Tuesday 22 August 2023


Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) AKA Electronic Harassment Weapons, is the Invisible Predator (VIDEO) - American Media Group

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Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!none

In an age where the truth is suppressed and masked by layers of deception, the spotlight is now on one of the U.S. government’s most covert technologies: Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs). The recent events in Maui might just be the tipping point for this clandestine narrative. Hold onto your hats, folks. We’re about to unmask a conspiracy that has been decades in the making.

VIDEO:  Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) AKA Electronic Harassment Weapons

Throughout history, great empires have always had secret weapons—tools and technologies that remained hidden from the public eye, only to be unveiled when the time was right. But what if the U.S. government has had a weapon, not just for a few years, but for DECADES? A weapon so powerful that it can target specific coordinates on Earth’s surface and deliver unparalleled destruction? Enter the realm of Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) or, as some refer to them, Electronic Harassment Weapons.

DEWs: An Introduction to the Invisible Predator

Often buried in the annals of classified information, hidden from public scrutiny, the DEWs are a reality we cannot ignore. From the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) that targets victims with painful auditory frequencies, to the spine-chilling Ultra-Sonic Frequency Canon that can manipulate human behavior – the world of DEWs is vast, unsettling, and unfortunately real.

WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About

But what really sends shivers down one’s spine is the idea of Energy Lasers from Space, a piece of technology straight out of a science fiction narrative. Picture this: with just a set of coordinates, an operator on the ground, perhaps even thousands of miles away, can command a satellite in space to shoot down a high-energy laser to any location on the planet’s surface. And this isn’t new tech, it has existed quietly in the U.S. Government’s arsenal for decades, raising eyebrows and concerns amongst the few who are privy to its existence.

The Tools in the Arsenal

You might be familiar with some fancy terms like LRAD or Ultra-Sonic Frequency Canon. But do these terminologies sound too science-fictional? They shouldn’t. These are not figments of a paranoid mind but real, tangible tools in the U.S. government arsenal.

  1. LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device): A device that sends out high-powered sound waves. It can disperse crowds or even incapacitate individuals. Its shrill sound is enough to deter any adversary.
  2. Ultra-Sonic Frequency Canon: Sounds futuristic, doesn’t it? This is a tool that uses ultrasonic waves, waves that are beyond the range of human hearing. But just because we can’t hear them doesn’t mean they can’t affect us.

But the jewel in the crown? Energy Lasers from Space.

A Fiery Testimony: The Maui Fires

To the unsuspecting eye, the Maui fires were just another unfortunate event, another blip in the endless news cycle. But those with discerning eyes and an understanding of the world’s undercurrents saw it for what it was: a glaring display of DEW technology.

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This isn’t just speculation. This is connecting the dots. You enter the coordinates of your target, and within seconds, an energy laser is beamed down from a satellite to Earth. It’s surgical, it’s precise, and it’s deadly. But why Maui? Why now?

Maui, often revered as the heart chakra of the world, is not just a geographical location. It’s a spiritual epicenter. An unprovoked invasion on Hawaii is more than just an attack on a location. By targeting the heart chakra of the world, they are symbolically ATTACKING THE COLLECTIVE HEART OF HUMANITY. Is this a show of power? Or a deeper, more sinister game?

DEWs: Not Just Physical, But Astral

Most people believe wars are fought in the physical realm. But true power lies beyond. DEWs, with their unmatched capabilities, don’t just operate in the physical. They also transcend boundaries and operate in the astral realm. Think about that for a moment. If a weapon can target you not just physically but spiritually, what defense is left?

Why Now?

This technology has been around for DECADES. It has been hidden in plain sight, with whispers and murmurs surrounding it but never concrete evidence. But like all secrets, they eventually see the light. The Maui fires could very well be a mere demonstration—a show of strength to cow the world into submission.

Diving Deeper: What’s at Stake?

This isn’t just about covert weapons or hidden agendas. It’s about the very fabric of our society, our freedom, our spiritual well-being. If a force can attack our collective heart, what’s next? Our collective soul?

As we peel back the layers of this conspiracy, we have to ask: who stands to gain? What is the endgame? We might not have all the answers now, but with every revelation, every connection we make, we get closer to the truth.

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Wake up, world! This isn’t science fiction. This isn’t a dramatic reenactment. This is real, and it’s happening right now. We must unite, not just as nations, but as humanity, to confront and challenge the powers that wield these harbingers of destruction.

As we stare into the abyss of this new era, we must not blink. The truth is our weapon, and together, we can dispel the shadows that seek to envelop us.

APOCALYPTIC! Sailboat Video Documents Lahaina’s Orchestrated Firestorms

The following once confidential intel report was sent to the the Maui Massacre Investigation Team for dissemination.

For everyone’s information, whenever highly classified information and data like this is allowed to be leaked, it because the perps at the very top of the black operation want the public to know about it.

This is their way of telling every single political leader in America, and beyond, that they can incinerate your jurisdiction, too, should you stray from the New World Order reservation. In other words, non-compliance with the globalist agenda will be dealt with severely and swiftly as follows.

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/operation-incinerate-lahaina-secret-details-of-the-shock-and-awe-execution-plan-gladio-style-darpa-directed/

Also: Direct Energy Attack on the Innocent People of Maui, Hawaii: The Silent Warfare – BOOST THIS VIDEO!!! – https://amg-news.com/breaking-direct-energy-attack-on-the-innocent-people-of-maui-hawaii-the-silent-warfare-boost-this-video/

Related: The Inferno of Secrets: How the Deep State Wields Power – Why Hawaii? And Why Now? – https://amg-news.com/the-inferno-of-secrets-how-the-deep-state-wields-power-why-hawaii-and-why-now/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

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