Monday 1 May 2023




On the cover image the founder of BlackRock Larry Fink and Tucker Carlson

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«US TV host Tucker Carlson broke his silence following his departure from Fox News in a video posted two days after his departure. Without sharing a reason for his exit or his future plans, he commented on how “most of the debates you see on television are incredibly stupid.” Fox News just said it and Carlson had agreed to “separate”».

This is what the BBC writes in a video in which it relaunches the first words of the American journalist after his stormy breakup that left even his closest collaborators stunned.

He does not reveal the real reasons but the investigative site GreatGameIndia provides an explanation that supports the hypothesis launched in preview by Gospa News by providing a detail that makes it practically certain.

Carlson was eliminated for his fight against dangerous vaccines and the war in Ukraine


«Earlier this year, it was announced that BlackRock had increased its ownership position in Fox Corporation (FOXA), which resulted in BlackRock owning 15.1% of the Fox Corporation. What really has me concerned is that earlier this year, it was announced that BlackRock has increased its ownership position in Fox Corporation (FOXA)» writes GGI, pinpointing the heart of the matter. .

In fact, the most attentive readers of Gospa News know well that the notorious New York investment fund founded and chaired by Larry Fink is one of the main speculators of the corporations of the Weapons Lobby that are getting rich thanks to the war in Ukraine triggered by the CEPA Plan of NATO and the EU financed by themselves.


As we highlighted in our 2019 dossier, BlackRock is an investor in 24 war industries, including the most important in the world by turnover: the Americans Lockeed Martin, Raytheon (of which the current US Pentagon Secretary Lloyd Austinwas a consultant), General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman (producer of the brand new B-21 Raider bomber with Stealth technology) and other smaller US companies, the French Thales and the Italian Leonardo, the British Melrose Industries GNK and Qinetic, the German Rehinmetall, the Turkish Aselsan Elektronic, the Japanese Nec Corp.

But he is also one of the main investors of the Big Pharma of Covid vaccines (Pfizer, GSK etc).

Not only. Larry Fink, the openly Zionist New York financier, is also a member of the Governing Council of the World Economic Forum, led by the Great Reset theorist Klaus Schwab who wants to implant microchips even in children’s brains to control them and who is a partner with the Rothschild dynasty of one of the founders of the WEF, namely Bill Gates.

Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)

Gates, as is now known, thanks to the pandemic created with a laboratory SARS-Cov-2 by financing Anthony Fauci’s apprentice sorcerer experiments in China and the USA, has become the world emperor of Big Pharma but also a strategist of the use of artificial intelligence of Microsoft Corporation in NATO military technologies, such as in the DIANA project in Turin, identified as an Italian Aerospace City by a bipartisan political program shared by the Turin Mayor of the Democratic Party, Stefano Lo Russo, and the Piedmontese governor of Forza Italia, Alberto Cirio.

WUHAN-GATES – 65. US Senate Report Blames China for SARS-Cov-2 Manmade with HIV but also Admits the American Faults

«This increase in stock ownership now means that Blackrock owns 15.1% of the Fox Corporation. They are the second largest owner, just after the Murdock family.Now, the Family Trust Murdoch still owns 19% of the company, with other, smaller institutional investors owning the rest. The CEO of the Fox Corporation was Rupert Murdoch, but it is currently Lachlan Murdoch» adds GreatGameIndia.


Some major explanations given for Tucker’s separation from Fox have to do with the settlement of the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit, Blackrock, replacement theory, and his targeting by the Anti-Defamation League.

Why did Fox News fire Tucker Carlson? Some claim that Tucker had planned to leave the network all along, and merely resigned. He had even had a studio built in his own home. He was fed up with Fox and decided to call it quits, so the story goes. But this theory is belied by the fact that Tucker’s production team was taken entirely by surprise by the news. For instance, I received the following text message from Scooter Downey, a producer of Tucker Carlson Originals, in response to my query after the announcement: “No idea what’s going on. Crazy!”

WEAPONS LOBBY – 7. NATO-GATES International Military Intrigue in Turin. To Develop AI and Aerospace Technologies In DIANA Project

Bill O’Reilly, who hosted The O’Reilly Factor, which appeared in the same time slot as Tucker Carlson Tonight, remarked that Tucker and his staff were blind-sided by the decision. “They were putting together tonight’s, Monday night’s program,” O’Reilly claimed. “They were actively involved with making the rundown as all of us do who go on television each night to talk to you. In the middle of that, boom. Tucker Carlson is history at the Fox News show. That’s how fast it came.”


