Thursday 17 October 2024


Stop Net Zero Insanity Now!

September 5th 2024

Net Zero Watch Report: Costing the Green Grid - Current and Future Technology Andrew Montford - (click here)

Net Zero Insanity Must Be Stopped 

In this scathing rebuttal of the Royal Society’s report on the costs of funding the British government’s 2050 Net Zero electricity grid, Andrew Montford, the director of Net Zero Watch, criticized the Royal Society’s findings for: 

  • using an INCORRECT demand curve

  • FAILING to model weather effects on demand

  • using highly optimistic ASSUMPTIONSabout technology in 2050, and FAILINGto highlight the extent to which these drove its key findings.

(Emphasis are all mine) 

In the Net Zero Watch’s report it was noted that: 

The paper finds that with current technology, the cost of the grid would be as high as £250 billion per year, or £8000 per household.That level of expenditure would need to be maintained INDEFINITELY.

It concludes by calling for the withdrawal of the Royal Society paper.

This is Insanity 

The Net Zero program is the insanity of the communists who run the United Nations that created the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals, which in 2015 all G20 nation’s leaders treacherously signed up for WITHOUT CONSULTING THEIR CITIZENS, which were, and still are, treacherous, anti-human, and evil acts. 

The majority of the SDGs are based on the United Nations ‘man-made climate change hoax’ which is based on The Science™ that the United Nations boasts they own, which refers to the COMPUTER MODELLING they used to create their dire predictions of a global meltdown if the world doesn’t follow their “SOLUTIONS.” 

Let me repeat that. The United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, have based all of their polices for Net Zero 2050 on their computer models. 

It is not based on science, data, or facts. 

It is FRAUD on a COLOSSAL SCALE. If you are not aware of the lies, frauds, and corruption that is used to propagandize the man-made climate change hoax, you could start with this article of mine: 

Man-Made Climate Change is a Hoax

The Net Zero 2050 goal means the ELIMINATION of using all FOSSIL FUELS for producing energy, which is the basis of raising the standards of living for all people, all over the world. Look around you at everything in sight. Every single thing that you are looking at was manufactured, transported, and delivered to you with the help of the energy created by fossil fuels, which are the cheapest sources of energy in the world, and the true secret of raising the standards of living for all. If you remove access to fossil fuels not only will it force people back poverty, but it guarantees billions of people will never be able to lift themselves out of poverty. 

COP 28: A Declaration of War on Humanity

In late 2023, the United Arab Emirates, a Middle East oil monarchy that is amongst the top oil producers in the world, which means that they have made TRILLIONS of dollars from selling FOSSIL FUELS to the world, hosted the United Nations COP 28, which is the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, being all of the G20 nations that signed up to the Sustainable Develop Goals, and Agenda 21, in 2015.

The 2023 conference ended with a UNANIMOUS decision to implement Net Zero by 2050. This means the people who have profited the most from fossil fuels, the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, but in particular the oil monarchies of the Middle East, are committing their wealth to helping to END YOUR RIGHTS TO FOSSIL FUELS. 

This is fundamentally a DECLARATION OF WAR against all of mankind by the richest people in the world. 

You can read about it in the following link, and note the charter signatories at the top of the page, the very first to sign up to ending your right to a decent standard of living, which starts with one of the biggest banks in the world Standard Chartered Bank. 

Keep Me Writing-Make a Kofi Donation

COP28 Net-Zero Transition Charter: Accountability mobilization for the private sector

“Global Boiling” 

According to the United Nations, and the endless media barrage by the western multinational media complex, we are told that the planet is in danger of melting down, and humanity and all life on the planet is at risk from their alleged man-made climate change crisis, the dangers of ‘global warming,’ and the dangers of carbon dioxide, which has been rebranded from the ‘gas of life’ - which is exactly what it is because it is plant food, - to a pollutant, which it is not. To call CO2 a pollutant is a blatant, ugly, and evil lie. 

In mid-2023, the short, pudgy, communist puppet, Antonio Guterras that now runs the United Nations, but was once the head of Socialist International the mothership of the world communism movement, had the unmitigated gall to use the U.N.’s global platform, no doubt in an air-conditioned room, to spew out lies about the planet having entered the era of “GLOBAL BOILING.” In an excellent article on the American Institute of Economic Research website, Christopher Linglecalled out Guterras for his irresponsibility, saying that: 

An interesting and troubling double standard is applied to the acceptability of individual actions and those of political agents. An individual declaring an emergency when none exists, e.g., shouting “fire” in a crowded cinema, would lead to rightful punishment, yet public officials can do so without attracting the same scrutiny.

According to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, “the era of global warming has ended” and “the era of global boiling has arrived.” Of course, this statement was made with little or no sense of perspective or the possibility that any sensible human would challenge or refute it.

