Thursday 17 October 2024


Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians

Citizen House Arrest all Politicians on presumption of Treason and Corruption

.It is better to swiftly end this pain sharply than to have infinite pain infinitely with infinite altercations that get infinitely worse.
Because if one looks closely say from 1984 to this day we see that the world has been deliberately fooled into this position by a System of Mind Control... the Monarch System.
Contrary to opinion Mind control does not make you do things as per se but stops you doing things.
Christianity is a form of mind control which it is makes you look away if you see evil... and it manifests that the Government "Messiah" saves you... this is the Monarch Mind control System in a glance... believe in Authority even like now it is proven that Authority is the problem.
IMO this is a good thing because we can stand up today take our shackles down and take them out of the equation... we owe them nothing... all crimes are paid... all debts are erased...
The Money belongs to the people who worked hard for it... not to the Administrators who have become Dictators... and must share the destiny of all Dictators... to be hanged quartered drowned in Acid and their bones spread throughout the desert to be eaten by vouchers and bleached by the sun. 
It is a System of Lock Step and Control that fails by its first hurdle... to be held accountable for their actions.
It is a system that has proven itself to be systematically corrupt from the Top down... and by design.
You never had a Chance.
Germany never had a chance.
The world still has a chance.
We have a chance.

It is a squid game... Enter the Dragon... and be swallowed up alive.
The rule of Fight Club is to fight... you gotta get in to get out...
The crawlers cover the floor... over the corridor... to a red oak door... certain their senses fail to recognize their senselessness...
In God we Trust... but do you trust in yourself?
If you don't trust in yourself... how can you trust in God?
If you have so little to say about yourself... will you please shut up telling others how to live their life?
Thank you.

I listen... then I look at you
To see if all the things you said are true
If your actions don't Match your words
And your words don't resemble your actions
Both your actions and your words have become worthless
And you with it

- Fritz Freud

One thing is for sure... everyone inside the Government is a Liar a Pedophile and a Traitor by association... teaching pupils that they can change their sex is a pedophile act... bankrupting the country to fuel wars that the public don't want is an act of treason.
This is a fact of necessity proven by actions that under no circumstances resemble the meaning of their own words unless you bring in the consideration of deliberate lies to stir the Nations... Goyim in Hebrew... into mutual assured self destruction... WW3... Holocaust... Apocalypse... and that they do.
It is a long standing plan calculative and deliberate... and there is no room for any action that could slow down halt or stop this Armageddon Train.
There is no will in the Government to solve problems.
However in their Think Tanks they wage war against Humanity creating one problem after the other like poison Ivy from the Ivy League.
And yes the principles of this are well documented in the Protocols of Zion... a plan that leads to the promised land... for some... Ritual Holocaust for us... proven beyond doubt to be authentic.
The Land of the Sun... literally... is Hell... the place where light emerges brought to us by Lucifer the bringer of light...
Lucifer is Illuminati... the Demon who came to set the world on fire.
And demonized we are by Demons galore who have taken over the bodies of some pretending to be Human... Lindsay Graham or Victoria Nuland for example.
The Jews / Freemasons from King Solomon on worship Demons and they conjure them and mislead others to let them Demons possess thee... Biden... Pelosi... Clinton... Leyen... Macron... Schumer...

Yet there is an unofficial Demons Club consisting of Bill Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Peter Thiel Sergej Brin Mark Zuckerberg... a stirring Committee that lead the world into a dystopia of Globalist Fascism while at the same time cover up their Tracks and portraying themselves as Gods over the gullible.
All of them show the signs of possessed people... drones of Satan... empty souls that are occupied by evil.
They all have MPD and split Personalities... this is how the Occult works... they traumatize you so you give up your Humanity... so you accept Satan as your God... which in reality is the occupation of your Body Mind and Soul by an external Alien being... Draco.
They are all driven by Greed and made a choice long ago... a pact with the Devil... all of them.
But the Devil is an Alien being that wants to possess the Human Race... the evidence is all around us.

The Government exists only to gain power.
The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.
The Government NEVER gives up this power.
When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.
They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.

