Thursday 10 October 2024


Weather Warfare, Domestic Military Force, and Marburg

Imagine a man rolling a bowling ball down the alley and knocking over some pins. There is nothing extraordinary about this imaging. Now imagine the pins at the end of the alley rolling the bowling ball back toward the bowler. Now this is an extraordinary image. This is also precisely what has occurred with Hurricane Milton. The storm system generated off the coast of Mexico and targeted Florida. Hurricane alley sent the storm back up the alley….

Weather manipulation has been around in some form since at least 1947. Lorenz, known for the Butterfly Effect, talked about weather manipulation in the 1960s. There are plenty patents and documents regarding weather manipulation.

Recently, Dane Wiggington of appeared in this interview on retired colonel Douglas MacGregor’s podcast to discuss weather warfare and the targeting of Appalachia area of North Carolina with Hurricane Helene. Dane stated that he spoke with legislators in North Carolina and presented evidence of weather warfare to them:

I have an hour conference call yesterday with the representatives and senators from the Carolinas, and we presented the data to them to answer their questions about how this manipulation occurs,” Wigington said.

“They realized this was not a natural event. They’re trying to digest the fact that their states were literally under assault from weather modification operations that are clearly connected to the DoD operations.”

“They’re in shock. Because when you realize you’re literally at war with those who control the federal government, how does one digest that?”

In this interview with Attorney Todd Callender, Todd reports that not only do the patents exists, there are also laws that codify weather manipulation. Callender predicted that weather warfare will continue, not only in the form of storms, but also fires and other manmade disasters masquerading as natural phenomenon. This appears part of the larger goal to exterminate most of the human race.  

The mass murder in North Carolina and parts of Tennessee are summarized well in this article by Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger Breggin. Supplies have been blocked and confiscated rather than allowed to aid the people suffering from the devastation. Private individuals with helicopters and other vehicles have been threatened with arrest if they try and save people.

FEMA claims to lack money and resources, yet its widely reported that it subsidizes illegal aliens. In the 30 days prior to Hurricane Helene the federal government gave 8 billion to subsidize death in destruction in Ukraine, and another 8.7 billion to subsidize death and destruction in Israel and the Middle East. Literally, politicians are stealing from the people in Appalachia and giving their money to illegal aliens and to subsidize unnecessary wars that could lead to world war. Apparently, this twisted campaign of murder and destruction is partly driven by lithium deposits in Appalachia area of North Carolina that is desired by the DOD. The short-term effect on the elections should be an obvious agenda as well.

The use of weather warfare emboldens government, disempowers the individual, creates a permanent state of crises, and furthers the anti human narrative that climate change is unnatural and humans are a parasite on this planet.

Still, weather warfare may not be enough. A recent DoD directive reported on InfoWars.comexpands domestic military authority to include lethal force:

“Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger, in response to a request for such assistance, in accordance with the following approval authorities..

(a) Provision of personnel to support response efforts for civil disturbances, which may also require Presidential authorization.

(b) DoD response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive incidents.

(c) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.

Pointing out the obvious, the federal government has claimed for as long as I remember that it would be unlawful to place the military on the border. Apparently, the federal government considers it lawful to use the military to kill American citizens on American soil.

Consider that the directive states that the use of force is being justified if lives are in danger and in response to biological incidents. Imagine during the height of COVID the use of lethal force by the military targeting the unvaccinated or those refusing to quarantine or wear a mask.

In my conversation with Attorney Todd Callender he discussed his discovery of Marburg declared emergency over a year ago and the use of the 5G frequency to trigger Marburg. Callender pointed out a few cases of Marburg that have popped up the United States and in Europe and predicts that this winter we will be under a Marburg attack. 

If this occurs it is not a stretch to think that the domestic use of military deadly force would be used against people that refuse to get a ‘vaccine’ or be quarantined. If those attacked have Marburg and present with symptoms similar to Ebola with blood oozing out from their orifices, the panic would be used to justify the domestic use of deadly military force.

Whether we are looking at weather warfare, biological and technological warfare, or outright domestic use of military deadly force, a war is being waged against most of humanity.

At some point, the political discussion needs to change. Pretending this isn’t occurring is not a defense. Denial only works as a short term strategy. It is time for public debate and discussion on weather warfare, mRNA nanoparticle weapons, frequency weapons, and the increasing totalitarian state. Pretending the cancer, heart attacks, etc., are not the result of the mRNA injections, only causes more deaths.

Likewise, pretending there is not a clear intention to depopulate the planet, and to terrorize and enslave those allowed to live, will only facilitate mass destruction. It is time to face the ugly truth. There is a full on assault on humanity….

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