Wednesday 2 October 2024


Declassified CIA/US ARMY Intelligence Analysis -Assessment Of Gateway Process - The Potential Of Human Consciousness And Mandatory Training Of Intelligence Officers - Was This Knowledge Weaponized?

I was sent this declassified document of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command. You can find this document at the CIA reading library.

Cia Rdp96 Consciousness

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In this document from 1983, which was declassified in 2003, you can find what ARMY intelligence knows about human consciousness. The reason this is so important, is because this very knowledge is used for the transhumanist warfare. Our transcendental nature is known to those who developed these clandestine self assembly nanotechnology weapons. This document, written by Commander Wayne M. McDonnell, discusses the fundamental divine spiritual nature of humans. It is 26 pages long, and explains the training USAINSCOM Intelligence officers in remote viewing, out of body experiences, traveling to the past and future, Consciousness and energy, downloading information from the omnipotent, omnipresent mind - including mathematical equations and technical solutions. He also discusses the fact that our mind can heal any disease, including cancer and how the changes in brain function allow a human being to achieve this. Now to those who say this is demonic or satanic, hold on. All knowledge can be weaponized, but the quantum physics nature of our consciousness and beingness is mathematical and scientific. Just not a science you were told about, so read my book “Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light Spirit and Longevity” and you will learn about it. 

The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOMis a direct reporting unit that conducts intelligence, security, and information operations for United States Army commanders, partners in the Intelligence Community, and national decision-makers. INSCOM is headquartered at Fort BelvoirVirginia.

INSCOM contributes units to the National Security Agency, the United States's unified signals intelligence (SIGINT) organization. Within the NSA, INSCOM and its counterparts in the NavyAir ForceSpace ForceCoast Guard, and Marine Corpscomprise the Central Security Service. INSCOM's budget has been estimated to be approximately $6 billion

Why am I so happy to have found this declassified information? Because I am a student at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE), the only academy of the mind of its kind in the world. My teacher is Ramtha the Enlightenend One, an ascended Master. Studies of the great American Channel JZ Knight showed not only that the body physiology completely changes to impossible values like a sustained heart rate of 180 beats per minute for more than 12 hours - something that would put a normal human into cardiac arrest - and the brain waves recorded as deep delta, which is deep sleep, but also a measurable change IN THE EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD when Ramtha entered JZ’s body. Additionally, DNA testing shows that the chromosomes change from a female XX to a male XY. I am the personal physician for the great American Channel and have documented all of these historic medical records and testing in my book “Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity. “. I once wrote on my substack that anyone attacking me would need to have “balls as big as space” to go up against that which is protecting me. You figure out for yourself what kind of a consciousness can alter the earths magnetic field. 

I was trained at the ultimate school of Consciousness and Energy in all of the disciplines described here in this Army Intelligence document - exactly the same and more. They have a section called “Consciousness and Energy”. 

I have seen the demonic beings who control this self assembly nanotechnology from another dimension in my near death experience in 2021, and have seen the the mathematical mechanism in an out of body experience in 2012. In 2021 I found what I had seen then in the book “Nanobrain - The making of an artificial brain from a Time Crystal” - that described how to create a brain from hydrogel and Graphene and how the processing of consciousness would work if such substances would be injected into the human. Microtubules in charge of processing our consciousness in our brain have the same size as carbon nanotubes - and they would create a parallel processing platform that can be accessed by AI for mind control. 

Using my disciplines, I have downloaded every day the information to advance my research when most of the world was ridiculing or ignoring what I found. 

People have accused me of learning from a demon and being myself one. No, I am just like the US Army intelligence officers trained through Gateway aware of our divine human nature, our ability to create reality through focused thought. The ARMY knows that human beings are divine, how our brain works, that our reality is entirely holographic, that a focused mind can create a laser beam of light focused energy with more power than the sun, that focusing on the color blue can heal any disease, that our mind can see the past and the future. This is the knowledge that they have hijacked and ridiculed anyone who would speak about human divine potential, hence the blacklisting and defamation of RSE, the school I have attended for 18 years. I am part of Ramtha’s Army - and we are Warriors of the Mind. 

This is the knowledge that has been kept from people. This is why every one of you are so valuable. They know that your brain can process frequencies of immense unlimited consciousness. The document states how in out of body experiences one can encounter lower frequency beings, like the ones who control our matrix and are the Alien inter dimensional species that the US government has sold us to for experimentation. You may have a religious tizzy fit over what I am saying, but why don’t you hold on with your critique until you read this document. 

This divine power is in human beings and the awakening to this truth will end the war. The electromagnetic brain block installed through the self assembly nanotechnology and the 5G, HAARP and pulsed ELF/ radar frequency is keeping you from accessing infinite knowledge and information that your brain can naturally receive. We do not need to fuse with Artificial Intelligence, for AI will never be as intelligent as the infinite unknown universal GOD mind, which is not a capricious entity that people need to fear, requiring human sacrifice and constant war, but the platform of all life, here and in infinite dimensions. 

