Monday 21 August 2023


Biden Insider Reveals Full COVID Restrictions Coming: “Lockdown Will Be Worse Than Before”

Fact checked
Biden insider admits government preparing to bring in full lockdown restrictions as of next month onwards.

A group of insiders within the Biden administration have revealed plans to implement full draconian Covid lockdowns across America that will begin mid-September.

Several whistleblowers from Biden’s TSA and Border Patrol claim that the Biden regime plan on locking down America “harder and longer than before” in order to implement the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. 


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The first whistleblower, a high-level TSA official, reached out to Infowars and cited a Tuesday meeting in which TSA managers were told new memorandums & policies were being completed that would reimplement strict mask-wearing, starting with TSA & airport employees as early as mid-September. reports: The first source, a high-level TSA official confirmed and known to Infowars, reached out to Infowars and cited a Tuesday meeting in which TSA managers were told new memorandums & policies were being completed that would reimplement masking, starting with TSA & airport employees as early as mid-September.

The TSA official also said next week they will receive new guidelines on how the policy will escalate: by mid-October, mask-wearing will be required by pilots, flight staff, passengers, and airport patrons.

After hearing from the TSA manager, Infowars reached out to our trusted Border Patrol source who is also a manager. This source confirmed the same directives were being given to Border Patrol.

They were told it was not a matter of “if” but “when” official Covid numbers will go back up and they expect by mid-October a return to forced-masking policies that the Biden administration previously only reluctantly ended after massive pressure.

Both whistleblowers were told this rollout will be in tandem with the new Covid “variant” hysteria that the MSM has been reporting on this week.

Infowars’ analysis is clear: this new rollout’s timing is perfect for the embattled Biden administration to put the country back in a state of civil emergency and even martial law to further divide and confuse the public and move forward with the greatest election meddling in history.

Many times, Alex Jones has warned that the system will bring back biomedical tyranny. And the launch of this new crisis in September will allow a build-up of control that would allow the use of mail-in ballots for the next presidential election.

Remember, mail-in ballots were decisive for Biden’s victory last election.

We now know the Covid lockdowns were an international psychological warfare operation run by the Ministry of Defense and Pentagon.

Countries worldwide implemented fear campaigns for political purposes and to push experimental shots.

But this time around, the masses have awakened to the globalist playbook of conquest, and may not be as receptive to MSM hysteria.

Simply put, the Deep State is getting desperate and is behaving like a cornered animal.

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