Saturday 11 February 2023

Fulford: Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are the next!


Fulford: Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are the next!

The Portal of Great Change 4

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Fulford: Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are the next!

The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached an agreement on Ukraine and are now ready to complete the bastions of the remaining Khazarian Mafia of Switzerland and Israel!

By Benjamin Fulford on January 30, 2023

The major victories of the Planetary Liberation Alliance are now impossible to deny.The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached an agreement on Ukraine and are now ready to complete the bastions of the remaining Khazarian Mafia of Switzerland and Israel.

Once these control centers are neutralized, the final liberation of the United States will take place, making world peace possible.

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This viral video with more than 20 million views of a panicked Pfizer executive is good proof of how much the Rockefellers / Rothschilds have already lost control: v=u5n7RRKgDog

Since we assume that most of our readers have already seen it, we will focus on the important facts it reveals.

It is because Pfizer has publicly admitted to having created viruses to sell vaccines.

The other is that Google and Twitter no longer censor the truth about crimes related to Covid and vaccines.

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As a result, information like this now reaches the sheep:

A study of 700,000 people from Israel showed that double vaccinated people were 27 times more likely to be reinfected by covid, and data from England, Scotland and northern countries in Europe show that the triple vaccinated was more in danger of dying. - Richard Urso MD

New peer-reviewed scientific studies have also revealed what many of us knew from the beginning: 5G radiation is not only linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, it actually induces the body to create new viruses and diseases, including coronaviruses.

And before the mainstream media gets their hands on this study and convince the masses that it does not matter, you should know that these are peer-reviewed scientific studies published on the National Institute of Health website.

This means that not only pharmaceutical companies, but also IT companies were involved in an attempt to assassinate a large percentage of the world's population.

This kind of information is coming out in the dominant current now because the Khazarian Mafia is losing control of Fortune 500 companies.

However, the story goes much further than that.

The reason why Western pharmaceutical companies are forced to create diseases and then sell remedies is that they are prohibited from producing drugs that make us smarter, happier, stronger, etc.

An executive of a pharmaceutical company once told me that nothing would be easier than making drugs that would increase our IQ, but that they were forbidden to do so.

He also said that making new recreational drugs that were not harmful "would be incredibly easy".

The reason why athletes are prohibited from "doping" to make themselves stronger, faster, etc. is the same.

This is because the Octagon group at the top of the Khazarian Mafia deliberately prevents us from progressing as a species.

They prohibit drugs and genetic changes that would increase IQ, etc.

They also deliberately keep our lifespans artificially short so that we do not have enough time to understand the control matrix to which we are subject.

In other words, the defeat of the Khazarian Mafia will be much more important than the fall of the Soviet Union.

This will change everything.

It is said that the processing power of computers doubles every two years.

Humans could do the same if they wanted to and were allowed to do so.

We are also about to be freed from horrible slavery. For example, the U.S. government subsidizes child trafficking in the 50 states.

This is thanks to the "Law on the Adoption and Safety of Families", promulgated in 1997 by Bill and Hillary Clinton Rockefeller.

The federal government spends more than $80 billion a year on this program, which gives states more than $1 million for every child they snatch from a family.

The government itself admits that 83% of the children seized are seized under false pretexts.

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It also turns out that they used false drug tests to make them believe that parents were "drug addicts" and therefore, they had to take their children away from them.

The torture and murder of these children (to collect the adrenalinechrome) were filmed and used to create a huge blackmail file of power brokers in the West.

There was also a huge network of homosexual rape and blackmail that existed in parallel with the murders of children.

For those who want to know more, this video talks about the bizarre anal sexual rituals of satanistes.

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People who did not participate in blackmail crimes were kept away from high-level positions while the culprits rose to the top.

We now know that there are more than 400,000 of these blackmail files, which explains why it was so difficult to drain the swamp.

However, the marsh is drying up.

The Western and Russian White Hat Special Forces are now cooperating in operations against the Vatican and the Octagon headquarters in Switzerland, thanks to detailed information about their leaders.

For example, an initiate who participated in "rituals supervised by Klaus Schwab Rothschild, performed at night in dark rooms", at the World Economic Forum (EGF) in Davos, Switzerland, says: "the energy of darkness, suffering reign there!".

At these self-proclaimed "Deaf on Olympus" meetings, Klaus Schwab said that "the old world will not return" and declared himself "pope of the New World Order".

Schwab told the participants that they could "consider themselves gods".

He said that the EGF created five crises to prove that God did not exist because if he had done so, he would have prevented them.

