The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse
Events that were supposed to take place in 2012 –iethe start of a new golden age– look like they are finally about to begin. This opportunity comes because the Dragon family is offering virtually unlimited funding to US President Donald Trump.
As background, the former head of MI6 asked a direct descendant of the last Emperor of China for an introduction to the Dragon family back in the early 2000s. He was told that if you want to talk to China, the DF is as high as it gets. The DF is composed of all the Chinese and Asian royal families including the Tang (Li) the Soong, the Ming (Zhou), the Ching (Yi), etc. It is above the Chinese Communist Party and the government of Taiwan.
The original introduction was followed by an agreement between the Western White Dragon and the Asian Golden Dragon to finance a new age of abundance starting in 2012. Unfortunately for us all, the Khazarian mafia managed to delay things by 13 years.
The start of the delay came with what is known as the Chiasso incident. In June of 2009 two Japanese nationals with diplomatic passports: Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mituyoshi Watanabe, were stopped by Italian police at the Swiss border and had $134 billion worth of Dragon family Kennedy bonds confiscated.
What happened then is that Neil Keenan, the head of CIA for Europe, handed the bonds to P2 freemason banker Daniel d’al Bosco. D’al Bosco took them to the Chinese Communist Party, the US Senate Finance Committee and elsewhere until Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the UN offered d’al Bosco $100 million to “go away.”
Neil Keenan subsequently tried to both cash the bonds and access Dragon family gold bunkers until he was killed in 2016 and replaced with a body double working for the Rothschild family.
The reason we are bringing this up now is because the people who assumed his identity now claim Keenan has died. What this means is the Rothschilds have formally given up on trying to use the fake Keenan as a way to access Dragon family treasures.
At the same time, Akihiko Yamaguchi has re-emerged with a Dragon family offer to Trump. The documents below are all related to this.
伊藤三省承諾 人物写真 20100808
資金管理権限委譲合意書 2010年
時間軸に基づく睦仁天皇暗殺と偽明治天皇に関する考察 7 pages 20230603
TS2853239 Akihiko Yamaguchi PDF
To US President and to Director of DOGE on 20th March 2025 via Benjamin Fulford
To Mr. Kuroda of BOJ and others on March 19. 2018
Photo of 3 on 2008
Passport No. TZ0624066 Akihiko Yamaguchi
Ito Sansei Name Card
AY 伊藤三省
AY 伊藤三省 Photo
Akihiko Yamaguchi MP3600138
Another person who vanished around the time of the Chiasso, a former Federal Reserve Board troubleshooter, has also contacted the White Dragon society on behalf of both the FRB and the Dragon family.
Here is part of what he had to say:
Ben, I have been captured and locked down since the time I saw you in 2012.
My mandate is very powerful and many secret societies were trying to hijack the mandate and steal assets. Just finally broke free about eight weeks ago.
Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Denis Hassert; all from Chicago were involved in my lockdown and attacks.
In other words, as soon as Trump became president, this former Fed official was released and given a mandate to cash Dragon family bonds.
This is very interesting because a recent White Dragon Society effort to monetize $50 trillion worth of Bonds backed by Santa Romana gold was blocked by Emmanuel and Obama.
Now that they are out of the way, it looks like nothing is preventing the Asians from providing countless trillions of dollars to Trump.
Trump needs to take this offer because right nowthe US government is running on fumes. Take a look at this chart to understand.
In 2024 countries with big real-world economies and big trade surpluses like Brazil, China and Japan were dumping huge amounts of US Treasuries. The biggest buyers of US Treasuries were eithercountries with trade deficits like France and the UK or places like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg that have almost no real economic activity.Recently the seventh biggest buyer of T bonds was a crypto-currency by the name of Tether. In other words, the US is cooking its books in order toappear solvent. The gig is almost up.
Trump is not going to be able to solve the problems with tariffs and the like. For example, the USTR’s aim to counter China’s growing dominance in maritime sectors by imposing port entrance fees of up to $1.5 million on Chinese-built ships and operators, while promoting U.S. vessel usage is doomed to fail.
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing over 80% of the global merchant fleet, warns that the proposed fees could severely disrupt U.S. trade and increase consumer prices. Current data shows China builds 61% of the world’s new merchant vessels, with the proposed fees potentially affecting 98% of container ships calling at U.S. ports.
“Due to decades of neglect, the US maritime industry has seen a steady decline…we necessarily must rely on vessels registered in other nations,” CSA states in its submission.
The situation is hopeless without DF help because the Khazarian mafia has destroyed Western industrial infrastructure and it will take years if not decades to rebuild it. Instead of building the real-world economy, the KM has been keeping the Western financial system afloat since 2012 by doing things like using gold-plated tungsten bars leveraged a thousand times over. That is all about to
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