Tuesday, 25 March 2025


How a muslim perceived the jews (and any non muslim) according to Allah

The Qur'an does not command us, or encourage us or tell us to hate jews. 

You're not a better muslim cause you hate Jews or whatever. 

We don't hate anybody, the prophet shallallahu'alaihiwasalam (saw) didn't hate anybody. The sunnah of the prophet saw is to have concern for all the humanity. 

If anyone have a right to love and hate and punish and judge, it is Allah Himself. Not us.

All of us are children of Adam. "We Honored The Children of Adam" - QS. Al-Isra:70

Which mean all children of Adam, so long as they're considered the children of Adam, inherently a noble people, human beings. I don't care if they're Hindu or Muslim or Jewish or Christian or Atheist, whatever, human beings have dignity, they have respect. Even if they don't have respect for you, you as a muslim know that Allah give respect to all human beings. You give respect to people. How we carry ourselves matters. 

So many times people in the name of Islam, in the name of The Qur'an, they think Allah is angry with the jews therefore I must be angry with the jews (too) . Uh, No. No. What Allah has a right to do and what you have a right to do are two different things. That's not the same thing. You know. Subhanallah. 

Snippet of Nouman Ali Khan's course in Bayyinah TV (Divine Speech).

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