Thursday 3 October 2024


Israel BANS ENTRY To UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres For Tweet To De-escalate Violence! | IRAN SAYS FORCE IN ISRAEL YESTERDAY JUSTIFIED ON LEGAL PRINCIPLES - WW3?

Israel's Minister said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would be banned from the country. The Foreign Minister is declaring Guterres “persona non grata”, prohibiting entry to Israel.

HEADS UP: Quote of the day by Iran is quite serious for the global order: “In conclusion, the regime of the United States and the United Kingdom, notorious enablers of the Israeli regime, along with France, have once again cynically attempted to justify Israel's heinous crimes under the guise of self-defense, shifting the blame onto Iran”

Iran says they are justified to use force to end Israel’s impunity for crimes against humanity and genocide…


WW3 Nears Closer Than Ever - PRAY!

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United States just helped Israel defend from Iran’s missile attack yesterday, and the entire globe is in the process of choosing sides. At stake is the rule of international law itself. 

This is the first of a couple posts where we intend to help dig into the critical details we see, in order to show you all what’s going on from the point of view of diplomatic law, international criminal law and how the NWO is at a crossroads of success or defeat. 

We have been super busy behind the scenes getting ready for our hugest legal moves yet, and had to take a quick break from posting, but this is important! We want you all to have the correct information to be able to see the fracturing of the international order through war and force is a terrible problem, but if we rise above to a level of mastery over circumstances, is also humanities BIG OPPORTUNITY TO TRANSMUTE dark to light, war to peace and chaos to order.

For now let’s start with where things are as of this minute, since things are moving fast, and next post we will explain our take on how international law is at serious risk & what we can and must actually do about it! 

First todays bombshell speech by Iran, then an overview of the whole saga that let to UN being called flat earth society and the Secretary General of UN banned by Israel- IOJ


Iran playing the part of victim and also VIGILANTE lone enforcer of international law, motu military, ie: taking the law into their own hands? This is unprecedented and complicated. 

We have a lot to say. This is the first of a few posts that will focus on the international law part of things, and in particular, crimes against humanity rulings and ENFORCEMENT…. 

Speech by Iran today regarding the use of force in Israel yesterday:

We think it’s well worth reading the whole speech below by Iran, but if you are short for time, we highlighted a few key points for you to get the overview:

In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. We congratulate you, Madame President, for assuming the presidency of the Security Council this month and thank you for convening this emergency meeting to address the ongoing Israeli aggression against Lebanon and the critical situation in the region. We acknowledge Slovenia for its successful conclusion of the presidency in September.

Madame President, distinguished delegates, for a year now, the apartheid and occupying regime of Israel has continued its brutality in occupied Palestine with full impunity. 

Now, this regime is extending a spiritual aggressive war to Lebanon, targeting innocent people day and night across the border and deep inside the territory. The regime is pushing the region to the edge of an unprecedented catastrophe. 

Israel has no intention of pursuing peace or a ceasefire. Regrettably, the UN Security Council has remained paralyzed due to the United States' obstruction of any effective decision by this body. The unwavering support provided by the United States, United Kingdom, and certain Western states to Israel has given a clear signal to this aggressive terrorist regime for all sorts of sinister behavior. 


No more than ever, this regime has become a serious threat to international peace and security. The only way to prevent further escalation is clear: Israel must immediately cease its war on Gaza, and its attacks on Lebanon must stop.

Madame President, distinguished delegates, as we informed the members of the council in our letter yesterday, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran launched a series of missile strikes targeting the military and security positions of the Israeli regime. Iran's action was in full accordance with the inherent right to self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter and a direct response to the regime's repeated acts of aggression against Iran, including the violation of Iran's sovereignty and territorial integrity during the past months. Our invocation of the right of self-defense, followed by an extended period of restraint, reflects Iran's responsible approach to regional and international peace and security.

At a time when the illegal actions and genocide carried out by this occupying regime against the Palestinian people, as well as its repeated military aggression against Lebanon and Syria, continue, Iran's missile strikes were a necessary and proportionate response to Israel's continued terrorist aggressive acts over the past two months. This includes the violation of Iran's sovereignty, the assassination of political leaders of Hamas in Tehran and Iranian citizens, the targeting and wounding of Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, and the recent assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the resistance and Secretary-General of Hezbollah, and General Abbas Nezam, an Iranian military advisor in Beirut. I wish to mention the key facts that clearly demonstrate Iran's action on self-defense is fully justified, lawful, and firmly grounded in international legal principles.

