Monday 31 July 2023


Over 100 Colleges, Including Some Power Five Schools, Still Mandating COVID Vaccines

Videos by OutKick

Somehow, in July 2023, over 100 colleges across the country are still forcing students to get COVID vaccines.

The same COVID vaccines that have been conclusively and repeatedly shown as completely ineffective at reducing infection or transmission.


The Twitter account No College Mandates compiled a list of remaining college mandates, showing 104 still forcing young students to comply with a historically indefensible policy. The list includes Power Five schools like the University of Pittsburgh and Rutgers, as well as San Diego State.

Rutgers is perhaps the most fanatical institution still defying reality, as they will reportedly begin “disenrolling students who have not complied with COVID vaccine mandates” in just a few weeks.

Major college programs, forcing students to comply with a useless, pointless mandate all to avoid admitting they and “The Experts” were wrong about vaccine efficacy.

Experts demanded COVID vaccine mandates
BETHESDA, MARYLAND – DECEMBER 22: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, prepares to receive his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the National Institutes of Health on December 22, 2020 in Bethesda, Maryland. (Photo by Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images)

COVID Mandates Persist At Elite Institutions 

These policies are completely indefensible; an absurd indication of how progressive administrators are more concerned with ideological virtue signaling than following science.

Even in July 2023, a group at Johns Hopkins University is still forcing young children to mask, a decision completely disconnected from data and evidence. 


Vaccine mandates are equally absurd. 

Beyond the fact that there is no possible community benefit, those who this policy impacts are at little to no risk of serious illness from COVID. But they do face potential risk of adverse side effects like myocarditis.

Not to mention that whatever efficacy exists for young healthy college students is almost completely erased within just a few months. 

What possible justification can there be for colleges to mandate COVID vaccines in July 2023 Virtually everyone in the country has been exposed to the virus, developing natural immunity despite the mask and vaccine policies demanded by universities and their ideological allies.

Now instead of quietly admitting defeat, after nearly three and a half years of failure, many colleges still refuse to return to normal. 

As if we needed more reasons not to take them seriously. 

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