Thursday, 31 August 2023


More Than 1,600 Scientists, Including Two Nobel Laureates, Declare Climate ‘Emergency’ A Myth

A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gasses, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom.

The declaration, put together by the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL), was made public this month and urges that “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.”

CLINTEL is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok.

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration says.

Of the 1,609 scientists who have signed the declaration, two signatories are Nobel Prize laureates. The most recent to sign is Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. In an announcement from CLINTEL, Clauser is quoted as saying “Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists.”

The underlying report that engendered the declaration lays out a series of statements challenging many of the common climate claims. For example, one of the most common claims – and repeated without question by many – is that the earth will soon pass “tipping points that will lead to catastrophic environmental damage, including dangerous sea level rise, entire species going extinct, and even greater suffering in many nations, especially the poorest.”

The sense of immediate crisis has been repeated constantly by mainstream media, including The New York Times, which said flatly, “Earth is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade.”

In 2009, former vice president Al Gore famously predicted that “the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013.” He later backtracked, according to Reuters, who said Gore was merely quoting other scientific reports. Gore had three years earlier published “An Inconvenient Truth” the subtitle of which was “The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It.” A documentary film based on the book earned $24,146,161 in gross receipts that year.

Celebrity activist Greta Thunberg tweeted in 2018 – five years after Gore’s doomsday prediction – that “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” The Highland County Press reported that she deleted the tweet.

Last week, John Kerry, President Biden’s “Special Presidential Envoy for Climate” spoke at a conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, saying that “scientists who have spent a lifetime tracking this human-made crisis described themselves as ‘alarmed’ and ‘terrified.’ As one said unequivocally, “we are now in uncharted territory.”

“So now, humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself—by those seducing people into buying into a completely fictitious alternative reality where we don’t need to act and we don’t even need to care,” Kerry added.

The signatories to the CLINTEL declaration say that global warming is “far slower than predicted,” and that “inadequate models” often guide climate policy.

The CLINTEL declaration comes at a time when recent claims abound that natural disasters such as the wildfires in Maui and Canada, the heatwaves across the globe and other events are driven by climate change. The declaration goes on to challenge the ever-ready blame on climate change, stating “There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.”

As President Biden and countless world leaders push heavily for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 the scientists assert that this is not only “unrealistic,” but harmful to world economies.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050,” the paper reads, proposing “adaptation instead of mitigation.”


TURBO CANCERS; In My Practice 2/3rds Of All Cancer Diagnosis is Stage 4 Since The Vaccine Rollout

TURBO CANCERS; In My Practice 2/3rds Of All Cancer Diagnosis is Stage 4 Since The Vaccine Rollout

These cancers are aggressive and seem very resistant to treatment

Dr. Charles Hoffe; As a family doctor a small percentage of cancer patients would be diagnosed with stage 4. Now 2/3rds of my cancer patients are diagnosed with stage 4

The tumours are bigger than ever, they grow aggressively, spread very aggressively and are very resistant to treatment


‘Still alive and wriggling:’ Doctors remove 3-inch parasitic worm from woman’s brain in world first

CNN  â€”  none

When a 64-year-old Australian woman was sent to hospital for brain surgery, neurosurgeon Dr. Hari Priya Bandi was not expecting to pull out a live 8-centimeter (3-inch) long parasitic roundworm that wriggled between her forceps.

“I’ve only come across worms using my not-so-good gardening skills 
 I find them terrifying and this is not something I deal with at all,” Bandi told CNN of the world’s first discovery of a live worm inside a human brain.

The finding unleashed a mad scramble to find out what exactly the parasite was, Canberra Hospital infectious disease expert Sanjaya Senanayake told CNN.

One colleague in the hospital lab was able to reach an animal parasitology expert at a governmental scientific research agency just 20 minutes away – and found their unexpected answer.

“We were able to send the live wiggling worm to him, and he was able to look at it and immediately identify it,” Senanayake said. 

Molecular tests confirmed it was Ophidascaris robertsi, a roundworm usually found in pythons, according to a press release from the Australian National University and the Canberra Hospital. 

“To our knowledge, this is also the first case to involve the brain of any mammalian species, human or otherwise,” said Senanayake, who is also a professor at Australian National University.

Researchers say the patient lived near a lake area inhabited by carpet pythons in southeastern New South Wales. Although she did not have direct contact with the reptiles, it’s likely she caught the roundworm after foraging Warrigal greens, a native leafy vegetable, which she cooked and ate.

The doctors and scientists involved in her case theorized that a carpet python might have spread the parasite via its feces into the greens, which the patient then touched and cross-contaminated with food or other cooking utensils. 

How the worm was discovered

The woman was initially admitted to a local hospital in late January 2021 after suffering three weeks of abdominal pain and diarrhea, followed by a constant dry cough, fever and night sweats.

Several months later, her symptoms developed into forgetfulness and depression and she was sent to a hospital in the Australian capital, where an MRI scan revealed something unusual in the right frontal lobe of her brain.

What normally happens is that carpet pythons in Australia carry the Ophidascaris robertsiand shed parasite eggs in their feces, spreading through vegetation that small mammals and marsupials eat. At some point, pythons also eat those same infected animals, and the parasite then lives inside the snake, completing the cycle. 