(It is interesting to note that huge herds of black birds, an omen of disaster, are now seen flying over the strongholds of the Khazarian Mafia such as the Vatican City and Kiev: Is God about to strike?).

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The FEM publications describe these crises as follows:

"The world's collective attention is channeled towards the "survival" of today's crises: the cost of living, social and political polarization, food and energy supplies, warm growth and geopolitical confrontation, among others!"

At the meetings, Schwab also boasted that "the Catholic church is collapsing and the pope does not matter".

Vatican initiates confirm that the actor claiming to be Pope Francis takes his orders from Shwab and the Khazarian Mafia.

This is why "Francis" published a letter saying:

"As the World Economic Forum celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, I send greetings and wishes for prayer to all those who participate in this year's gathering."

According to George Neumayr, an American Catholic journalist, one of the key people behind the Khazarian Mafia control of the fake François and the Vatican is Theodore McCarrick, the dishonored former archbishop of Washington, who leads a massive blackmail operation.

"Teddy can put all the prelates with deep pockets under his spell of blackmail to put aside and financially starve any bishop who challenges him: He always directs things in the Church," Neumayr said.

Neumayr was murdered on January 19, 2023 while investigating the infiltration of the Church by Freemasons in Africa.

The people who murdered him are among the targets of the White Hats Special Forces.

They will be chased and sent downstairs to meet their master.

American naval intelligence, an arm of the White Hats, has now acted against other high-ranking traitors, including Michael Chertoff, Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, Congressman, Senator Mark Warner, Alex Soros, Senator Mitch McConnel and Special Advisor John Durham, according to MI6 sources.

The Russians themselves also hunt.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner groups, said:

"I have witnesses who remember how CIA officials trained Osama bin Laden and brought bags of money and weapons to ISIS in Syria and other countries.

They were preparing outlaws and terrorists all over the world so that there would be problems everywhere - in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America."

Many of these criminals are gathered in Ukraine where they are systematically chased and destroyed.

Chinese sources estimate that Ukrainians estimate that the total number of losses of the Ukrainian armed forces in the last 11 months of the conflict at 680,000.

This means that Ukraine has already lost the war.

Catching 14-year-old boys and old men in the streets and sending them to be massacred will make no difference.

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The situation has reached the point where even belligerent think tanks such as the Rand Corporation are withdrawing from the war.

It is said that "studies on past conflicts and a careful examination of the course of it suggest" that an "optimistic scenario is unlikely".

Remember Rand are the rabid dogs who suggested to the United States to take on a "medium-sized country" such as Japan or Brazil in order to stimulate its economy.

In other words, they are bullies who only want to attack someone they are sure they can beat but flee real opponents.

In fact, MI6 sources say that the Anglo-Saxons and Russians have already reached an agreement on Ukraine and that, as part of this agreement, the Western tanks that were allegedly sent to Ukraine are in fact destined for Russia.

The head of the MI6 says:

We heard about Moscow by diverted routes.

What is much more expert is the diplomatic channel of return.

Military intelligence leads the armed forces and not the other way around.

The tanks you mentioned that we sent are very well equipped and we understand that it was a kind of technology transfer arrangement.

What is envisaged is the delimitation of Ukraine along the Dneiper from north to south, from Kiev to Crimea, and all this will be completed by March.

Tanks rely first on artillery to penetrate, then on infantry to hold, tanks are only there to make a breakthrough, that's all they are designed to do.

The bridges of all rivers will be dynamized [to create] an iron curtain.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflagration is their own cat fight and drag everyone to it will end in tears, mark my words Benjamin.

Boris Johnson had no business to be there last week.

We had to welcome our politicians and read them the riot law.

He is a kind of Tom Whackery of the pseudo-Jewish Khazarian Mafia once again.

The wolf of the Khazarian Mafia in the habit of the Jewish sheep so to speak.

If you leave them with your eyes for a single second, they tear the breath out of your mouth, these same scoundrels.

In other words, the West will stand idly by while Russia finishes the last of the satanic forces in Ukraine.

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As part of the channel in parallel with Russia, arms dealer Victor Bout gave his first interview to a Western source since his release from prison.

It's worth listening to.

Basically, he says that the United States spent $150 million to frame it and used exactly the same plot to supervise many other people around the world.

He also says that what the West [the Khazarian Mafia] does to Russia would be like Russia taking control of Mexico and then trying to separate California, Florida, New Mexico and Texas from the United States. v=aLOzzuByYzc

However, Bout did not talk about a meeting in Pattaya, Thailand, around 2008, where he showed a nuclear warhead stolen from the Russian submarine Koursk to Sasha Zaric, aka the great illuminati master Alexander Romanov.