The Demons Club consisting of Bill Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Peter Thiel Sergej Brin Mark Zuckerberg and more... have many things in common... one is that they are all related to each other by blood of the 13 tribes of the Illuminati and their Jewish Heritage... and the other one is that they are all financed stirred and controlled by the CIA which itself controls the Government and takes orders from no one but the Demons behind the scenes... Rockefeller Rothschild and above...
Their Investments are strategic... and they don't compete against each other... instead once you look under the carpet you recognize they are working in unison against the common enemy that are you and me.
They are all part of this Monarch program because if you can't control those who speak for you... how do you control those who speak against you?
You can't.
So they have to bring in new Laws that Demonize Humanities Freedom... like Freedom of expression... and the simple Freedom to live life as we see fit.
Demons demonize (and demonetize) Humanity... with total control... or total destruction.
Total control which is the square root of all problems from these Bloodlines of Incest and Insanity the Siamese Twins of Government intoxicated incest indoctrination idiocy.

Money is a weapon against Humanity designed for two things.

A) Men Die in War
B) Women become Prostitute Whores

When the Dragons saw Humans they lusted for the females....
The Rothschilds are offspring of those Dragons... as are the Jews....
What do they do?
War and Prostitution!
Case proven... case closed.


Funny but revealing is the fact that no one in the Government tries to stop the WHO's pandemic Treaty or AI for that matter.
It reveals the following:
All in power from Donald Trump to JFK Jr to Biden to Zelinksy to all in power everywhere are Jewish and will not do anything to stop Jewish Criminals but protect them and they sacrifice their own population aka Holocaust before they ever arrest any Jew for any crime anywhere.
That fact is proven right by me because I drafted an AI abuse prevention act which is not considered because AI is central to the Jewish plan of a Globalist Dictatorship...
But we must protect Jews because if we don't they might be hanged for their crimes... so mote it be.
Protecting Criminals is a criminal act by association and as a matter of fact renders itself Illegal.

How this works is simply contrary to how things should work.:
The Government receives a mandate from us to represent us... a contract that is.
The presumed Authority they have over us is presumed... not real...  and must be re defined to protect the individual from abuse by anyone... least of all the Government... who are at present a bunch of Zionist Mafiosi's Criminals that should be hanged quartered drowned in Acid their flesh eaten by vouchers and their bones bleached in the deserts sands.

The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder.
The highest bidder, by the way, has always been the Deep State.
Money Banks Media = Rothschild Rockefeller... it truly is a Vampire Ball.
But the Truth is... every Politician has a House... and this House can burn to the Ground...
We all should burn their Houses to the Ground as a way to say... Thank you... with an added... 
Fuck you!!!

4 Years after the Bees are destroyed… Humanity will be erased - Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein… a lying Jew said the Truth there…
However it is the Jews in the Government who make his prophecies come true.
Same old same old… Freemasons at work.
Just like Nostradamus who was a Jew and a Freemason and spread the Plague...
They do now the same...
Destroying Bees to destroy Humanity… all for a lie.
Same old same old.

And now we have the portrait of King Lucifer.
British artist Jonathan Yeo said in an interview I read that somehow has vanished now that the Royal Family gave them access to blood stored in the dungeons... blood of the enemies of the Royal Family... the many shades of red are shades of blood... King Lucifer.
He also said that all the brushes he used were basically "acquired"  by conquest...
So really it is a bathing in blood of the Royal Monarch and the Monarch Mind Control  Program.
And it is a fact that every POTUS has been of this Monarch Bloodlines.
They are all Freemasons too which brings us to the Worshipful Company of Drapers... Freemasons... who ordered this Portrait of the Devil Himself.
The Worshipful Company of Drapers is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. It has the formal name The Master and Wardens and Brethren and Sisters of the Guild or Fraternity of the Blessed Mary the Virgin of the Mystery of Drapers of the City of London... what a Mouthful.
Basically the Drapers are the Crown and they own the City of London.
They are also Freemasons.
And as such they are deeply involved into Mind Control Ritual Sacrifice and MK Ultra.

This Picture of King Lucifer it has the same meaning as had the destruction of the Georgia Guide stones.
It is basically a message to the Monarch Drones: Unleash Hell.

I predicted this when they destroyed the Georgia Guidestones that we must be prepared for anything... and we were... halting their advance.
I predict now that we must be even more concerned.
Because IMO they will try to start a Nuclear War... this is what this Symbolism reveals.