The other major explanation given for Tucker’s separation from Fox has to do with the settlement of the Dominion Voting Systemsdefamation lawsuit. But the suit was filed in March of 2021 and Tucker wasn’t dismissed until April 24, 2023. Dominion demanded $1.6 billion and settled for $787.5 million. Tucker’s dismissal from Fox was not a condition of the settlement. Meanwhile, as Megyn Kelly pointed out, Tucker was not even among the promoters on Fox of the theory that elections had been rigged using Dominion. “He was not a reason for that 800-million settlement,” says Kelly.

On “Dominion” shady ballots-counter Trump Appeals to Supreme Court on “Clinton Software”, rejected by Texas

Further, Tucker’s show was no doubt a leading money-maker for the network, or a major means for paying the damages. Why would Fox get rid of an income generator like Tucker Carlson just as the bill came due? The answer is that Fox is not as concerned about making money as it is about being a faithful servant of the regime.

So here is the excellent summary of GreatGameIndia which confirms the reading of the story by Gospa News.


«Tucker crossed significant establishment redlines and has finally suffered the consequences. He consistently argued that that the ruling elite hates the majority and consistently attacks it, that national sovereignty is being eroded, and that the electorate is being replaced. The redlines included his criticism of Volodymyr Zelensky and the U.S. involvement in the Ukrainian war, his criticism of the covid responses that destroyed the economy, his questioning of the vaccines, and his targeting by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for various “offenses.”».

These are therefore all the market segments managed by Big Pharma and the Weapons Lobby behind which BlackRock speculates.

Fox News becomes NWO’s Biolab Mouse: Kicked Out anti VAX Tucker Carlson. Dominion’s Imposition?

«It doesn’t take a genius to know that yesterday, we got another really big flag to get off of main stream news if you seek any unbiased news analysis or editorial content. That the biases, the censorship is only going to get worse» is the bitter conclusion of the editorial staff of GGI.

With this 2.7% increase in Fox Corp, it is clear that Blackrock is fast becoming a controlling entity in Fox Corporation. Together, Blackrock and Vanguard own 18% of Fox (now nearly 21%), 16% of CBS, 13% of Comcast, which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and The Sky Media Group, 12% of CNN and 12% of Disney. “The media giants that may present themselves as rivals are, in fact, owned by the same company,” adds the Indian online newspaper.

IMF Bailout of BlackRock amid Adani Greenwash. Indian Ocean Region Economic Nightmare after Argentina one

Anyone who follows the excellent investigations of Indo-Pacific geopolitics expert Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, social anthropologist and doctor, from Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Gospa News International, knows well that BlackRock has been influencing the politics of an entire nation for months, having planned the explosion of public debt that has been under control for years.

And amidst all this, national politicians have still failed to identify the real masterminds of the ISIS Easter 2019 attacks with shameful cover-ups that cry out for vengeance before God.

MasterMind and Cover-up Investigations on ISIS Easter Bombing in Sri Lanka

But this is just a taste of a criminal project in the financial sector with which BlackRock and high global speculation giants such as Rockefeller and Rothschild are secretly pursuing thanks to an economic agreement between the World Economic Forum and the International Monetary Fund which we will reveal shortly.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Zelensky Servant of NATO and Satan! Not of Ukrainian People. Orthodox Bishop arrested before Easter. Another Esplosive Attack planned by Kiev

WEAPONS LOBBY – 9. Norges Bank: Dirty Affairs of War among Stoltenberg, Gates, Nato & Italy. Oslo Business on Leopard Tanks for Ukraine

WEF: COVO ROTHSCHILD PRO GREAT RESET. Banchiera Amica dei Clinton & Macron già Manager della Dinastia Arricchitosi con Pfizer

WEAPONS LOBBY – 5. NWO’s Warfare Plan against Russia and Counter-Information. CEPA Project from Washington with NATO-EU & Defense Corporations

WEAPONS LOBBY – 8. American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming thanks to the War in Ukraine: “US Colony after Nato Coup”

USAF is Now Ready for Atomic World War (AWW): Top Secret B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber for Nuke Weapons finally Revealed

SIENA-GATES – 1. BIOTECNOPOLO NELLA RETE DI BILL III & BIG PHARMA. Fauci, nei Guai negli USA per il SARS-Cov-2 Artificiale, farà Esperimenti sugli Italiani

IL WEF DI SCHWAB VUOLE IMPIANTARE MICROCHIP NEI BIMBI. “Solide e Razionali Ragioni” per Farlo: scrive la Scienziata del World Economic Forum

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