Sunday 13 October 2024


Israel has opened 7 (Seven) at a time (!) war fronts in the Middle East


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

Israel has opened seven war fronts in the Middle East:

Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and is also provoking Russia in Syria and yesterday destroyed a French Total oil plant in Lebanon, in retaliation (it seems) to Macron’s threat to suspend military aid to Israel.

Ebraico Massonico Menorah a Portafoglio Top Accendino : Salute e cura della persona

Masonic gadget with 7 arms Menorah

Just a coincidence?

In the meantime, we are waiting for the announced retaliation against Iran that threatens to hit Iranian oil plants and nuclear plants that can trigger a general conflict throughout the Middle East with the direct involvement of the USA, Russia, China.

Who threatens world peace?

Don’t ask the Italian government, the EU, the fake parliamentary opposition, the confederal trade union, the propagandists of the television media system and all those who yesterday deserted the square in Rome that demonstrated against the genocide in Palestine and against the police ban.

They would respond that Hamas and Hezbollah are the real threat to peace and that Israel is exercising its legitimate right to defend itself.

In short, Israel has never abandoned the role of the victim, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, even when it is the protagonist of brutal war crimes against the defenseless civilian population, causing tens of thousands of innocent victims.

Today it is increasingly clear that Israel is the monster born from an unhealthy conception of Western colonialism and the racist supremacism of Zionist ideology.

The Golem as a metaphor of the Covert Magic Secret War of Israel

A monster devoid of ethics and humanitarian morality that conceives only the biblical destruction of everything that hinders its will to power up to the genocide of its adversaries, without distinguishing between women, men and children, between combatants and non-combatants, that plans the destruction of hospitals, schools, homes to make life impossible for its enemies.

Its army that commits such crimes is an army without honor and will be remembered as such in history.

The End of Judaism

In this sense, the Zionist State has already lost and cannot have a future among free men and in the conscience of humanity.

It will be able to continue killing until its dissolution, which will inevitably come sooner or later, if human civilization has a future.

Only a nuclear holocaust can stop its destiny, along with that of all humanity.

So let Samson die with all the Philistines, or is it better that this time only Samson, the Zionist State, dies, saving us Philistines?

The Three Judean-Roman Wars: a self-destructive Jewish ignited escalating WW during the Roman Empire which led to the destruction of Judea (4 BC-200AD). A lesson for the future…

There is in fact an alternative to this disastrous outcome. Ilan Pappè, an anti-Zionist Israeli historian, explains it to us:
“A de-Zionized, liberated and democratic Palestine from the river to the sea; a Palestine that will welcome refugees again and build a society that does not discriminate on the basis of culture, religion or ethnicity.”

This new state would work to correct, as much as possible, the evils of the past, in terms of economic inequality, theft of property and denial of rights. This could herald a new dawn for the entire Middle East.

It is not always easy to stick to one’s moral compass, but if it points north – towards decolonization and liberation – then it will most likely lead us through the fog of poisonous propaganda, hypocritical policies and inhumanity, often perpetrated in the name of our common Western values.

Fortunately, however, in recent days Russia has implicitly expressed its intention to protect Iran and this fact, discouraging the Israelis and creating discomfort in the Americans, makes the hypothesis of an Israeli attack on Iran increasingly risky and possibly ill-timed.

In fact, American military analysts have revealed that highly advanced Russian weapons have been transferred to Iran in recent weeks, supported by the deployment of Russian military personnel to operate these systems, including the S-400 missiles.

Russian Security Council Secretary (former Defense Minister) Sergei Shoigu is believed to have made two secret visits to Iran in recent times.

Moscow has also reportedly responded to Iran’s request for satellite data on Israeli targets for its October 1 missile strike.

Russia has also provided Iran with the Murmansk-BN long-range electronic warfare system.

