Monday, 31 July 2023


Public Servants Biden, McConnell, and Feinstein in Mental and Physical Decline

None Showing Insight--A Familiar Senior Dilemma for Family, Doctors, and the Public

By Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

As an internist and cardiologist I feel sometimes I should set up a practice on Capitol Hill. Americans can sadly see three six-term former and current US Senators in obvious physical and mental decline. I was asked by FOX News to come on the Ingraham Angle joined by family physician Dr. Janette Nesheiwat July 28, 2023.

Here is my rounding report:

President Joseph Biden, age 80, former six-term Senator, two-term Vice President, first term POTUS, history of ruptured cerebral aneurysm requiring neurosurgery in 1988, now has signs of moderate cognitive decline and motor impairment/weakness with multiple falls

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, age 81 years, six-term Senator, hospitalized with a fall and concussion in March 2023, this week suffers a 20-second frozen spell at the podium with the appearance of a absence seizure, TIA, or other neurologic event, McConnell and multiple Senators/friends brush it off as a post-lunch fade

Senator Diane Feinstein, age 90, six-term Senator, has a prolonged medical leave from the Senate suffering from varicella zoster meningoencephalitis complicated by Ramsay Hunt Syndrome afflicting the right facial nerve, this week becomes confused on a round of comments and voting on budgets, and was instructed by fellow Senators and staff to “just say aye”

Click to Play: McConnell, Feinstein in Mental Decline: What do Doctors Think? July 28, 2023

All three senior citizens could have had their conditions directly caused or significantly worsened by COVID-19 vaccination. 

I told Laura Ingraham that I cannot make a diagnosis on TV but I can tell you that none these senior politicians are showing insight into their obviously failing health. I told the FOX producers to prime Laura Ingraham with her comments that we have all experienced this in our senior relatives and friends; appropriate reactions are to prompt evaluation and management given the lapse in perception which is common in the elderly. Dr. Nesheiwat said it best: “its time for family and physicians to step in” and I would add encourage retirement from public service with grace to enjoy the months or years left in life.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

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