I recommend you read this document in its entirety. It explains how our brain works, our human energy field, the physics of the hyper dimensional space that can be accessed in mind with training. Ramtha did not have us use Hemisync or other modalities. The first day in school I was paired with a stranger and was told to read their mind - and I did. I was asked to remote view what would be placed in a box 5 days from now - and I did. I was taught how to create my day and manifest the unknown. I was taught how to shoot blindfolded archery and hit a target 156 feet away through mind focus - and I eventually did. I was taught how to heal myself - and I did, from ovarian cancer. I was taught that my spirit is immortal and that there is nothing to fear. You judge from my life if I have learned that lesson. I am not afraid of anything. 

This potential lies IN EVERY HUMAN BEING. There are no special people, no chosen race. We are all divine spiritual beings incarnated in a body and our potential is infinite. Does not matter if you are male, female, anything in between, black, white, yellow, red, any culture or creed. You have a soul and a spirit, everything else is just window dressing - a vehicle that is needed to experience physical reality. 

This is what Jeshua Ben Joseph taught - “You are all Gods” (John10:34); “You will do all the things I did and greater than these will you do” (John 14:12) - but this message was hijacked by the church, who murdered and tortured more people throughout history than world wars. The God of the bible, who sends plagues, murders babies by smashing their head on rocks, kills all the first born sons - is the same God the Satanists worship. Biological warfare and weapons of mass destruction has been deployed for thousands of years on this plane by advanced beings - “the Gods” - or Annunaki who came in flaming chariot craft. The methods of then and now have not changed. What would make a land vomit out its inhabitants? A nuclear bomb? And aerosolized plaque by an advanced civilization sounds just like geoengineering with biological warfare today. And murdering every man, woman and child of a land that was flowing with milk and honey, sounds just like the elites who worship satanic beings wanting to depopulate the earth. This jealous, violent, murderous and psychopathic God who advocates for human cannibalism is who the Satanists serve. Why do you think the Vatican will be the seat of the One World Order Religion? With “Lucifer” at their helm. They do not hide the serpent ( or reptilian God) they serve: 

Here is a few examples of this character, that for certain is not the benevolent God Jesus speaks of: 

Exodus 12:12: For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 14:33 And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession;

Leviticus 18:25 For the land has become defiled, therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, so the land has vomited out its inhabitants.

Deut 32:39-42 “I put to death…I have wounded, I will render vengeance to my adversaries and repay those who hate me. I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh”

Psalm 137:9 “Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.”

Leviticus 26:27-29 “ If in spite of all this you still do not listen to me I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. You shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.“

Judges 21:11-12 “This is what you are to do,” they said. “Kill every male and every woman who is not a virgin.” 

For more information on these atrocities read “Saving Jesus” by Dr. Miceal Ledwith - former advisor to the pope. He left the church to study at RSE. Brilliant Man! 

This is not the divine principle that the US ARMY knows of - and they describe in this document that lower frequency entities can be accessed in out of body experiences but also extraordinary high frequency beings not of this terrestrial plane. 

Here is the introductory letter: 

2.    I began the narrative by briefly profiling the fundamental, biomedical factors affecting such related techniques as hypnosis, biofeedback and transcendental meditation so that their objectives and mode of functioning could be compared in the reader's mind with the Gateway experience as the model of its underlying mechanics was developed. Additionally, that introductory material is useful in supporting the conclusions of the paper. I indicate that at times these related techniques may provide useful entry points to accelerate movement into the Gateway Experience.

3.    Niels Bohr, the renowned physicist once responded to his son's complaints about the obtuse nature of certain concepts in physics by saying: "You are not thinking, you are merely being logical." The physics of altered human consciousness deals with some conceptualizations that are not easily grasped or visualized exclusively in the context of ordinary "left brain" linear thinking. So, to borrow Dr. Bohr's mode of expression, parts of this paper will require not only logic but a touch of

right brain intuitive insight to achieve a complete comfortable grasp of the concepts involved. Nevertheless, once that is done, I am confident that their construction and application will stand up to the test of rational critique.

4.   Paradoxically, having gone to such great lengths to avoid trying to render judgements based on an occult or dogmatic frame of reference in the end I found it necessary to return, at least briefly, to the question of the impact of the Gateway Experience on common belief systems. I did so because although it was essential to avoid attempting to render an assessment in the context of such systems, I felt that it was necessary after having completed the analysis to point out that the resulting conclusions do not do any violence to the fundamental mainstream of either eastern or western belief systems. Unless that point is clearly established, the danger exists that some people will reject the whole concept of the Gateway Experience in the mistaken belief that it contradicts and is therefore alien to all that they hold to be right and true.