In these pictures which are enhanced the same way you see looking at it the demonic entities revealing themselves..

It is how the Occult communicates through the ages.

Long ago I wrote this one... they didn't like it.

How we win this war

To win a war one has to acknowledge that we are in a war.
And that we are in a war that is plain to see if you open your eyes.
That this is a different kind of war than ever before is clear for all that are awaken to the Illusion.
The Illusion is that we differ from each other and that our leaders wanting to help us; wrong.
Our so called leaders are criminals Mafiosi’s pedophiles Satanists and worse.
They are natural Liars believing that we deserve to be punished for our existence.
They believe that we are God’s mistake when God itself is a mistake and they are mistaken.
The Government is our enemy every Government everywhere they all work together against the very people that vote for them, the people who trust them.

I wrote a Blueprint for a Revolution on which I laid out a plan on how to topple the Government.

The Government must Fall!
All of them anywhere everywhere.

And we should all work together especially the Farmers and Truckers who have proven to be and continue to be the Backbone of our Society.
Politicians mean nothing.
It is the Farmers that provide us with Food and the Truckers who deliver it.
Politicians deserve to be hanged for Treason.
Support the Farmers and the Truckers and bring down the Government... all of them... everywhere.

#GeneralStrike: Why we all must Support #Farmers & #Truckers
Bring Down the Government and hold them Accountable

Generally speaking I trust a Politician only as far as I can shoot them... and so should you.
Snake oil sellers... used car salesmen... they are more trustworthy than all Politicians combined.
As a General rule every Politician is a Liar until proven otherwise.
Especially in the USA where fundraising is a very popular foundation of politics it has to be said that fundraising and Lobbying for that matter are from the legal perspective already a conflict of Interest and as such makes the whole thing Illegal from the start.
The people who give money to politics are people like FTX Amazon Apple Bill Gates... people who are Jewish and crooks... and they always want something in return... this is how it works.

The Baltimore Bridge was no accident... it was a deliberate attack on us all.
The way the bridge collapsed let me to the conclusion that this was planned from before the bridge was build.
In structural engineering it is called predetermined breaking point.
So this was planned a very, very long time ago.
I be warning people for years now about the coming AI war... something that is easily dismissed.
This is very dangerous.

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, 
once the fraud is exposed they must rely on force.

I say this again:
The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder.
The highest bidder, by the way, has always been the Deep State.
Money Banks Media = Rothschild Rockefeller... it truly is a Vampire Ball.
But the Truth is... every Politician has a House... and this House can burn to the Ground...
We all should burn their Houses to the Ground as a way to say... Thank you... with an added... Fuck you.

The Government is the enemy and their power must be taken by force... the Traitors Hanged... and the System changed from the Ground to protect the Individual.
The proof of this is the Digital ID they force upon us... it is an act of Treason.
It is basically the Auschwitz Tattoo for everyone... and everyone is a slave.
And the Government are Nazis.
So we rise up... hang them Nazis and WE RESET the System rather than let them reset it.

Step 1Lockdown / Citizen House arrest all Politicians.

As long as we allow Politicians to change the Law we are at their Mercy.
They make laws to protect them in order to enslave us.
They fuel War and create Problems such as the Pandemic Treaty to give them more Powers
So we must stop them from doing so.
Lock them down in their Houses.

Step 2Inform the Police

In order to be on the right side of the Law we must work with the Police to arrest all them criminals.
We don't want a Civil War... that would only feed the Traitors.
"Against all enemies foreign and Domestic".
It is clear that the WEF WHO and others are the enemy of we the people.
So they are enemies of Society and domestic Terrorists by their own description.
The Police has an obligation to not only arrest them but to protect us.
If they do not comply and decide to protect the criminal political class... shoot them... burn the police stations to the ground... because legally they become criminals in Uniform.
Let them know this... tell them we are going to arrest all those Traitors and ask them to support us.
If they don't... so mote it be.

Step 2Inform the Military

Same as above.

Step 4Arrest all Lobbyists

The same as Politicians... these Lobbyists work against Humanity and the same applies...
Lock them down in their Houses so they can't progress their plans.