This warhead was later used for the tsunami of March 11, 2011 and the mass terrorist attack on Japan.

How about him Victor, can you please shed light on this?

In any case, according to Russian MI6 and FSB sources, there will also be joint Russian and Anglo-Saxon operations to behead the leaders of the Khazarian Mafia in Switzerland and Israel.

Needless to say, the personal addresses of Schwab and other self-proclaimed "gods of Olympus" are known to them.

To prepare the public for the Nuremberg-style war crimes courts, NATO crimes are now also mentioned in parliaments and other public forums around the world, as shown in this video:

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The Khazarian Mafia panics and desperately tried to start their Third World War, which had been planned for a very long time, with massive attacks on Syria and Iran.

This involves hundreds of warplanes.

Iranian intelligence sources say that Iran has also been attacked by forces from Ukraine.

"This will have serious consequences for the government of Ukraine," said the source.

In any case, this attack will not begin the THIRD WORLD WAR because the world's military forces no longer obey the Khazarian Mafia.

The attack on Iran was also a desperate attempt by Benjamin Netanyahu's criminal regime to war off a civil war, raging within Israel, by invoking an external enemy.

However, the Jewish people wake up to the criminals of the Khazarian Mafia hiding among them and sources in the Mossad promise that the people will hunt them down.

The Khazarian Mafia is forced out of the closet. Last week, the Anti-Defamation League officially declared itself in favor of Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

"We already know that the "Jews" of the Khazarian Mafia were always Nazis at the beginning," says a Mossad source.

The despair of the Khazarian Mafia also comes from the fact that the world has rejected its plan to keep control of the financial system with the introduction of their mark of the central digital currency.

This is why Rockefeller's servant, Janet Yellen, made a begging trip to Africa.

"Officially, the trip was designed to persuade Africans, including elected officials, business leaders and farmers, that the United States is looking for a long-term relationship on everything from food security to rural electrification."

However, the real version of the story was that Yellen went to threaten Africans that, if they did not accept the new digital currency, "a complete default in payment in the United States would have training effects around the world, which would make it more expensive to borrow money in some of the poorest countries in the world."

This is a lie of course, because what will really happen is that all these exploitative loans from the IMF, etc. to Africa will be eliminated as part of a jubilee on the defaults of American governments.

After that, Africans will finally be paid a fair price for their work and resources.

It is not only the American government that is lacking.

Real estate and car loans in the private sector also lead to an implosion of the banking system.

Jeremy Cross, president of a car takeover company, says he cannot find enough staff to fulfill the request or space to keep all the cars that his company has been tasked with re-possession.

According to the Bankrate Emergency Fund's annual report, 68% of people fear that they will not be able to cover their living expenses for only one month if they lose their main source of income.

And when things go wrong, the majority (57%) of American adults are not able to meet an emergency expenditure of $1,000.

Nearly three-quarters, or 72%, of middle-income families say that their income is lower than the cost of living, compared to 68% a year ago!

The situation has reached the point where millions of Americans are about to become hungry while their food vouchers are cut off.

The American people, like Africans, will also be freed from debt slavery and will see their income jump as soon as the FRB parasite of the Khazarian Mafia is eliminated.

Faced with military defeat, economic collapse and war crimes trials, the big question now is whether the Khazarian Mafia is finally trying to play its "card of the alien invasion".

Polish intelligence sources say that "the G7 will take its weapons from extraterrestrial arsenals and release them on Russia and Iran because the United States and the EU are puppets of the extraterrestrial occupiers!"

They use a "dehumanization slavery system to acquire less intelligent, unconscious people, controlling their animal mental instincts, similar to those of dogs or reptiles, who are trained as soldiers to execute anti-human decisions."

They refer to what are called fallen angels and their human slaves.

Speaking of fallen angels, here are the last appearances in our sky of "entities from other worlds".

Here is also the latest evidence that the International Space Station is false and that we ourselves are in quarantine.

It can be assumed that this will end when the satanistes are defeated.

1. 4 UFO drones over Lusaka, Zambia - January 20, 2023

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2. UFO over Chile

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3. Vessels of Light over Canada

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4. A Multidimensional Light Vessel seen over Hawaii January 18, 2023

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Translation Little Star (Thank You Marinette!)

Original English version:

Ndlt: As always, for those who understand English, I would really suggest that you subscribe to Benjamin Fulford's weekly letter. People like him work hard for us, at the risk of their lives. Supporting them is a very small way to show them our gratitude.

Broadcast by Chevalier (Thank you Réjean!):

at January 31, 2023


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