Saturday 12 October 2024


Geo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life on Earth

Geo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life on Earth

Dane Wigington has been working overtime to alert and inform the public and government officials regarding the recent weather warfare operations against their states. Here is his interview on Infowars, explaining that he has briefed Senators and Government officials from North Carolina that their state was just attacked ( in an act of war). 

While the storms are horrific - what has been happening with Helene and Milton and other hurricanes in Acapulco, may be what is needed to open people’s eyes to the fact that the military industrial complex is waging war against the people of this earth and the entire biosphere. Eventually this will lead to uncovering what they are spraying, the biological warfare against humanity that I and others have been documenting - all of this is part of technocratic transhumansim agenda - including spraying polymer filaments, smart dust, toxic heavy metals, engineered pathogens not just for weather warfare but also to sicken the entire population. They know they are killing people and that has been admitted by officials in previous history. 

The link to the changes in the blood and the COVID19 injections as the end stage of transforming humans into cyborgs and complete technological surveillance will be revealed - it is inevitable. The coverup of these operations is beyond pathetic at this time, when we have documents from 50 years ago that acknowledge the reality of weather warfare by the Department of Defense. In other words, your taxpayer dollars have been paying for you getting poisoned from the skies, the devastating weather events that have routinely happened and the subsequent diseases that these liars have accused the innocent sufferers to be called delusional - while people have complained of synthetic fibers, microchips, insect like structures and other self assembly nanotechnology that would come out of their skin. As always, the doctors have turned a blind eye, as it was too inconvenient for their paycheck to pay attention to this phenomenon. 

Weather modification document 1974

If you have not seen this information, please listen to my interview with Dane Wigington CONFIRMING my research on the geoengineering aspect of polymers, metals, graphene, pathogens from the aircraft. 

Geoengineering – The Threat to Humanity and Our Earth – Conversation with Dane Wigington – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 36

I also highly recommend Elana Freeland’s work and books. 

"Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And Spirit, Ep 8 - Conversation with Elana Freeland

Geoengineered Transhumanism is a classic - anyone who wants to be informed about the details of these operations should read this book. 

Geoengineered Transhumanism - Weaponized Environment, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology and Connection to C19 shots'

I also recommend watching this warning and explanation to humanity by Clifford Carnicom, Elana Freeland, Dr. David Nixon, Harry Blazer and myself. We are all being proven right every passing day, so our historic work is important to consider.

A Warning to Humanity: Historical Context Of Environmental Bio- and Geoengineering and the C19 Injection Era - Findings Of Synthetic Biology Polymer Filaments In Human Blood



I also highly recommend my own 2 new books, which will be available next week ( I will post a link when people can order). In a combined over 800 pages of groundbreaking research, I present the COVID19 Crimes against Humanity in the live blood, examinations and evidence for self assembly nanotechnology from around the world in the COVID19 vials and the analysis of the rubbery clots. I also show the link between Geoengineering operations and the findings of the blood, and my research with Clifford Carnicom and other heroic scientists who have exposed this nanotechnology assault against humanity. Of course, I have documented many details of treatment solutions and have included my own clinic protocols that I have used successfully on well over a thousand people by now for even the severest of long COVID and shedding symptoms - in people who have come to see me from all over the world. It is my focus that these books will serve as irrefutable documentation of these crimes not just to inform the public and clinicians, but also to bring justice worldwide against the perpetrators. Several esteemed colleagues of mine have contributed their unique voice to introduce this important work. 

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