Monday, 17 July 2023

 The etiquette with guests

1. Before they eat, offer your guests the opportunity to wash their hands, to practice the sunnah. But as a host, you should wash your hands first. 

2. When offering food, the host should start eating before the guests, to encourage them.

3. Do not leave your guests to eat alone, as they may be shy. 

4. You should continue eating as long as your guest is eating, so that you are the last person to stop when all guests have already finished eating.

5. Generous people encourage their guests to eat so that they feel at home.

6. Entertain your guests with pleasant news and funny anecdotes while they are eating.

7. Do not ask your guests questions at the table, as the lengthy answers would distract them from eating. 

8. When washing the hands at the end of the meal, the host should be the last person to wash their hands.

Shaykhuna Sayyid Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi Al-Hasani Al idrisi assazili

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