Thursday 17 October 2024



Satan is easy to find once you know where to look for him

Contrary to popular depiction, Satan does not have horns, a tail, or a pitchfork. He’s not a statue or a picture in a book. These ancient caricatures cause modern people to search for Satan in all the wrong places. How do you really find Satan? It’s simple: look wherever people are using deceptive terms or changing the meanings of words.


Watch footage of any “blue-state” legislators or governors and you’ll see smiling people mouthing the words “gender-affirming care”. What they’re really talking about is:

  • Injecting children with hormones, destroying their normal physiologies and causing health problems that won’t be known for decades;

  • Castrating boys and men;

  • Performing mastectomies on the healthy breasts of girls and women;

  • Performing genital mutilations that are already proven to produce disastrous effects.

But Satan has bigger ideas than simply making these procedures available to people mentally damaged enough to want them. What he really wants is to make acceptance mandatory. For the moment, he’ll compromise by making it illegal for people to object to them, most particularly for parents to object to having such things done to their own children.

As the heads of staff at Vanderbilt University Medical Center were fond of saying before they were unmasked: "conscientious objections" are "problematic." Eventually, anyone who abstains will face "consequences.” Just remember, the success of NewSpeak requires that everyone be forced to use it. So if you refuse to incorporate 73 genders and their associated pronouns into your daily speech, you’re going to face consequences indeed.


Politicians often claim they want to talk about abortion, but strangely when you take them up on their offer, they never really discuss abortion at all. Instead, they substitute another word: “choice,” and it turns out that “choice” is the only thing they want to discuss.

Anyone really wanting to discuss abortion would find places where abortionists describe how abortions are actually done. There are three basic methods:

  1. First Trimester: Introduce artificial hormones into the mother’s body to chemically simulate a situation where the pregnancy isn’t in progress, thereby asphyxiating and ejecting the baby.

  2. Second Trimester: Using forceps, the abortionist simply rips the living baby apart, limb by limb, and inspects the removed parts to make sure that the whole dismembered dead body is present.

  3. Third Trimester: Inject the baby with a poison that kills it (e.g. injecting formaldehyde into its brain, a favorite of Chinese abortionists), then artificially induce a “delivery” of the dead baby.

These are the real “choices.” But if you try actually discussing abortion in any public forum, Satan will have you removed. Satan knows that he can cover up any atrocity with words like “choice,” so long as you never allow anyone to discuss what the choice is about, so he’s careful to ensure that such discussions never happen.

There’s a related topic whose discussion Satan won’t tolerate: sex slavery. The largest source of repeat business for the abortion industry is almost certainly pimps who need to get their human livestock back on the streets when the inevitable happens as a consequence of business-as-usual. 

Strangely, “pimps getting their slaves back on the streets” doesn’t appear at all as a category in graphs like the one above. It’s as though we’re not allowed to think about it. Or maybe pimps just don’t answer surveys.


Funny thing about “vaccines.” Until September 2021 they were thought to immunize people. In fact, that notion was written into the definition:

A preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

But now all that has changed. Suddenly a vaccine no longer involves organisms at allnor does it even need to provide immunity:

A preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease.

Imagine: not long ago if you had spouted in public that “vaccines” didn’t immunize people, listeners would have thought you an ignorant fool, yet now that idea is written into the dictionary. How times change!


The whole “global warming” schtick should’ve should’ve been over the moment they changed the name to “climate change,” making it thereafter conveniently possible to attribute any change in the weather to man-made CO2. Any reasonably suspicious person should have understood the intent of this subterfuge, but apparently there aren’t many reasonably suspicious people around.

Ditto for the term “Climate Justice.” The first time I heard this term I was watching a video of a couple of Leftist mouthpieces rattling off a list of “justice” initiatives. They seemed perplexed, as if they’d never heard this new term before, but they didn’t skip a beat; they read their script, and I realized then that “Climate Justice” would soon be part of our vocabulary. So now we must deal not only with the farce of “climate change” itself, but also with the belief that the farcical phenomenon has produced a farcical group of people who are already victims of something that wouldn’t produce any significant changes for another fifty to one hundred years even if it were true.