If this is so irresponsible of a leader of an international institution, which is paid for by our tax dollars, we must ask ourselves why this short, fat, little communist would spew out such drivel? The answer is Monopoly Capitalism. 


The Monopoly System

The United Nations devastating, destructive, & deadly policies, especially their Net Zero and Green Energy, are predicated on INCREASING THE MASSIVE PROFITS of the international banksters’ Money Monopoly and global Monopoly Capitalism, with the richest people in the world profiting from this, which are all in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party.

The truth is we do not live in a capitalist world. We live in a world that is run by the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism. It’s truly corporate communism at its worst. But the average person doesn’t see it. 

The International Money Cartel runs the biggest banks in the world, and in turn owns and controls the Central Banks Cartel, which has a Money Monopoly grip on the money supply of almost every nation on earth, which is organized under the pyramid structure with the Bank of International Settlements, located in the tax haven of Switzerland, at the top of it. The Money Monopoly gives them control over money, the supply of money, the interest rates, inflation, and most of all control over the G20 nations leaders, our governments. The private international bankers yank their chains, and therefore yank the chains of almost all of mankind, because they control the money. 

By 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild controlled the Bank of England and boldly declared, "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.”

The other part of the monopoly system is that the richest bankers, finance companies, and investment companies, are operating as a global investment cartel, which I call the International Banking, Finance, and Investment Cartel, the IBFIC, and they all own each other. They are doing on a global scale what the Japanese and Korean conglomerates have done on a national scale. The members of the IBFIC do not operate independently, because they own each other and operate as a hive to control all the biggest banks, the biggest finance companies, the biggest multinational corporations, and the biggest national corporations, in almost every nation on earth. And this create the second half of the economic monopoly, Monopoly Capitalism. 

The easiest way to visualize this is to realize that this cabal of monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, are the leading architects of the World Economic Forum, which has a membership that is made up of these 3 groups, and all of the banks, finance companies, and multinationals across the world that are controlled by this cartel. The cartel controls money, the global economy, and they control both sides of the competition. 

Net Zero: Tesla and BYD 

A simple example about Net Zero, electric vehicles, & car batteries illustrates the point about global Monopoly Capitalism. The majority of the worlds electric vehicles, and the huge car batteries for them, are now being made by two car companies, Tesla, & BYD. 

The public believes they are an American and a Chinese company respectively, and that they are competitors. 

But I would argue that this is not so. 

These companies are in fact owned by the same swamp of global bankers and investment funds, the IBFIC - which is the International Banking, Finance, and Investment Cartel

If you dig into all multinationals, especially the members of the World Economic Forum you find the SAME SHAREHOLDERS who as a group HAVE CONTROL. With the 3 iconic investment firms usually leading the pack, namely BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard. Let’s look at who owns Telsa and BYD. The website reports that: 

The HKEX’s website,(Hong Kong Stock Exchange), as of 20 December, revealed that Berkshire Hathaway (BRKb), the conglomerate led by Warren Buffett, owned as much as 39.9% of the issued voting H shares. Rongjie Investment Holding Group owned 8.9%. Blackrock was listed among the major shareholders of BYD.

Investopedia reports that among the top shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway are, the 3 global investment icons. 

The top shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway class B shares are Warren E. Buffett, Susan A. Buffett, Ronald L. Olson, Vanguard Group, BlackRock (BLK), and State Street (STT).34

Lastly Investopedia reports that the top institutional investors of Telsa are: 

The Top 3 Institutional Shareholders hold a substantial portion of Tesla shares, totaling about 41.87% of total shares outstanding, are: Vanguard Group, BlackRock Inc., and State Street Corporation. 

From this we see that Tesla’s main shareholders are BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street - not just the richest man on the planet, Elon Musk!!! Whereas the “Chinese” BYD’s biggest shareholder is Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway, with BlackRock, while their Chinese partners are right down the list. But Berkshire Hathaway’s biggest shareholders are BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, one big happy family of MONOPOLY CAPITALISTS, running the global economy. 

Tesla and BYD are simply the LEFT HAND and the RIGHT HAND of global Monopoly Capitalism, which has captured almost all of the market for electric vehicles and EV car batteries. 

It’s worth noting that one of the greatest downsides to electric cars is that the batteries, apart from catching fire and blowing up the cars alarmingly often, must be REPLACED every 7-10 years, so it increases the lifetime costs for the consumers, but creates massive added profits for the manufacturers! And if you google the shareholders of the mining companies that are extracting the lithium, which is used to make these batteries, and one of the most profitable parts of the electric car supply chain industry, you find the same global investors own these mining companies. 

The owners and investors behind the IBFIC are profiting EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. 