Step 5: Publicize everything

Julian Assange showed us the way... to take their power we must adhere to the Truth... the Truth will always be on our side.
Every Document especially the Secret ones must be published openly for everyone to access and to see and verify the crimes of the elite.
Secrecy is their weapon.
Truth is ours.

Step 6Government Accountability at all levels

Secrecy is the Cancer... Truth is the cure.

Step 7Individual Rights

Absolute Freedom of Speech...
Absolute Freedom of Information without Censorship...
Absolute Freedom of living without harming others...
Absolute Freedom to resist...
Absolute Freedom to be...

Step 8Limited Government

The Government must be Limited to the basics.
War powers must be taken from them.
And every action scrutinized.
If Politicians enrich themselves... hang them openly.

Every Citizen has not only the right but the obligation to stop Tyranny from emerging and as such to say no to any Government action.

Step 9End Taxation

All taxation is theft.

Step 10End the Fed... End the IMF... Arrest all Bankers.

The Rothschild Cabal thinks they own the Money... it is time to hang every Rothschild that there is and erase this scourge...
They don't... the Money belongs to us.
The Banks are mere Administrators which have stolen all they have from we the people through Lies Bribery and Corruption.
Everything they own belongs to us... and they shall hang for Treason... just like the Politicians... just like the Freemasons... just like the Lobbyists... they are all one scum.

Step 11Energy from Water

Hydrogen can run all machines and it can be easily extracted from water and burned back into water.
As such we create absolute Zero Emissions ...
We have inexhaustible free energy for everyone...
We don't pay taxes...
And we don't need stupidity like CCS or Government Fear Mongering.
It is a Win Win Win situation for all except those who want to enslave us.

Step 12Free Education for everyone.

Free education Modular and cheap can be transmitted through the Internet to anyone who wants to learn.
As I am a lifelong learner and passionate about it I want to learn as much as I can.
As a Blueprint... Prof Mueller and his "Physics for Future Presidents".
If we make research available to everyone and create a knowledge base we also set the stage for future inventions that the Government tries to suppress... tries to hide... and prevents us to make the next step in our evolution.
Knowledge is Power...
Free Education is Power to the people!

Step 13Artificial Intelligence Prevention Act.

AI is a tool by all them in power to create a Slave society.
Those who control AI abuse AI as a tool of Slavery.
We must ensure that AI never becomes the Master to enslave the Human Race.
Because this is their plan all along.

They create problems to sell us solution that are worse in the long term.
Their Solutions are always the same... give us more power... give us more money...

What they so conveniently leave out is the fact that they themselves created Covid... they themselves crushed the economy.... are behind the war in Ukraine... Hamas / Israel.. and behind the Monkees.
And we are all prisoners now in this Global Concentration Camp called... whatever...
The fact is that all players are members of the Jewish Occult from Top Down:

-CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky – JEWISH
-CDC Director, Washington D.C. office , Jeff Reczek – JEWISH
-HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra – JEWISH
-Vangard CEO, Hortimer J. Buckley – JEWISH
-Head of Pfizer, Albert Bourla – JEWISH
-CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri Berger – JEWISH
-HHS Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine – JEWISH
-Monderna Chief Scientist, Tal Zaks – JEWISH
-CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat – JEWISH
-Covid Czar, Jeff Zients – JEWISH
-Pfizer Chief Scientist, Mikael Dolstein – JEWISH
-Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink – JEWISH
-Covid Senior Advisor, Andy Slavitt – JEWISH
-CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolf – JEWISH
-Blackrock President, Rob Kapito – JEWISH
-Henry Kissinger – JEWISH
-George Sorros – JEWISH
-CEO World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab – JEWISH

And those Jews are now selling the Auschwitz ID as Digital ID because we are all prisoners of Auschwitz now... You can't make this shit up...

Oh by the way I forgot to honorably mention Fritz Haber.
Fritz Haber was the Inventor of Zyclon B the Gas used in Auschwitz.
Fritz Haber was also Jewish.
Fritz Haber was the Inventor and Killer of Millions.

So there you have it.
Problem... Reaction... Revolution.
Without a Revolution there will be Slavery.
And you be the Slave.
Don't complain if you are unwilling to work for your Freedom.
And don't stand in my way.


Fritz Freud.

If you can... are well off enough...  and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... thank you.

Buy Me a Coffee

Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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