Thursday 20 July 2023


Behind the Scenes: Trump, Putin, and the White Hat Alliance Hold the Cards! - American Media Group

Behind the Scenes Trump, Putin, and the White Hat Alliance Hold the Cards!

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In the shadowy depths of geopolitics, high-stakes power plays unfurl like a classic game of chess. In this complex realm, notable figures like Trump, Putin, and the white hat alliance infiltrating NATO, discreetly direct the course of events. Their secret strategies dictate the fate of nations, alliances, and innocent lives, including the intriguing Nord Stream saga. This article dissects the clandestine operations that shape our world, revealing the unseen battles for global dominance.

Behind the Scenes: The Strategic Chessboard Comes Alive

As we lift the veil from these covert power plays, the image of a grand chessboard emerges. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, Sunday afternoon chess match. It’s a high-stakes game with the world as the chessboard, world leaders as players, and countries as pieces.

At the heart of it all is the military alliance in Europe, NATO, ostensibly poised for action yet subtly infiltrated by an alliance of white hats. These infiltrators hold the key cards, monitoring every move with meticulous attention to detail. As the Nord Stream saga unfolds, their watchful eyes remain firmly fixed, capturing every pivotal event.

Within this covert world, four significant explosions occurred. These weren’t haphazard events; they were carefully orchestrated, meticulously tracked, and timed over a span of 36 intense hours. The final, most monumental blast occurred more than 16 hours later, indicating a grander scheme in play. As we delve deeper, we must remember—timing is everything.

UN and NATO: A Web of Deception and the Threat of Exposure

The plot thickens as we turn our gaze to the United Nations (UN) and NATO, and their possible involvement in a massive cover-up. It appears the truth of the Nord Stream bombings isn’t what we’ve been led to believe. An undercurrent of deep-state connections emerges from the shadows, potentially implicating the UN and NATO in masking the true perpetrators.

This revelation isn’t merely a ripple in the political pond—it’s a seismic shift that threatens to dismantle the deep state apparatus that has long held an iron grip on global affairs. In this high-stakes game, the white hat alliance is the wildcard. With their powerful cards of truth and justice, they’re prepared to expose the machinations of the deep state and ignite an unprecedented confrontation between global powers.

The Grand Plan Unfolds: The Power of Timing and Strategy

As the midway point of the Nord Stream saga approaches, the grand plan starts to materialize. No stone has been left unturned, no detail overlooked. The stage is set, the players ready, and the chess pieces positioned. It’s a chess match of unparalleled magnitude, and the players aren’t mere hobbyists. They’re global powerhouses—Trump, Putin, and the white hat alliance.

The grand plan isn’t just about strategy—it’s also about timing. As the clock ticks down, the white hat alliance positions itself to make their critical move. The anticipation is palpable as we wait for the moment of truth—the moment when the intricate workings of the grand plan will reveal the real perpetrators.

The world waits with bated breath. A single move on the chessboard could shatter the illusions cast by powerful entities. The countdown has begun.

From World’s Oldest Secret Society. Ancient Illuminati Secret Teachings

Bracing for Impact: The Truth and Its Inevitable Consequences

Prepare for shocking revelations that will revolutionize our understanding of geopolitics. It’s an unavoidable storm, a tsunami of truth that cannot be silenced. Justice, that elusive mistress, appears on the horizon, poised to right the wrongs and expose the underhanded tactics of global power brokers.

The Nord Stream bombings were just the beginning, the tip of an iceberg that conceals a much larger plot. As the white hats expose the reality, we must brace ourselves. The grand plan’s revelation is about to send shockwaves through the world, altering our perception of power, justice, and truth forever.

In conclusion, the chessboard is set, the pieces are moving, and the endgame is near. Power players Trump, Putin, and the white hat alliance are at the helm, orchestrating a sequence of events that will illuminate the darkest corners of global geopolitics. The truth is on the verge of being unleashed. Stay tuned and prepare for the ride—what’s to come will redefine our world.

It’s BQQM Time. The Great Finale. Cryptic Message (Must See)

As the ominous clouds of a possible ‘Scare Event’ gather over our horizon, it’s high time we, the citizens of this global community, unite. With potential threats looming – a nuclear false flag, a strategic blackout, cyber attacks – we need to keep our resolve unshaken.

We must trust in the benevolent force, in God, and stay on mission. Indeed, the storm is approaching, but so is the dawn of a new era. It’s ‘BQQM Time’ and it promises a grand finale. Brace yourselves, for we are entering a phase of immense transformation. . .

Read the full article HERE

Also: BOOM! The Trump Political Revolution Has Truly Begun: Deep State gone, Declassify Assassination Documents on JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and MLK Jr. (video) –

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