5.    This study is certainly not designed to be the last word on the subject but I hope that the validity of its basic structure and of the fundamental concepts upon which it is based will make it a useful guide for other USAINSCOM personnel who are required to take the Gateway training or work with Gateway materials.

Substack only allows so much text, but here are some revelatory quotes. Remember that Clifford Carnicom and I found that the blood of the COVID19 vaccinated has extreme sensitivity to 4HZ. Prospective Difference Between C19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood: Electromagnetic Observations, ELF Response And Potassium Metabolism - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD and Clifford Carnicom

The Army knows that Kundalini experiences can be triggered at 4 HZ - but if you interfere with that frequency you can also prevent spiritual connection to one’s own spiritual self, something we are seeing now in the injected. If people are not spiritually trained, a spontaneous Kundalini experience can lead to insanity and psychosis. Have you noticed lately how many people with the COVID shots have new onset psychotic episodes? Remember, you can weaponize this knowledge. Coincidence?

New-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic review

A total of 21 articles described 24 cases of new-onset psychotic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination. Of these cases, 54.2% were female, with a mean age of 33.71 ± 12.02 years. Psychiatric events were potentially induced by the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine in 33.3% of cases, and psychotic symptoms appeared in 25% following the viral vector ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. The mean onset time was 5.75 ± 8.14 days, mostly reported after the first or second dose. The duration of psychotic symptoms ranged between 1 and 2 months with a mean of 52.48 ± 60.07 days.

Here is what is written about 4 Hz in the ARMY document: 

As a result, according to Bentov, these waves "will stimulate and eventually 'polarize' the cortex in such a way that it will tend to conduct a signal along the homunculus, starting from the toes and on up." The Bentov bio-medical model, as described in a book by Lee Sannella, M.D., entitled:  Kundalini-Psychosis or Transcendence, states that the standing acoustical waves are the result of the altered rhythm of heart sounds which are occasioned by prolonged practice of meditation, and which set up sympathetic vibrations in the walls of the fluid filled cavities which comprise the third and lateral ventricles of the brain. In addition, according to Bentov: "The states of bliss described by those whose Kundalini symptoms have completed the full loop along the hemispheres may be explained as a self-stimulation of the pleasure centers in the brain caused by the circulation of a 'current' along the sensory cortex."  Bentov also notes, "that most of the described symptoms start on the left side of the body means that it is mostly a development occurring in the right hemisphere." Although normally a period of meditation involving intense concentration and practice for five years or some is required to "bring up the Kundalini," Bentov states that exposure to mechanical or acoustical vibrations in the range of 4-7 Hertz(cycles per second) for protracted periods may achieve the same effect. Bentov cites as an example "repeated riding in a car whose suspension and seat combination produce that range of vibrations,_or being exposed for long periods of time to these frequencies caused, for instance, by an air Qonditioning duct." He also notes that: "The cumulative effect of these vibrations may be able to trigger a spontaneous physio-Kundalini sequence in susceptable people who have a particularly sensitive nervous system."

They absolutely know that we resonate with our planet and our innate knowing and telepathic abilities resonate with the earths ionosphere. This is one other reason why geoengineering and ionospheric manipulation is happening for mind control purposes of this prison planet. It interferes with this natural mechanism. 

I will stop here. I have been waiting for such a reveal. People are pushing for Armageddon because of a severely edited text that most people have never read. If they did, they would see the parallels of those who rule the world and their handlers and the warfare that has been waged for thousands of years. 

“The great Awakening”, a term coined by Ramtha in the 1980’s in the “White Book”, means an awakening of humans from the enslavement of advanced civilizations that have ruled this earth for millennia - and make no mistake, had their hand in developing this bioweapon to sever the connection of the soul and spirit. I look forward to the declassification of those documents in the future. 

This knowledge is how I was able to explain how this technology works in 2022, you can watch this interview with Maria Zeee. 

LIVE @ 8: Uncensored: Dr. Ana - The Science EXPLAINED - Nanotech in Injections & Quantum Physics, Detoxing 

And before you point the finger at me saying that I am being taught by a demon, read your bible… who are you worshiping? And how is your worship of that entity supposedly being “the God” empower the destruction of humanity? 

What if the second coming of Christ is an awakening of our spiritual nature? Do we still need a biblical Armageddon if that story was plagiarized from other Sumerian civilizations? And does it not intrigue you that the US Army Intelligence knows of the spiritual nature of the Universe and our divine self, just explains it in more scientific terms? What do you call someone who can travel in time, access infinite knowledge and heal any disease? Isn’t that what Jesus did? Don’t you find it interesting that this was a required training for some CIA and Army Intelligence Officers? 

I would say this document is a BOMBSHELL reveal. 

I do not serve the ancient Gods, therefore I cannot be destroyed. 


I do not speak for RSE and my opinions are my own. I alone am responsible for my writing and views.

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