On 1st April 2024, Israel brazenly attacked Iran's diplomatic mission in Damascus, Syria, in blatant violation of international law, specifically the principle of inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises. Iran immediately sought the council's condemnation. What was this body's response? Nothing. Rather than condemning Israel's act of aggression, the council merely called for Iran's restraint and even refrained from issuing a press statement proposed by Russia. After 10 days of silence from the Security Council, Iran had no choice but to use its inherent right under international law to respond to this serious violation.

On 31st July 2024, Israel committed yet another act of aggression by assassinating Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas political leader and the former Prime Minister of Palestine, while he was an official guest of the Iranian government in Tehran. This was a flagrant breach of Iran's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Despite Iran's call for action, the council again failed to act. Meanwhile, several states, including the United States, urged Iran to maintain restraint, citing ongoing ceasefire negotiations. We respected these calls for diplomacy, yet no ceasefire materialized, and Israel only grew bolder.

Again, we witnessed another heinous crime by Israel, this time through the detonation of communication devices targeting the innocent people of Lebanon. A large number of innocent civilians were killed and injured, including Iran's ambassador to Lebanon. This was yet another manifestation of state terrorism. Following this, Israel carried out a blatant act of terrorist aggression using U.S.-supplied thousand-pound bunker busters to assassinate Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah and a symbol of resistance against Israeli occupation and aggression in Lebanon. This brutal attack resulted in the martyrdom of numerous innocent people, including the Hezbollah leader and Iranian General Abbas Nezam, while also leaving many civilians wounded. This outrageous act underscores once more the regime's continued reliance on violence and terror.

Madame President, the Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently pursued peace and stability for the region and called for an immediate ceasefire and the cessation of civilian casualties, a position we have maintained for over a year. Yet, experience has proven that Israel only understands the language of force. 

Diplomacy has repeatedly failed, as Israel views restraint not as a gesture of goodwill but as a weakness to exploit. 

Each act of restraint taken by Iran has only emboldened Israel to commit even greater crimes and more acts of aggression. Consequently, Iran's response was necessary to restore balance and deter Israel. Israel must understand that each act of aggression it makes is not unpunished and will be met with consequences. This is the cost this regime must bear.

Contrary to the regime, which consistently considers innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure as legitimate targets for aggression and massacre, Iran's response has only targeted the regime's military and security installations with its defensive missile strikes. The Islamic Republic of Iran is grounded in ethical principles and the noble teachings of Islam and is in full compliance with the principles of distinction under international humanitarian law. [IOJ note - we linked the law Iran relies on here for you]

Madame President, distinguished delegates, the international community cannot afford to remain silent. We reiterate our call on this council to respond with urgency and determination. The Security Council must intervene to stop Israel's continued aggression and war crimes against Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria, and to prevent the situation from escalating into a full-scale regional war. Furthermore, the Security Council must force Israel to comply with its obligations under the resolutions this body adopted. Israel must fully implement Resolution 1701.

Finally, Madame President, we strongly warn against any further acts of aggression by the Israeli terrorist regime against our national security and vital interests. 


Iran is fully prepared to take further defensive measures if necessary to protect its legitimate interests and defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any acts of military aggression and illegal use of force. In this regard, Iran will have no hesitation.

In conclusion, the regime of the United States and the United Kingdom, notorious enablers of the Israeli regime, along with France, have once again cynically attempted to justify Israel's heinous crimes under the guise of self-defense, shifting the blame onto Iran. 

The Israeli regime must be held accountable for its atrocious crimes, and we cannot disregard the U.S. complicity in Israel's crimes. 


Israel's warmongering relies on U.S. regime military support and political backing. American weapons constitute the major part of Israeli weaponry and ammunition used in Gaza, and therefore the United States is implicated in every aspect of Israel's atrocities. The vast majority of bombs Israel drops on Gaza and Lebanon are U.S.-made. The U.S. regime even provides Israel with jet fuel. The U.S. has sent so many arms to Israel since October 7 that the Pentagon has struggled to find sufficient cargo aircraft to deliver the materials. 

If there were even a shred of honesty in their concerns for the loss of innocent lives in Gaza or Lebanon or for the spread of war across the region, they could easily strip Israel of the tools it uses to commit those atrocities. 

Yet, their actions reveal their true intent to embolden Israel's criminal actions.

I thank you.

Iran-Israel Conflict heats up in shocking ways - NWO Fracturing & WW3 Solidifying? PRAY FOR PEACE: 

Israel's Minister said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would be banned from the country. 