Tesla’s Profit Records

What is interesting is that Tesla is probably the MOST PROFITABLE car company in history, because of its unique manufacturing methods, and that it sells direct to the consumer. The website Statista reported that

Tesla ended Q4 2023 with a net income of $7.9 billion and the full year with $15 billion in profits. While Elon Musk's company more than doubled its earnings between 2021 and 2022, this past year's growth was limited partly due to price reductions. Those reductions aimed to bolster international competitiveness, especially in light of Chinese manufacturer BYD surpassing Tesla in electric vehicle deliveries in 2023.

Sometime during 2023, I saw Ron Barron, the owner of Barron Capital which is a huge American investment firm and investor in Tesla, boasting on a CNN interview that Telsa’s return on capital per year was approaching 100% because it was making about $8,000 profit per car, which is phenomenal for a car manufacturer. In a 2022 Forbes article Ron Barron was quoted as saying

“In ten years, Tesla will be the largest and most profitable company in the world,” Baron told Forbes in an interview before hosting his investment conference.

And China’s BYD is making huge profits as well, because it manufactures with cheap Chinese labor, the CHEAPEST FOSSIL FUEL ELECTRICITY in the world, because there is NO NET ZERO INSANITY in China, where they have over 60% of all the world’s fossil fuel electricity power stations, and are building more!!!

Are you getting the picture? 

The richest people in the world, which are driving the Net Zero INSANITY, don’t give a dam how many people they harm, or how many people’s lives are destroyed - because the policies are designed to enrich the owners of the IBFIC, which are the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, and their partners in the Chinese Communist Party. 

The majority of all products and businesses that are necessary for installing the Net Zero world, and maintaining it, are manufactured and owned by this CARTEL, which includes the wind turbines, the solar panels, the batteries, the electric cars, the lithium mining, the electricity utilities etc. It doesn’t matter which part of the supply chain you look at, you find the same people being enriched by it all - the monarchies, bankers and billionaires through the banks, finance, and investment companies. 

Regarding the communists, I consider the communist parties as Neo-Monarchies, as they are nothing but a totalitarian based party system of rulers and slaves. Ergo, an absolute monarchy with the Christian religion and God stripped out and replaced with the religion of Atheism, so that the psychopaths can rule openly instead of hiding in the shadows as they do in the western nations, and elsewhere. 

Communism is based on the Crown Monarchy Rule system, the rule of oligarchy. Communism is just a Neo-Monarchy, a rebranding of western monarchical rule in order to spread their empire of evil. All of the investments in every communist nation since the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution in Russia just over a hundred years ago, has come from the western monopoly capitalists. The western monopoly capitalists and the communists, no matter what nation they are in, are partners. And always have been. 

Net Zero Creates Poverty 

All of the Net Zero policies that are being imposed on all nations, EXCEPT CHINA, are creating the MOST EXPENSIVE ELECTRICITY IN HISTORY for the nations implementing it, and it is all based on their lies, frauds, and corruption of the Climate Change Industrial Complex, that promotes it. 

It is very clear to me when I look at the global picture is that the Sustainable Development Goals are being used to drive the Net Zero insanity, and the global Monopoly Capitalists, along with their partners in China are profiting to the tune of trillions, even if only a small percentage of the global population buys electric cars as today, the profits are at record levels. 

But by shutting down fossil fuel power stations across the world with Net Zero it is driving up the costs of electricity. And it will literally put all of the people who are driving vehicles today that run on fossil fuels, off the road. This drives up not just the cost of electricity, but it will drive down mobility, and will likely increase the costs of transportation, which altogether will destroy large swathes of the economy. Especially in the places where they succeed in implementing 15 Minute Cities, another insane part of the U.N.’s SDGs. 

The deliberate destruction of large swathes of the global economy means that the Net Zero policies will impoverish the vast majority of humanity, destroy jobs, bankrupt endless businesses, and destroy lives. 

As the World Economic Forum puts it: 

“By 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy” 

You will own nothing because these policies would transfer ALL THE WEALTH to the top 1%, the richest people in the world, who view themselves as the owners of the world, view the majority of mankind as ‘useless eaters” and believe there are no citizens, just slaves. 

The western governments, in fact all of the G20 leaders, academia, and the mainstream media, have been utterly corrupted into promoting these lies and propaganda for Net Zero, because their salaries and funding relies on promoting the propaganda. 

But it is the British government, which is fully under the power of the monarchy, the bankers and the billionaires, leading the climate change lies and propaganda, with King Charles at the tip of the spear being the highest profile royal spokesperson for the frauds that are already destroying the lives of British people, but also hundreds of millions worldwide, and will destroy the lives of billions if this insanity is not stopped. 

