Sunday, 16 July 2023


WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet

WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet
AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

The World Economic Forum (WEF) isn’t the only entity planning for a world where you “own nothing, have no privacy” and enjoy it — or else. WEF’s partner Arup Group released a 2019 report pontificating, “private car ownership needs to end.”

This was allegedly going to solve the fake “crisis” of climate change, which has supposedly been about to cause global apocalypse for 50 years now. But give up your car, you stupid peasant, and trust the experts.

Arup Group, which is listed as a partner by the insidious World Economic Forum, released a 2019 report demanding that consumption of clothing, cars, electronics, and food has to change — for everyone except the elites, presumably — or climate change will kill us all. The report touts “net zero” carbon goals, totally ignoring the fact that carbon is absolutely essential for life on Earth. Indeed, increased carbon actually helps plants — including food crops — thrive, and humans and animals need it too. But neither Arup nor WEF is interested in objective science, only in a narrative that impoverishes most citizens and gives the elites exponentially more control.

Data shows that the world has not in fact experienced global warming for the last eight years. Even more relevant to this Arup Group report, a recent study found that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are too low to cause global warming. So private cars aren’t about to trigger climate catastrophe.

But Arup and its co-creators and funders of the report — University of Leeds, C40 Cities, and Citi Foundation — don’t care what the science is. (The data undermining global warming has been accumulating for eight years, meaning it was measurable well before the 2019 report came out.) They want to make most people totally dependent on the elites for travel. After all, WEF has proposed a digital ID/social credit score that would be required to do or buy almost anything, and laid out its planfor a world with no private ownership whatsoever. Again, all commodities would be dependent on government approval.

A key quote from the Arup 2019 report (emphasis added):

On construction, cities need to change what types of buildings and infrastructure are built as well as what materials are used. On transport, private car ownership needs to end and the shared vehicles that replace it have to use less materials and be longer lasting. Urban residents will also need to adopt a largely plant-based diet, mostly replace flying with less energy-intensive forms of long-distance transport, change how clothes and textiles are consumed and keep electronics and household appliances for longer.

No beef or nice clothes for you. You will have nothing and you will be grateful to your beneficent rulers, who totally plan to give up all their comforts too, right? Sort of like how they fly their private jets to exclusive locations to blather about emissions? Two other quotes from the report:

C40 cities need to meet their Deadline 2020 commitments so that production-based emissions peak by the early 2020s, before collectively halving by 2030, in order to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050…this report recommends that C40 cities focus on reducing emissions within six consumption categories: buildings and infrastructure; food; private transport; clothing and textiles; aviation; and electronics and household appliances.

Related: WEF Wants to Restrict Car Ownership for Climate Change

Eat bugs, live in tiny apartments, sacrifice your iPad, and give up all hope of moving up in life. Because otherwise, the global warming that isn’t happening will destroy us all. Just trust the globalists — what motivations would they have other than our best interests? And remember, Big Brother is always watching.

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