The Foreign Minister said he was declaring Guterres “persona non grata” and said he would be prevented from entering Israel.


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BIG global moves, shocks and black swans incoming…

What’s going on? 

The world is different today, that’s what’s up. 


WW3 Nears Closer Than Ever - PRAY!

Last week at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Iran said Israel is being given impunity and emboldened. Iran firmly insisted that “the UN and Security Council must do anything in its power to hold Israel responsible”. 

Iran asks the UN “not to take pride in Netanyahu’s evil deeds”, says this makes Israel “further emboldened to commit further crimes.” 

Iran further insists that the nuclear arsenal in Israels hands is too dangerous, and claims that Israel must join the nuclear proliferation treaty. 

This was last week. No one acted, UN Security Council is impotent to enforce a ruling due to veto power used by US, and Iran grew impatient with what Iran describes and both being attacked by Israel bi proxy in diplomatic meetings, and Iran said they could not stand by watching attacks on Gaza and Lebanon, while the UN Security Council could not act, thus Iran proceeded yesterday in taking the law into their own hands.

Yesterday Iran rained down 200 rockets into Tel Aviv, Israel, home of 10 M people.

The missile attack made by Iran was delivered less than 24 hours after the following VERY chilling address to Iranians from Netanyahu, which was essentially warning Iranians that they are being used as pawns and urging “not to let” the Iranian government attack Israel, otherwise Israel will stop at no ends to crush Iran in defense and retribution:

Warning just before the Missile Attack:

Israel, upon being subjected to the direct missile attack with hellfire raining down upon themselves yesterday, immediately insisted Iran made a “big mistake” and boasted “there is nowhere Israel cannot reach inside Iran, or the whole Middle East for that matter, to seek revenge and defend Israeli people & the State of Israel itself”… 

‘Iran will soon feel consequences...’: Israel’s UN envoy issues stark warning after missile strike. Israel also “expresses deep divide & disappointment in the UN Secretary General’s tweet (on X) because the UN Secretary General was calling for deescalation, rather than condemning Iran as terrorists”

Israel immediately warns that Iran “will feel consequences of the missile strike”

The “fracturing” of the NWO & Start of WW3 is right on schedule for 2030…

Iran is right about the UN Security Council being powerless to step in. Veto power is the problem. ICC ruled genocide and we can’t enforce it because US refuses to agree - vetoing the Security Council from intervention in the mass attrocity.

The question remains, is it Iran’s role to act as the global vigilante “hero” to use force? It’s a complicated moral and legal issue. The UN system is heavily under fire as well!

Let us recall that also just last week at the UN General Assembly, Netanyahu accused that "THE UN SWAMP IS AN ANTI-ISRAEL FLAT EARTH SOCIETY", a statement made because most diplomats walked out in protest. 

The walk out by most UN delegate diplomats was for the purpose of honoring ICC's genocide ruling against Israel for “Genocide in Gaza”. 

If you did not yet see last weeks video of the UN halls being cleared out in protest of Netanyahu, currently accused by ICC criminal court of Genocide in Gaza, a video is below. 

The General Assembly ‘Great Walk Out’ In Anti-Genocide Show Of Solidarity

UN Calls Netanyahu "Your Excellency" & Calls For Order during walkout! 

UN sucks up to Israel and apparently refuses to follow ICC's ruling to not support Israel. This is shockingly supporting Netanyahu as a “peace loving nation”, even while the MP Netanyahu is ruled to be in violation of international criminal law for genocide.


- Netanyahu is not pleased with UN -

Many Diplomats Walk Out In Protesting Israel For Palestine Genocide

Netanyahu insists & declares THAT "THE UN SWAMP IS AN ANTI-ISRAEL FLAT EARTH SOCIETY", ironically, whilst standing in front of the distorted Flat Earth map of UN.

Speaking of Flat Earth, a little lighthearted glimpse of the ongoing terrestrial conspiracy and debate is needed to lighten the mood: 

  • Below is in the US Library of Congress (with many other Flat Earth maps by the way) 

New correct map of the flat surface, stationary earth

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Are Israel & UN about to go toe to toe?

First, Netanyahu insists UN is a bunch of Flat Earth society crazies last week 

and NOW Israel's Minister said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would be banned from the country and he is declaring Guterres “persona non grata” and said he would be prevented from entering Israel.

Israel's Minister said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would be banned from the country. 

The Foreign Minister said he was declaring Guterres “persona non grata” and said he would be prevented from entering Israel.

Israel bans UN Secretary General “persona non grata” from entry


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