western BRICS alliance leaders will be meeting this week in person for the first time in three years to discuss exactly such a change. Chinese President Xi Jinping will go to Johannesburg, South Africa to “join other BRICS leaders to discuss…the international community.”

However, the real agenda will be the “liberation” of Africa and France. The BRICS realize ending the theft of African resources by KM-controlled countries, in particular France, will lead to the overall collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule.

This was seen in an African Russia summit held in Moscow before the BRICS meeting where African leaders thanked Russia for liberating them from US, French and UK oppression by singing the Russian anthem and saying farewell to the West, Polish intelligence reports. It also comes as about 50 other countries have applied to join BRICS including Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc.

Russia has also used their victory in the Ukraine war as a huge weapons marketing tool by staging an arms fair whose central theme was “the process of establishing a multipolar world order.” Last week over 800 representatives from 76 countries and 82 corporations attended this event. In a sign of just how good the Ukrainian war has been for the Russian arms industry, the number of visitors to their arms fair was almost three times higher than the previous such event. Furthermore, no Western countries were invited this time. “Today, all companies, all countries taking part in the exhibition take into account the experience of the latest development, including in the zone of the special military operation,” Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told the visiting delegates.

As Tass reports: Russia is open to military and technical cooperation on equitable terms with all countries that are seeking to defend their sovereign interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday in remarks at the opening of the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum outside Moscow.

This is not just talk either. A serious military campaign is now unfolding in Africa and Asia that could decisively tip the scales against the current Western leadership.

The crisis now unfolding in Niger is expected to be just the first in a series of planned events. “Niger is the base of many of the military and intelligence operations for the Pentagon” in Africa, says Abayomi Azikiwe. an editor at the Pan-African News Wire.

The overthrow of the pro-Western regime there is a potentially mortal blow to France since Niger is the source of most of the Uranium France needs to keep its nuclear power generators going.

In what is likely a related move, the French army general appointed by Emmanuel Macron to oversee the reconstruction of the fire-ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral has apparently been thrown off a cliff. Mountain gendarmes discovered the body of Jean-Louis Georgelin, 74, the former chief of the defense staff after he failed to return to a mountain refuge on Friday.

French sources say the removal of this general is part of a move to oust the entire regime of KM stooge Emanuelle Macron, certainly, Macron showed his upset with the death of his general by tweeting “With the death of General Jean-Louis Georgelin, the nation has lost one of its great soldiers, France one of its great servants.”

The Macron regime is even more threatened because the new government in Niger is putting a stop to a planned project to send natural gas by pipeline to France and the EU from Nigeria via Niger.

A hike in French energy prices caused by the lack of uranium, gas and other resources from Africa is bad news not only for the KM slave Macron, but for his KM masters elsewhere.

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, war criminal and KM honcho Victoria Nuland rushed to Niger to try to persuade, bribe and threaten the new leadership. The threats included a cut off of “financial assistance,” a blockade and military intervention.

However, seeing what Nuland and her partners in crime have done elsewhere, she was sent packing after only being allowed to talk to junior officials.

“Niger is not attracted by the fate of Ukraine, formerly the most successful Soviet republic, and now a beggar with a destroyed economy and an eternal outstretched hand,” according to an FSB source.,-US-meddling-

The fall of Niger means that France is losing control over a $500 billion per year “colonial tax” it gets from 14 African “former French colonies.” This process allows France to appropriate around 85 percent of the former colonies’ annual income.

When counties like Guinea tried to become truly independent of France, the departing French took all their property with them. They also destroyed anything which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings, cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments and tractors. In addition horses, cows and other farm animals were killed and food in warehouses was burned or poisoned. That is why other French colonies caved into continued French rule.

This time though, Russians and Chinese as well as the rest of the BRICS are all working together to liberate Africa.

In other words, if the French or even the Pentagon try to move against the new government in Niger, they will be facing Russian and possibly Chinese troops.

The Chinese, by the way, appear to have all sorts of new secret weapons they will be able to deploy in any possible war. For example, this video shows Chinese workers using laser guns to trim trees. This is technology that not long ago was considered science fiction. If gardeners are now openly using this technology, imagine what’s hidden from us?

Not only that, new anti-KM military/economic campaigns are about to start or have already started in

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