Saturday 11 February 2023

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Joe Biden Gave Approval to Bomb Russia’s Nord Stream Pipeline… UPDATE: White House Responds


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Joe Biden Gave Approval to Bomb Russia’s Nord Stream Pipeline… UPDATE: White House Responds

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Joe Biden Gave Approval to Bomb Russia’s Nord Stream Pipeline… UPDATE: White House Responds

Three deep-water explosions destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea in September 2022.

Swedish seismologists reported that one of the three explosions measures 2.3 on the Richter Scale of earthquake intensity, but this was no earthquake. It was explosion—like a gigantic undersea mine.

The explosions guaranteed that Germany and the EU would not go wobbly with regard to sanctions against Russian energy imports. The damage to the pipelines will take months to repair, and repairs are unlikely to begin until this summer. Even if Germany were to cry “uncle” as civil unrest intensifies over lack of heat and energy, even if Russia decided to turn the power back on, the conduit for Russian gas to Europe was broken.

No country has taken responsibility for the blasts that took out the Nord Stream pipelines to Europe.

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Only a government with an advanced naval warfare capability could have executed the sabotage. That limits the suspects to Germany, Great Britain, France, the United States, Russia, and China.

Only one country benefits. We wrote about this extensively at The Gateway Pundit.

Only the United States had all three elements of a crime: means, motive, and opportunity.

Is the United States capable of committing a high crime on the Baltic Sea?

On Wednesday, a bombshell report revealed that President Joe Biden personally oversaw a secret mission in which specialized U.S. Navy dive crews bombed the underwater Nord Stream pipelines, according to Daily Mail and Seymour Substack.

The report claimed that in June of 2022, Navy divers planted C4 explosives on three Nord Stream pipes, and three months later, they were detonated by a sonar buoy that emitted a signal that triggered the bombs.

“The best divers with deep diving qualifications are a tight community, and only the very best are recruited for the operation and told to be prepared to be summoned to the CIA in Washington,” the source told Seymour Hersh.

“The Norwegians joined the Americans in insisting that some senior officials in Denmark and Sweden had to be briefed in general terms about possible diving activity in the area. In that way, someone higher up could intervene and keep a report out of the chain of command, thus insulating the pipeline operation. “What they were told and what they knew were purposely different,” the source told me. (The Norwegian embassy, asked to comment on this story, did not respond.),” Hersch added.

Daily Mail reported:

The sensational report by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh, published to his Substack, cites a source ‘with direct knowledge of the operational planning’ behind the alleged plot. The White House and the CIA flatly rejected the report on Wednesday, branding it ‘complete fiction’.
Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were sabotaged by bomb blasts on September 26 2022 in an attack that, ostensibly, continues to baffle investigators. While analysts say the immediate impact of the attack was ‘limited’ – because the pipelines were not fully operational – the geopolitical consequences were huge.
n a compelling, 5,000-word report about the alleged attack, Hersh claims diving experts trained at the U.S. Navy Diving and Salvage Center in Florida planted the explosives.
The divers are said to have carried out the top secret and highly-dangerous operation during BALTOPS22, a series of military exercises in the Baltic Sea carried out by 16 NATO countries. The U.S. divers reportedly used the highly-publicized, 13-day event in June 2022 as cover for their top-secret mission.
The C4 explosives attached to the pipelines were fitted with sensors that enabled them to be detonated remotely at a later date, Hersh reports.
Hersh reports that the explosions were triggered by a sonar buoy dropped by an aircraft. The buoy emitted a sequence of ‘unique low frequency tonal sounds’, compared to those produced by a flute or piano, which triggered the C4.
A spokesman for the White House said the report is ‘false and complete fiction’. A spokesman for the CIA said: ‘This claim is completely and utterly false.’
In February, Biden said the U.S. would ‘bring an end’ to Nord Stream if Russia invaded Ukraine. During a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Biden said: ‘If Russia invades… then there will be longer Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.’
Asked how he would do that, the President responded cryptically: ‘I promise you we will be able to do it.’
The press conference was held as Russia was mounting tens of thousands of troops at its border with Ukraine, in preparation for the invasion which began weeks later, on February 24.

You can read more from Seymour Substackfor the full report. This is huge.

It can be recalled, in a bold statement, Secretary of State Tony Blinken cheered the news of the explosions as “a tremendous opportunity” for Europe “to remove dependence on Russian energy.

“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” Blinken said at a joint press conference with Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly.

“That’s very significant and that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come,” Blinken added.

Tucker Carlson told his audience Tony Blinken’s comments were an admission of US responsibility behind the bombings of the Nord Stream pipelines.

As the Biden Regime and its media proxies continue to blame Russia for blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline with no evidence, the EU countries will have to face the truth and admit that they have been betrayed by their US ally, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel on October.

“Will anyone now dare claim that our country is behind this act of sabotage? I agree it’s hard to face the truth. But someday the EU countries will have to face up to the fact they were betrayed by their allies,” she said.

“We are talking about sabotage,” the diplomat said. “An investigation is needed. Certainly, this should be an investigation with Russia’s participation, but it would probably be important to involve Germany in this investigation as well, since gas was actually flowing to Germany in the first place,” Vershinin said.

Germany this week released its study of the disaster. Investigators concluded there was NO EVIDENCE that Russia was behind the explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines.

UPDATE: The Biden regime said an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claiming the United States was behind the explosions of the Nord Stream gas pipelines was “utterly false and complete fiction.”

“This is utterly false and complete fiction,” said Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council.

Spokespeople for the CIA and State Department said the same thing, accordingto Reuters.

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