Sunday 13 August 2023


Color Revolutions: How the Biden Regime and Victoria Nuland Overthrew Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan

PM Imran Khan shows the March 2022 Pakistani diplomatic cipher in which the US demands his ouster April 2022

The Biden Regime is behind the overthrow of Pakistan’s democratically elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, explosive diplomatic cables reveal. Revolver News’ Darren Beattie charges that Color Revolution insurrectionist Victoria Nuland, who is also to blame for the Ukraine Coup 2014 and the current horrific war, orchestrated the coup.

On March 7, 2022, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Donald Lu and Deputy Assistant Secretary Lesslie Vigueri met with Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S. Asad Majeed Khan in Pakistan House in Washington D.C., and threatened U.S. sanctions unless Prime Minister Imran Khan is ousted. The Pakistani side comprised Deputy Chief of Mission Syed Naveed Bokhari and the defense attaché, The Dawn reports.

The next day, March 8, the Pakistani National Assembly voted to remove Khan.

On March 27, Imran Khan produced the diplomatic cipher, showing US demands to remove Khan in a coup. As early as  2021, Imran Khan had accused Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration of trying to oust him. Ironically, Khan was investigated in October 2022 over daring to reveal the diplomatic cipher’s evidence of a “foreign conspiracy,” The Dawn reported, and banned from running for re-election.

Imran Khan is a former cricket star turned Pakistan’s most popular politician, who had taken a neutral stance on the Ukraine War after the Russian invasion Feb. 24, 2022. In November 2022, Imran Khan was the target of an assassination attempt at a political rally, in an attack that wounded him and killed one of his supporters. In May 2023, he was arrested for corruption by paramilitary troops who smashed their way into the Islamabad High Court. On August 5, 2023, he was sentenced to three years in jail.

Speaking at a rally the day before the 2022 meeting between Donald Lu and the ambassador, Prime Minister Khan responded to European calls for Pakistani support for Ukraine: “Are we your slaves? What do you think of us? That we are your slaves and that we will do whatever you ask of us?” he asked. “We are friends of Russia, and we are also friends of the United States. We are friends of China and Europe. We are not part of any alliance.”

The diplomatic cipher was sent by the Pakistani Ambassador in Washington, Asad Majeed Khan, and has now been leaked to The Intercept by Pakistani sources. It quotes Lu as saying that “people here and in Europe are quite concerned about why Pakistan is taking such an aggressively neutral position (on Ukraine), if such a position is even possible. It does not seem such a neutral stand to us.”

Lu then suggests that Pakistan authoritries find a way to rid themselves of the “aggressively neutral” Prime Minister: “I think if the no-confidence vote against the Prime Minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the Prime Minister,” Lu said, according to The Intercept. “Otherwise,” he continued, “I think it will be tough going ahead.”

Lu expressed his “disappointment” with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Moscow on Feb. 24, the day Russia invaded Ukraine. “They pointed out how the invasion had angered the entire American nation and explained why they thought Mr Khan should have postponed his visit,” according to The Dawn. Speaking to Darren Beattie, Khan said he had no idea that Russia would invade Ukraine that day. “It was bad timing,” Khan said.

On March 2, Donald Lu was questioned at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, telling Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D – Maryland), “Prime Minister Khan has recently visited Moscow, and so I think we are trying to figure out how to engage specifically with the Prime Minister following that decision.”

Speaking to Darren Beattie of Revolver Newsfrom house arrest in July, Imran Khan said that the diplomatic cipher “was meant for General (Qamar Javed) Bajwa,” whom he blames for orchestrating his ouster. In Pakistan, the military is considered the true center of power, not the democratically elected government. “The next day, the vote of no confidence was tabled in the National Assembly. Within weeks, the government was gone”, Khan said.

In August 2022, Imran Khan had claimed Retired Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa told him he “had audios and videos of my party men”, WION News reported. “I came to know that he [Bajwa] was carefully playing a double game…and wanted to make Shehbaz Sharif the prime minister. Bajwa stabbed me in my back.”

Beattie called Donald Lu “a messenger boy” and speculated that his boss Victoria Nuland “may have a role in this.” Beattie noted that PM Imran Khan had been very critical of Barack Obama’s War on Terror drone strike campaign, with over 400 drone strikes in the allied country of Pakistan, which had been defended by Victoria Nuland at State. On 28 Jan. 2023, the current Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland visited India, Sri Lanka and Nepal, two weeks after US State Department Donald Lu.

Beattie pointed out the “striking parallels” between the campaign against Donald Trump and Imran Khan: “Both were international superstar celebrities in the 80s, both defeated two corrupt political dynasties to score an historic populist victory in the 2010s, both are hated by their respective deep states, both were ousted from power by their respective deep states, and both are facing multiple indictments from a corrupt justice department controlled by political enemies.”

“Khan was convicted on flimsy charges following a trial where his defense was not even allowed to produce witnesses. He had previously survived an assassination attempt, had a journalist aligned with him murdered, and has seen thousands of his supporters imprisoned. While the Biden administration has said that human rights will be at the forefront of their foreign policy, they are now looking away as Pakistan moves toward becoming a full-fledged military dictatorship,” Middle East Institute scholar Arif Rafiq, told the Intercept. “This is ultimately about the Pakistani military using outside forces as a means to preserve their hegemony over the country. Every time there is a grand geopolitical rivalry, whether it is the Cold War, or the war on terror, they know how to manipulate the U.S. in their favor.”

There is currently a blackout banning reporting of this explosive stroy in Pakistani media, Revolver News writes.

In March, President Donald Trump said that “For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world. And now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War Three.”

Ryan Grim interviews Imran Khan for The Intercept

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