Wednesday 2 August 2023


Biden regime creates PERMANENT pandemic agency to unleash decades of emergency “vaccines”

In anticipation of the next global "pandemic," the Biden regime has created a new pandemic agency called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR) that will be tasked with procuring the next round of emergency "vaccines" for whatever scary new "virus" or bioweapon gets unleashed.

A fact sheet released by the White House makes it abundantly clear that the OPPR is a permanent new fixture in Washington, D.C. This suggests that the pandemic psy-ops are also here to stay – will the next one be Ebola? Monkeypox? Another coronavirus?

Whatever the next public health scare ends up being, the OPPR will be ready and waiting to lead, coordinate, and implement "actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens."

Reading between the lines, the OPPR will be tasked with unleashing more lockdowns, mask mandates, and other forms of tyranny the next time a biological threat or pathogens, including the "unknown" fake kind, is announced and unveiled by the government and the media.

(Related: Check out these eight insidious goals of the Biden regime.)

The OPPR is Operation Warp Speed on steroids

Ret. Air Force Major Gen. Paul Friedrichs, fake president Joe Biden's current special assistant, will be tasked with heading up the OPPR. Friedrichs also serves as the Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense at the White House National Security Council.

Prior to his OPPR appointment, Friedrichs served as the joint staff surgeon at the Pentagon (Pentagram) where he provided guidance to the United States military's Covid-19 task force.


The OPPR will officially come into existence on August 7. Immediately after its launch, Friedrichs will start the process of forming a dedicated team to ensure that the Strategic National Stockpile is overflowing with essential medical supplies. He will also collaborate with Congress to secure more funding for U.S. preparedness initiatives.

Friedrichs will also be tasked with supervising and managing domestic biosecurity preparedness. A major component of this will be to spearhead the development of next-generation "vaccines" for future pandemics.

As he is doing all this, Friedrichs will also have the responsibility of enhancing spying and surveillance initiatives to monitor and detect (create?) new biological threats as the globalists determine when to unleash them.

Based on the timeline of events that occurred prior to covid that quietly announced its coming arrival, what is happening right now points to the year 2025 as being when the next global plandemic is to be unleashed.

A simulated pandemic preparedness exercise known as Catastrophic Contagion that was staged last October in Brussels centered around "SEERS," a fictional virus that likely represents the next one to be unleashed, perhaps in 2025.

"During the simulated exercise, participants engaged in a series of World Health Organization meetings to strategize and analyze the best course of action to combat the fictional virus, SEERS," reports Great Game India about the exercise and what it entailed.

"The description of the virus in the summary of the event indicated that it had a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and had a particular impact on children and young people."

Naturally, the usual suspects were involved with the SEERS psy-op: Johns Hopkins University's Center for Health Security, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to name just a few.

"As part of the exercise, a highlight reel was assembled, featuring various components, including a fictional television news segment dedicated to reporting on the developments and impacts of the SEERS virus. This simulated media coverage aimed to mimic real-world situations and enable participants to assess how information dissemination and public communication would be vital during a potential pandemic situation."

Wondering what the next virus or bioweapon might be? Learn more at

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