Friday 21 July 2023


A beginner's guide to Muammar Gaddafi, with Matteo Capasso

Muammar Gaddafi, also known as Colonel Gaddafi, was a significant figure in Libya and world politics. 

He was born into a Bedouin family in the deserts of Libya in 1942. He grew up in a traditional tribal society and was influenced by the major political changes happening in the Arab world during his youth, particularly the rise of Arab nationalism.

Gaddafi’s rise to power began when he joined the military and led a group of young officers in a coup against King Idris in 1969, establishing the Libyan Arab Republic. 

His leadership style was autocratic, and he developed his own political philosophy, outlined in his Green Book, which combined elements of Arab nationalism, socialism, and Islamic principles. 

He aimed to create a united Arab state and played a significant role in establishing the African Union.

Gaddafi’s relationship with the West was complex and fluctuated over time. Initially, he was seen as a pariah due to his support for various militant groups. However, in the early 2000s, he sought to improve relations with the West, renouncing terrorism and dismantling his weapons programs. This led to a period of rapprochement, with Western leaders visiting Libya and sanctions being lifted.

Meanwhile, under his rule, Libya saw significant improvements in living standards. Oil revenues were used to build infrastructure, improve education and healthcare, and raise incomes. 

The invasion of Libya in 2011, led by NATOforces, was a turning point. 

Sparked by the Arab Spring protests (which were backed by the West), it led to a civil war and ultimately to Gaddafi’s downfall and assassination. 

The invasion exceeded the U.N. mandate and led to a power vacuum that has, by design, resulted in ongoing instability and conflict.

Libya is now a mess, with rival governments and militias vying for control. 

Matteo Capasso is an Italian historian and research fellow at Columbia University and Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.

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