The “Murmansk-BN” system is a powerful electronic warfare system, capable of jamming and intercepting enemy radio signals, GPS, communications, satellites and other electronic systems up to 5,000 km away and neutralizing “smart” munitions and drone systems, and is capable of disrupting US and NATO-owned high-frequency satellite communications systems.

To be sure, Russia’s involvement in Iran’s standoff with Israel is potentially a game-changer.

From the US perspective, it raises the worrying specter of a direct clash with Russia, which it does not want.

Israel has apparently put the damper on its planned attack on Iran.

A number of circumstances can be attributed to this retreat, which belies the high-pitched rhetoric of Israel, which was eager to get going.

Despite Israel’s brilliant media management, reports have emerged that the Iranian missile attack on October 1 was a spectacular success.

It was a demonstration of Iran’s deterrent ability to obliterate Israel if necessary.

The failure of the United States to intercept Iran’s hypersonic missiles sent its message home. Iran claims that 90 percent of its missiles penetrated Israel’s air defense system.

Will Schryver, a technical engineer and security commentator, wrote in X:

“I don’t understand how anyone who has seen the numerous video clips of Iranian missile strikes on Israel can’t recognize and admit that this was a stunning demonstration of Iranian capabilities.

Iranian ballistic missiles broke through US/Israeli air defenses and launched multiple strikes with large warheads against Israeli military targets.

This would explain US President Joe Biden’s statement on October 4 that a decision had not yet been made on what kind of response Israel should take against Iran.

“If I were in their [Israeli] shoes, I would be thinking of other alternatives than hitting the oil fields,” Biden said in a rare White House briefing room appearance a day after Israeli officials said a “significant retaliation” was imminent.

Biden added that the Israelis “have not yet concluded where they stand, what they will do” in retaliation. Biden also told reporters that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should remember US support for Israel when deciding on next steps. He said he was trying to rally the world to avoid an all-out war in West Asia.

In this pantomime, it is safer to believe Biden, since the honest truth is that without US input and practical help, and money (and direct intervention), Israel simply does not have the stamina to take on Iran. Israel’s regional dominance boils down to carrying out assassination plots and attacking unarmed civilians.

But even here, how self-sufficient Israel is vis-à-vis Iran is questionable.

There have been reports that new US high-tech intelligence has pinpointed the location of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Nasrallah, which was passed to Israel, leading to his assassination.

Interestingly, CIA Director William Burns stepped in to deny rumors that Iran conducted a nuclear test on Saturday.

Speaking at a security conference on Monday, Burns said the United States has been closely monitoring Iran’s nuclear activity for any signs of a race toward a nuclear bomb.

It is entirely conceivable that, in the context of rising regional tensions, Moscow and Tehran have considered moving up the formal signing of the Russian-Iranian defense pact, originally scheduled for Kazan.

It is against this backdrop that official Russian news agencies, citing presidential aide Yury Ushakov on Sunday, said that Putin plans to meet his Iranian counterpart, Masud Pezeshkian, in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, on October 11. The meeting took place.

But no details about the meeting were forthcoming. Indeed, this comes as a surprise, given that the two leaders are scheduled to meet again at the BRICS summit in the Russian city of Kazan, which will be held from October 22 to 24.

Interestingly, Ushakov added that Putin has no plans to meet Netanyahu.

Putin has yet to respond to Netanyahu’s request for a phone conversation, made five days ago.

A legend that Netanyahu has usually created in recent years to impress his domestic audience (and confuse the Arab way) — that he had a special relationship with Putin — is falling apart.

On the other hand, by arranging an urgent meeting in Ashgabat (in fact, Turkmen President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was in Moscow only on Monday/Tuesday for a working visit), the Kremlin is making it clear to Washington and Tel Aviv that Moscow is irrevocably aligned with Tehran and will help the latter no matter what.

Thanks to Maurizio Blondet, Antonio Castronovi and M.K. Bhadrakumar

for Mr. M.K. Bhadrakumar see also:


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