Tuesday 22 August 2023


BREAKING: Canadian policewoman faces disciplinary tribunal after querying SIDS cases post-covid injection

Constable Helen Grus began probing into an emerging pattern of unusual sudden infant deaths (“SIDS”) after the rollout of covid mRNA injections in Ottawa.

Grus is now facing a disciplinary tribunal.  She is being charged with discreditable conduct for querying the Ottawa Police Service (“OPS”) database in an attempt to discern whether a pattern of SIDS cases was emerging and if adequate information was being collected about the probable cause.

Below, Rebel News’ Robert Kraychik has more on the story and you can also read more on their website HERE.

Rebel News: Political meddling suspected in Ottawa police investigation of Constable Helen Grus, 15 August 2023 (11 mins)

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The following is a tweet posted on 15 August by Donald Best, a former Sergeant (Detective) with the Toronto Police who has won an award for exposing corruption in the Canadian legal profession. He is now an independent journalist, documentary filmmaker and anti-corruption advocate.

Shocking Audio Recording Played at Ottawa Police Detective’s Trial – Day 1

The first day of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus’s trial began with prayer outside the tribunal and ended with many spectators saying they were shocked by an audio recording played by the prosecution.

Detective Grus is charged with Discreditable Conduct under the Police Services Act for the ‘unauthorised’ re-investigation of nine sudden infant deaths (“SIDS”), where she sought to know if the mothers’ vaccination status might have been connected with the deaths.

Monday 14 August 2023 was not the trial, but a pre-trial hearing where the defence and prosecution debated the adequacy of disclosure and whether the defence would be able to call and cross-exam a lengthy list of witnesses.

The prosecution also played an almost three-hour recording of the 12 May 2022 Professional Standards interview of Detective Grus that caused one retired RCMP observer to declare:

“This is becoming a trial about Ottawa Police officers being in Neglect of Duty for failing to properly investigate Sudden Infant Deaths, and for obstructing Detective Grus’s investigations.”

During the almost three-hour recording Detective Grus related how she had informed her superiors including then Chief of Police Sloly of the growing medical and scientific reports concerning Covid vaccine injuries and deaths – including to babies in the womb and newborns.

Grus can be heard in the recording explaining revelations contained in Pfizer Documents, including that only one newborn baby survived of the 33 reported in the initial trial.

Audible Gasps in Public Gallery

Detective Grus sent an open letter to Chief Sloly in September of 2021 – after which her supervisor in the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit (SACA) sent an email instructing her not to talk about Covid or the Vaccines in the unit.

At this revelation, audible gasps could be heard throughout the gallery – because it meant that the sergeants running the unit responsible for investigating SIDS – arbitrarily eliminated the Covid vaccine as a potential factor in all infant deaths.

This bias meant that no OPS Sudden Infant Death investigations were complete, or adhered to World Health Organisation standards.

At the time she was suspended in February 2022, Detective Grus was pulling together evidence for a report to the Chief and other senior leaders that recommended changes to the SIDS questionnaire and investigation methodology of the SACA unit. Grus also found that each of the nine SIDS investigations in question was substandard in various ways.

The suspension and charges against Detective ended any investigations by Ottawa Police into the potential that the experimental mRNA covid injections of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers could be a factor in Sudden Infant Deaths.

Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico is following the Grus case, and previously declared that Ottawa Police are engaged in a cover-up of the police failure to investigate the potential connections between covid-vaccinated mothers, and the nine sudden infant deaths.

Detective Serpico stated of the cover-up “Incompetence or criminality will go to any length not to be exposed even at the cost of innocent infant lives.”

Transparency of Trial Doubtful

It became apparent during Monday’s session, that the Ottawa Police have withheld various motions and judge’s decisions from the public and the news media. This, after refusing for six months to provide any documents at all, and then only recently releasing some (but not all) the filed court documents.

The voice recording the prosecution played Monday was clearly heard by all over the room’s speaker system. This was in contrast to the proceedings where the judge, prosecutor and defence attorney are not amplified.

The audience simply cannot hear the lawyers and judge talking. The so-called open court principle is a sham when the public and press cannot hear even when attending the proceedings live.

This comes following the Ottawa Police decision to stop broadcasting the Grus hearings on the Internet – despite the fact that other cases are booked for Internet broadcast in the coming November.

Tuesday Starts at 9 am, and ends early at 1 pm

Due to a scheduling conflict with the court reporter, Tuesday’s session will begin at 9 am and end at 1 pm.

I’ll post further updates as I can.

Featured image: Supporters of Helen Grus pray for her outside the tribunal

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