Saturday 12 August 2023


Moscow to give Africa more unproven “vaccines” that nobody wants or needs

Riley Waggaman

The Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, held in St. Petersburg at the end of July, was by all accounts a smashing success.

The biggest names in Africa-related economics and humanitarianism were there, including Russia’s leading philanthropist:

(How is it that Mr. Prigozhin is mingling with Africans at a swanky hotel in St. Petersburg, while Igor Strelkov—who denounced Prigozhin as a traitor, and described Wagner’s “March on Moscow” as an act of treason—is sitting in pre-trial detention in Moscow?)

But the 2023 Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum was not just an opportunity for warlords to exchange tips and tricks.

Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko and Gamaleya Center Director Alexander Gintsburg were at the conference to take advantage of the free snacks and open bar, and also to champion closer clot-shot ties between Moscow and Africa.


The deployment of “new vaccines” was one of many “promising areas for cooperation”, Russia’s health minister explained to the conferencegoers:

Another promising area is the supply of vaccines. This is the already proven yellow fever vaccine, the Ebola vaccine produced by our Gamaleya Center [which was barely tested and not even remotely proven — RW], which also developed the Sputnik vaccine [whose clinical trial results were declared a “trade secret” and withheld from the public— RW]. The Sputnik vaccine itself was supplied to more than 70 countries [Approved by. Usage varied wildly — RW], and according to the responses of the Ministries of Health, it proved to be the most effective vaccine that protects against deaths and the spread of infection,” [Source: Mikhail Murashko’s pea-sized noodle — RW] said the Head of the Russian Ministry of Health.

If Sputnik V is the safest and most effective clot-shot ever invented to prevent the spread of positive PCR tests, why on earth did the Russian government team up with AstraZeneca to create COVID vaccine “cocktails”, and why did Gamaleya announce last year that it was developing an mRNA COVID injection? Why would you need to make another COVID “vaccine”, if Sputnik V is already rainbows and unicorns in a vial?

But one must admire Murashko’s hutzpah: Sputnik V deliveries to Africa have been mired by allegations of brazen corruption and various scams.

(In Ghana, the government tore up a contract to procure Sputnik V through a middleman who was reportedly charging $19 per dose, which is almost double the normal price. Kenya experienced similar issues with Sputnik V doses being provided through the “private sector”. The Russian Direct Investment Fund allegedly gave an Emirati royal exclusive rights to resell Sputnik V to third world countries at a huge premium.)

Murashko had even more good news for Africa: The Gamaleya Center cooked up an updated Sputnik V slurry (Sputnik VI?), and this magical elixir is purportedly being tested as I type these words.

source: RIA Novosti

So the clinical trial results for the original Sputnik V have been withheld (probably forever), but Russia’s Health Ministry is still marching forward with a new study for a new and improved Sputnik V? Yes, this is the Scientific Method.

Order of Alexander Nevsky recipient Alexander Gintsburg had similarly exciting vax developments to share with TASS on the sidelines of the Africa forum: Sputnik V is going full-nasal because The Virus could return at any moment! Baby nostrils get first priority, obviously:

“The intranasal vaccine [against coronavirus infection] <…> must be adopted <…> by all age groups, but we should begin with the youngest age group, for which there is no vaccine at all. For [children ages] 0-6 there is no vaccine against COVID. As we understand, at any moment [it] may be needed—no one knows how the evolution of [the virus] will go. Therefore, this vaccine is needed,” Gintsburg said, answering a question from TASS.

Speaking earlier at the summit, Gintsburg said that Gamaleya scientists are ready to develop an intranasal COVID vaccine for children under the age of six.

“Why intranasal for this younger group? Because this intranasal, on the one hand, does not have any ‘side effects’, as we saw in the ‘older’ groups. On the other hand, for children and especially for their parents, intranasal administration is different psychologically than an injection—although the effectiveness is the same,” he explained in an interview with reporters.


Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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