In this case, the patient was likely an accidental host of the worm, Senanayake said. The parasite is highly invasive and it is suspected that its larvae, or juveniles, were present in other organs in the woman’s body, including the lungs and liver.

Hossain M/Kennedy KJ/Wilson HL

The 64-year-old woman suffered forgetfulness and depression before undergoing brain surgery.

Senanayake said the case highlighted the growing danger of diseases and infections passing from animals to humans, especially as people encroach deeper into animal’s habitats. 

“There’s more opportunities for humans, domestic animals and wild animals to interact with each other and the vegetation that’s out there. So this is just another marker that more new infections will be seen in the future,” Senanayake said.

He said about 30 new infections had been uncovered in the world in the past three decades. And of those emerging infections, about 75% were zoonotic, meaning there has been transmission from the animal world to the human world – including coronaviruses.

“This Ophidascaris infection does not transmit between people, so it won’t cause a pandemic like SARS, COVID-19 or Ebola. However, the snake and parasite are found in other parts of the world, so it is likely that other cases will be recognized in coming years in other countries,” Senanayake said.

“The other message from this case is about foraging. People who forage should wash their hands after touching foraged products. Any foraged material used for salads or cooking should also be thoroughly washed.”

Other tapeworm larvae

This case in Australia is entirely different from recent reports of people developing painful headaches with tapeworm larvae found in their brain.

That condition is known as neurocysticercosis, which can cause neurological symptoms when larval cysts develop in the brain. 

People are infected with the parasite after swallowing eggs found in the feces of a person who has an intestinal tapeworm, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than 1,000 cases are reported every year in the US alone.

Last year, a study revealed that a 25-year-old woman in Australia was found to have tapeworm larvae in her brain after suffering from a headache that lasted for more than a week. 

An MRI scan of her brain led doctors to believe a tumor might be the cause of her pain, but after operating and removing the lesion, they discovered it was actually a cyst full of tapeworm larvae.


The arrogance of MD’s is beyond belief! This is what I call stealing attention when it’s not deserved. 

I will remind everyone that Dr. McCullough threw his hands up in the air and GAVE UP on vaccinated people last year, stating publicly that there was no way to help the vaxx injured and no way to remove the poison nanotech. So I suggested on my channel that he should try natural medicines because it’s the only way to get results! So he did because he follows my channel. 

For a couple of years Dr. McCullough was pocketing loads of money by infusing Monoclonal Antibodies into the vaxx injured. Apparently he didn’t read the patent and didn’t know that it was the “mRNA vaccine” until I confronted him in the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics group about it. 

Meanwhile, some of Dr. McCullough’s patients came to me to detox them from the Monoclonal Antibodies that he poisoned them with. Their terrible symptoms began to manifest about 8 months after infusion. 

Meanwhile, I was already detoxing people from the covid poison since January of 2021

MY PROTOCOLS WERE THE FIRST. Please inform Vigilante News that my protocols were the first and they should showcase my work. Also, let them know that my protocols work in half the time than Dr. McCullough’s protocol. 

Thanks! 🙏



The media and our public servants have CLEARLY NOT READ the amendments that were adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2022, nor have they read the documents that are currently being negotiated.


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Resistance to tyranny cannot succeed if the plans that we oppose are misunderstood and misrepresented. 

Please watch the video below for a COMPLETE OVERVIEW of the proposed changes to international law that are currently being negotiated in secret

Please do the following:

  1. Watch the video above. I realize that the video is nearly two hours long. This issue is complicated. Partial understanding often results in misunderstanding. Comprehending what is really going on is very, very important.

  2. Please also watch the shorter videos below. The Devil IS in the details. In order to be an Angel that brings AWARENESS and clarity to others, you first have to achieve awareness and clarity within your own mind. PLEASE DO NOT SPREAD MIS-INFORMATION.

  3. Download the documents below.

  4. Print them out.

  5. Read the official documents.

  6. Highlight the sections that you feel are important.

  7. Deliver them to your public servant in physical form (Congress, Senate, Parliament, etc.)


  9. Demand that they make a public statement about the specific details that you have highlighted.

  10. Let them know that you will be campaigning against them in 2024 if they fail to represent your wishes on this matter. HOLD YOUR PUBLIC SERVANTS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR LACK OF ACTION AND FAILURE TO REPRESENT YOUR WISHES!


Amendments to 5 Articles of the International Health Regulations that WERE ADOPTED by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022.

Amendments Adopted On May 27 2022

276KB ∙ PDF file


CLICK HERE, and HERE for additional details.

Petitions have been submitted in the following nations





Amendments to the International Health Regulations that have been negotiated in secret, with no revised text made available, since mid-December 2022.

300+ Proposed Amendments

10.1MB ∙ PDF file


51 Page Article By Article Compilation Of The Proposed Amendments To The Ihr

573KB ∙ PDF file




The latest version of the WHO CA+ (“Bureau’s Text”) which is commonly referred to as the “Pandemic Treaty,” and many other names, but which is most properly referred to as a “Framework Convention.”

Bureau’s Text Of The Framework Convention

422KB ∙ PDF file





Contact me directly at +1 310-619-3055 if you want to help raise the awareness of people around the world regarding this issue.

by James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.


All content is free to all readers.

All support is deeply appreciated.



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