Thursday 17 October 2024


End of the United Nations? BRICS Decision Shocked the World

Countries from the BRICS alliance and the Global South are pushing for major reforms at the United Nations, arguing it's overly dominated by Western Nations U.S., the U.K., France, Russia, and China

Mainstreaming EXIT UN With BRICS?

The globalization structure is fracturing… Just so you all know! There is the issue of BRICS exiting the DOLLAR with their own system to compete with SWIFT. Let’s face it, times they are changing, BRICS is leading the way to destabilizing the dollar and EXITING UN. This will cause enormous shifts in economies and legal structures.

Below let’s discuss the BRICS pathway out of UN. What does this mean for world currency? What if BRICS really bailed on UN? 

New World Order is here - BUT the question is, who will control it?


Is It Time to Move On From UN? 

Reforming the UN is a Waste and the World Needs a Better System

In recent years, the BRICS alliance—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—along with nations from the Global South, have increasingly voiced frustration with the United Nations (UN). They argue that this outdated institution, especially its Security Council, is not just failing to serve their interests but is fundamentally flawed, dominated by Western nations who cling to power and push questionable agendas. As these calls for reform grow louder, a more pressing question arises: Is the UN even worth saving, or is it time to abandon this relic and build something better?

A Club for the Powerful Few & You And I Ain’t In It

The UN was founded in the aftermath of World War II with lofty ideals of fostering global cooperation, but over time, it has become a platform dominated by a few powerful nations. The Security Council, with its five permanent members—the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China—has absolute veto power, effectively locking the world into a system where these nations decide what’s important and what isn’t.

For BRICS countries like Brazil, India, and South Africa, the structure of the UN symbolizes an entrenched imbalance of power. Despite representing large populations and growing economies, these nations remain shut out from permanent representation on the Council. Meanwhile, African nations, which make up 28% of UN membership, are also without a permanent seat, leading many to question whether the organization can ever reflect the modern world. But after decades of failed reform efforts, should they even bother anymore?

Why Reform Won’t Work—And Isn’t Worth It

For years, calls for reform have fallen on deaf ears. The BRICS countries have repeatedly demanded changes to make the UN more inclusive, especially in the Security Council, but the Western powers have no incentive to dilute their control. And why would they? The current system allows them to push through their own agendas, often under the guise of global cooperation, while stifling the voices of developing nations.

In reality, the UN has become a bureaucratic mess that is more interested in maintaining the status quo than making any real changes. Reforming this institution would require a massive overhaul that the existing power players would never allow. Even if some superficial reforms were enacted, it’s unlikely they would address the deeper structural issues that perpetuate Western dominance.

Instead of wasting time and resources on reform, why not simply abandon the UN and start fresh? The world doesn’t need another rehash of failed policies and empty promises. What it needs is a new system, one that doesn’t just benefit the few but is designed from the ground up to serve the interests of all nations, without the baggage of a post-World War II institution that’s out of touch with today’s realities.

UN’s Climate Commitments: Another Layer of Waste and Fraud 

One of the UN’s most glaring failures is in the area of climate change, where it has been pushing costly and unrealistic commitments that disproportionately affect developing nations. Under the guise of "saving the planet," the UN and its Western backers have promoted climate policies that many argue are more about control than actual environmental protection.

Developing countries are often forced to comply with these climate commitments, even when it hampers their economic growth and development. The BRICS nations and others in the Global South, who are still trying to lift millions out of poverty, are expected to play along with rules written by Western nations who already industrialized and polluted the planet for over a century.

At the same time, the UN's climate change framework has been rife with inconsistencies, questionable science, and outright fraud. UN claims “we own the science” and partnered with Google to put UN climate “science” first! The alarmist narrative often pushed by Western countries has been met with increasing skepticism. Instead of genuinely addressing environmental concerns, it’s more about pushing global control agendas through mechanisms like ubiquitous censorship of truth that climate always changes, carbon credits, green taxes, and international regulations that disproportionately burden developing nations while enriching Western corporations.

This isn’t just bad policy—it’s a waste of resources. BRICS countries have more pressing concerns, from economic development to infrastructure, and they shouldn’t have to bend to an international framework built on shaky foundations.

Time for a New Global Order—Without the UN - We are PLACING OUR ORDERS For A New World Order Ran By Us!

If anything, the UN’s failure to reform is proof that it’s beyond saving. It’s time to acknowledge the truth: this system is broken. Rather than continuing to play a losing game, countries should be focusing on building something better, outside the shadow of the UN and their plan for a New World Order. We agree there must be order from this chaos, but UN caused the chaos to benefit and countries are waking up to put their own houses in order and create the future they want to see.

The BRICS nations have already started laying the groundwork for this new global order out of UN’s chaos. The establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB) in 2014, which serves as an alternative to the Western-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), is a clear signal that BRICS countries are ready to take control of their own futures. The NDB finances infrastructure and sustainable development projects in emerging economies without forcing countries into the same restrictive terms that Western financial institutions impose. Unlike the dollar-dominated IMF and World Bank, the NDB allows for loans in local currencies, helping nations reduce dependency on the dollar.

This is just the beginning. The potential for BRICS and other emerging powers to create alternative structures for global governance is vast. By working together, these nations can form new institutions that serve the interests of developing economies without the baggage of outdated Western-driven agendas. The UN isn’t needed in this new world. If anything, it’s a hindrance.

Let the UN Fade Away

The UN’s shortcomings aren’t just an inconvenience—they’re proof that the organization is obsolete. For far too long, the world has operated within the confines of a system designed to benefit a handful of powerful nations, all while pushing questionable policies like climate change commitments that do more harm than good.

Rather than continuing to throw money and resources at a failed system, it’s time to let the UN fade into irrelevance. Reforming it is not just a waste of time, it’s a distraction from what really needs to happen: building new institutions that better reflect today’s world. The power structures, policies, and priorities that emerged from a post-World War II reality no longer serve us, and it’s time to move on.

The rise of BRICS and other emerging powers offers an opportunity to break free from the outdated frameworks that have stifled progress for so long. By abandoning the UN and its fraudulent agendas, countries can focus on what really matters—economic growth, sovereignty, and development—without the interference of a bloated, ineffective bureaucracy.

The world doesn’t need more reform; it needs a revolution in how we govern and cooperate internationally. And that revolution starts by leaving the UN behind, once and for all.

Two good videos on BRICS exit of UN:


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All help, right now, when it matters most, is the greatest Karma in the world! 

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