There is nothing that enamors fools like the word “justice”. All Satan must do in order to gather his flock behind any cause is to tack the word “justice” onto something, and suddenly he’s got millions of adherents ready to rally. Works like a charm every time.


One of Satan’s nicknames is “Great Deceiver,” with good reason. The whole basis of his existence is deception, so when he deceives, he must strike down those who would dispute him. He has some favorite words for doing just that:

  • Misinformation: any statement contrary to his deception, and

  • Conspiracy Theorist: anyone who reveals the pervasiveness of his deception.

  • Denier: anyone who dares to publicly disagree with his deception.

“Misinformation” and “conspiracy theorist” and “denier” are wonderful terms for enlisting simpletons to Satan’s side; simpletons tend to presume that there is some central authority somewhere who knows the absolute truth about everything, so long as that authority seems large enough and speaks loudly enough (much like the Wizard of Oz), and who is therefore qualified to discredit anyone who disagrees.

Whenever you hear the words “misinformation” and “conspiracy theorist” or “denier” (for example in thousands of Wikipedia articles regarding almost any controversial subject or person), you know that Satan is working overtime. After all, if Wikipedia knows what constitutes “misinformation” and who all the “conspiracy theorists” and “deniers” are, then clearly the authors there must know the truth about everything. And since Google turns up a Wikipedia article as the first result of almost any search on any general topic, simpletons (who tend to delve no further) are deceived.


The best way to get more Satan into your life is to vote for him. He’s always out there, waving the flag and making fatuous pleasant-sounding statements, and targeting opponents with terms like “conspiracy theorist” and “misinformation”. He loves the camera, but looking at his photos you won’t see any horns, tails, or pitchforks.

A more accurate photo, where Satan’s word-manipulation technique is more obvious

He’s always busy. When he’s taking a brief break from opening abortion clinics and shutting down crisis pregnancy centers, he’s making it illegal for you to oppose the chemical and surgical mutilation of children, or firing you for not submitting to experimental injections. There’s no end of work to be done.

And speaking of voting, there’s the matter of making it easier for Satan to get elected. There’s a whole slew of terms that now justify new “improvements” in our election systems that are designed to make elections into a fait accompli. Examples:

Here we see another of Satan’s tools with which the sheeple are led to the slaughterhouse: convenience.

Decades ago, it was inconceivable that everyone would some day be forced to carry around a surveillance device, or to equip his/her house with such devices (“Alexa, turn off the lights”). But today this is so much the norm that people regard exceptions as oddities. And, as it happened, people were indeed never forced. As in the Sun And Wind fable, the feat was accomplished not by force but rather by persuasion. How were people persuaded? By convenience. By providing us with conveniences, we’ve not only brought these things into our lives, but few of us would now choose to do without them.

Adam and Eve conveniently ate the forbidden fruit. Now we carry a device with a bitten Apple on the back.

So too with voting. Mail-in voting, as preposterous as it is with its complete absence of any aspect of rational election security, is now the accepted norm, at least in countries where fools dominate. Satan knows that few can see past the convenience. Few seem to understand how convenient mail-in voting is for Satan himself, making it easy for him to always be in charge.


The future is bright for Satan. His old tricks (language manipulation and convenience) are working better than ever, to a greater extent than ever. You can find him pretty much everywhere, so long as you understand what to look for. Just turn on your evening “news,” open your favorite mainstream “news” website, or sit in on your legislature, executive branch, or courts.

Remember that whether he’s shutting down your local crisis pregnancy center, passing laws requiring you to speak or think a certain way, murdering or mutilating your children, injecting you with experimental chemicals, or releasing hardened criminals back onto the streets, Satan is always working to promote “justice,” and he’s always got a new “app” for you to install. For your convenience, of course.

==== ADDENDUM of 10/16/2024

How could I have forgotten this one?


Ah yes. Anything Satan does or wants is a Great Leap Forward. Because the root of “progressive” is “progress”. See?

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