In the cover image Pfizer’s Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt

introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


A Pfizer manager in Oceania has admitted that Australian employees of the New York pharmaceutical company are given different batches of vaccines from those distributed to the public.

He declared this during a hearing before the Australian Senate that, unlike the European Union politicians lobbyed by Bill Gates’ NGOs, he has already launched a formal inquiry to investigate the nature of the gene serums purchased, the concealment of clinical trials and on the damage caused to the vaccinated.

WUHAN-GATES – 55. BILL III, Virus & Vaccines Emperor, Lobbied US-EU Govts with $8.3 Million Through His NGOs

The short video posted on Twitter (below) has gone viral and has already surpassed 6 million views.

The statement is very serious because it gives further importance to the study conducted by German and Danish scientists who denounced the presence of placebo batches among those administered by Pfizer in some countries.

A tremendous suspicion that had already been reported in Italy by the former parliamentarian and psychiatrist Alessandro Meluzzi, claiming that he had received the proposal to get vaccinated with simple physiological solutions in order to be able to fulfill the mandatory vaccination imposed on health workers by the Draghi government.

Bad Pfizer Vaccine Batches Account for 4.2% of doses but 71% of Serious or Lethal Adverse Events

This sensational statement makes the study conducted by American cardiologist Peter McCullough on the fact that 4.2% of Pfizer vaccine lots caused the majority of adverse reactions, even lethal, even more disturbing.

But above all the research of the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla who highlighted the toxic nanoparticles of the Comirnaty gene serum produced by Pfizer with the German Biontech  and the subsequent “correction” of some very dangerous biotechnological defects detected after the massive distribution of the first version of the drug, equated to a gene therapy by the French biologist Helene Banoun.

“Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years”. Explosive Study

As confirmed by the Pfizer manager, that batch of vaccines for pharmaceutical company workers has not been tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of the Australian Government.

Therefore, the real composition of these gene serums is completely unknown, as they could have contained a particular composition of the drug or even been harmless physiological solutions without dangerous lipid nanoparticles or mRNA active ingredient functional to trigger the production of the toxic Spike protein in the human body.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

BOMBSHELL: Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Pfizer Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to Public (VIDEO)

Originally published by Jim Hoft on The Gateway Pundit

All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath for relevance to the topics highlighted

In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination program.

The admission came during a rigorous questioning session on Wednesday, in which Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt, spoke before the Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

“Toxic Nanoforms inside Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine”. Vital Study by Italian Biochemist on US Journal of Virology highlights an Alleged Crime

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts led the interrogation with forceful inquiries regarding Pfizer’s potential involvement in the introduction of vaccine mandates for employment in Australia.

Senator Roberts, in his questioning, alleged a significant transfer of wealth from the Australian people to Big Pharma via the government’s Covid-19 mismanagement.

He sought clarity on Pfizer’s role in implementing vaccine mandates for employment and their participation in potential government bans on alternative treatments such as Ivermectin.

“Pfizer has no involvement, had no involvement in the imposition of vaccine mandates… Pfizer has had no involvement in relation to Ivermectin,” said Dr. Thiru.

The inquiry took a contentious turn when Roberts probed into Pfizer’s confidential indemnity agreements with the Australian government, suggesting that the taxpayers who funded the vaccine have the right to see the details of what they bought.

“mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines are Like Gene Therapy Products” French Study highlighted Omitted Controls on Genotoxicity

“Does the indemnity you have with the government extend to providing you with indemnity in the situation where an employee is forced by their employer to undergo vaccination and then experiences harm? And if you do have indemnity, I want the proof,” Roberts asked.

Dr. Thiru maintained that the specifics of these agreements remain confidential, per standard practice for contractual arrangements between the government and private organizations.

“Senator, any indemnity agreements between Pfizer and the Australian government are confidential and we are not able to discuss that in this forum,” said Thiru.

Why are they confidential? Because as a taxpayer, I paid for those injections even though I didn’t take any. Why are they confidential? From taxpayers, 26 million Australians. What are you hiding?” Roberts asked.

“Pfizer-Biontech Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos” Say Scientists of German Universities

Roberts also queried about Pfizer’s own employee vaccination program, which Dr. Thiru confirmed was active and conducted in alignment with public health guidance, allowing accommodations or exemptions for those with specific medical or religious reasons for not being vaccinated. He did, however, acknowledge that a small number of colleagues departed the company in light of this program.

Roberts then questioned Pfizer’s use of a specific batch of vaccine for their employees that was not tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), to which Dr. Hewitt CLAIMED that this was done to ensure that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks.

“We’ve read that your vaccine mandate was using your own batch of vaccine, especially imported for Pfizer, which was not tested by the TGA. Is that correct?” Roberts asked.

Dr. Hewitt then responded, “So Pfizer undertook to import a batch of vaccinespecifically for the employee vaccination programme, and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that was being delivered to clinics as needed.”

Roberts then asked, “Does your contract with the government for supply of COVID injections include a clause that negates your indemnity in the event of Pfizer committing a crime such as fraudulent treatment of trial data? The question is simple. What is the answer? Yes or no?”

Dr. Thiru was unable to provide a definitive response when questioned about whether Pfizer’s contract with the Australian government included clauses that would nullify their indemnity in the event of “fraudulent treatment of trial data.”

Brain Damages after COVID mRNA Vaccines: Pfizer Knew of 44,000 Injured since 2020! Study confirms Alert already launched by CDC and FDA

“Senator Roberts, as I had mentioned previously, the contents of Pfizer’s contract with the Australian government remains confidential, and I don’t have any information that I can provide to the Committee in relation to that,” Thiru said.

Roberts’ suspicion extended to the origins of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, questioning whether it was initially developed as a countermeasure for the American Department of Defence. Dr. Thiru responded, emphasizing the vaccine’s development was solely aimed at combating the global public health emergency resulting from the pandemic.

In a Twitter post, Roberts wrote:

Watch as I question Pfizer representatives last night in a Senate Hearing.

The company was very reluctant to attend the committee hearing and also reluctant to supply a straight answer, automatically falling back on their ‘safe and effective’ mantra to dodge answering the question.

“Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu

Further Roberts added:

Already, this Senate Hearing revealed that Pfizer is rewriting history on transmission of infection. We’re supposed to conveniently forget they said “get it to protect others, to save grandma” and “when you’re vaccinated the virus stops with you”.

They’re hiding behind their indemnity contract with our government and dodging responsibility.

ATAGI and the Australian governments must stop pushing these unsafe and ineffective shots and drop the destructive mandates now.

Originally published by Jim Hoft on The Gateway Pundit

Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.




“High Risks of Strokes after Covid Vaccines”. Journal Frontiers in Neurology confirms Alarm launched 6 months ago by Gospa News

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