Evil Rules Humanity 

If we consider that it is not only almost impossible to get an honest public debate in the western world, that it is almost impossible for the scientists who vehemently disagree with these lies to be heard, that the censorship is off the charts, and that the controlled mainstream media every day continues the propaganda and fear mongering, but worse than this some western governments, like France, are criminalizing criticism of Net Zero, then this shows us conclusively that the western nations are in the grip of GREAT EVIL.

I say that the evil is coming from the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, who have seized control over everything, and through Top Down Tyranny are attempting to force their Great Reset, through the International Institutions, the World Economic Forum and the multinationals, the Net Zero Banking Alliance, and the total control over the economy, government and society, exercised by these groups. And easy way to confirm my view is to ask yourself when did you last hear any of the leaders of the monarchies, international banks, billionaires, or international institutions stand up publicly and say ‘Net Zero is insanity, and it must stop.’ 

The Great Reset, which King Charles, as prince, launched in mid-2020 at the World Economic Forum, is essentially the impoverishment of the majority of mankind, the imposition of a dystopian digital prison planet system based on carbon credits and a carbon based social credit score, with a Universal Basic Income based on valueless digital currency. 


The is the true evil of the Crown Imperial Empire, the rule of oligarchy, which has remained hidden in the western nations, but now once again has bared its ugly teeth since the COVID-terrorism began. This is feudalism, called Neo-feudalism by some, which is based on rulers and slaves, through the monopoly of everything under the rule of oligarchy, which has for 2,000 years been pushed by the Roman Catholic Church, the western monarchies, their bankers, the multinationals, and their billionaires. 

I don’t regard it as Neo-feudalism, because we have been enslaved by the Money Monopoly for hundreds of years. 

It is the monarchies, the bankers and the billionaires, which are the TRUE COMMUNISTS, that want to seize control over all means of the economy, politics, and society, and take everything from everyone. And the climate change hoax was invented by, and funded by, this group to help them to do just that.  

The richest people in the world don’t care about humanity, they don’t care about the public’s health, they don’t care about the planet, they don’t care about the environment, and they don’t care about solving poverty. Despite their double talk and deceiving language we know they don’t care because the true source of all of mankind’s biggest problems are the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, which run the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism, which is a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction machine, and creates all of the problems that plague mankind. 

If the money and banking systems were put to work for the benefit of humanity and not for the profits of the private owners of the Money Monopoly, then it would be very simple to solve all these problems, to feed the world, and to lift the standards of living for all. It’s not rocket science. The obstacle is a communist style monopoly on everything.  

Net Zero is all based on CRIMINAL lies, frauds, and corruption, and as it is affecting all of mankind, it is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, which is being imposed by this TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL CARTEL, funded by the richest people in the world, and forced down from the top of the world using the International Institutions, like the United Nations, the international banking system and their U.N. Net Zero Banking Alliance, and the multinationals in the criminal cartel called the World Economic Forum.

Added to this are all their useful idiots, which means all those that are promoting it, which can be thought of as criminals, good Nazis, or brain-dead morons, but regardless of what category they fall into they need to be called out, NAMED, SHAMED, and DEFAMED.

But most of all - they MUST BE STOPPED!!!!

Stop Net Zero Foundation 

I propose that we need a new (genuine)activist foundation to be started now: the STOP NET ZERO foundation. 

A genuine FIGHT BACK foundation that could stage events to protest the groups that are forcing Net Zero forward, which is not happening anywhere because most of the “activist” foundations are FAKES working for the cabal, e.g. Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion. We need a genuine, humanitarian orientated, and truth orientated foundation to fight back, which could help educate the public and counter the lies of the globalists and their media, and to promote policies like the following:

  • Net Zero funding for the United Nations

  • Net Zero funding for climate change 

  • Net Zero subsidies for Green Energy

  • Net Zero climate change lies

  • Net Zero censorship

  • Net Zero communism 

  • Net Zero monarchies

  • Net Zero monopolies 

  • Net Zero lies, frauds and corruption 

  • Net Zero multinationals 

  • Net Zero international banksters 

  • Net Zero Money Monopolies 

  • Net Zero Monopoly Capitalism 

  • Net Zero Big Pharma

  • Net Zero Big Agriculture 

  • Net Zero Wars

  • etc. 

All of this insanity is being forced upon mankind by the richest people in the world, through Top Down Tyranny, using the transnational cartel of monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, and their institutional and economic power of the United Nations swamp, and the World Economic Forum, and the thing that hurts the most is that we, the citizens of the world, FUND IT ALL - we are all funding the tyranny that is attacking us all, both through our taxes, our banks and loans, and our consumption of the multinational corporations’ products. 

Make a Donation to Stop Net Zero

Who wants to help me with the Stop Net Zero Foundation?

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