Saturday 20 May 2023


Africa’s Doctors under attack from controversial health bodies

February 25, 2023 

 Written by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Like ethical workers around the world, African doctors are being persecuted by the professional councils that currently regulate them. CHD Africa has been raising awareness about the scandal through campaigns and interviews with Dr Shankara ChettyDr Susan Vosloo, Dr Jackie Stone and Dr Tros Becker. The latest malicious attack is on Dr Shankara Chetty, who just received a Health Professions Council South Africa (HPCSA) letter, to appear at a hearing in May 2023. The health freedom movement in Africa and globally is outraged. Dr Chetty not only saved thousands of lives from coronavirus infection, but speaks courageously against the C-19 injections harms, and against medical tyranny.

In February 2022, Transformative Health Justice (THJ) facilitated a letter of concern on behalf of 70+ doctors about adverse effectsfrom the C19 shots. This letter was sent to SAHPRASAMA and the HPCSA, who never bothered replying to date. This letter now forms a part of the evidence in a pioneering #StopTheShots case in South Africa. Instead of engaging doctors horrified at the harm they are seeing in a significant number of people who receive the C19 shots, the HPCSA chooses to ignore, malign, censor, bully, and irrationally attack them.

What do HPCSA charges accuse these doctors of?

The strangely worded, guilt assuming charge sheet against Dr Chetty

“THAT you are guilty (sic) of unprofessional conduct or conduct which, when regard is had to your
profession, is unprofessional in that on or about the August 2021, in respect of members of the
public, you acted in a manner that is not in accordance with the norms and standards of your
profession in that you:
1.1. contravened ethical Rule 19 subsection b which requires of health care practitioners to
only use health technologies, which have been proven upon investigation to be
capable of fulfilling the claims made in regard to it in brackets (sic) the tenants (sic) of evidence based medicine;
1.2. contravened Rule 27, A subsection a, indicates that health practitioners should act in
the best interests of patients. Including the advice, they give on public platforms;
1.3. contravened Rule 12 indicates that a practitioner shall not cost (sic) reflections on the
probability of other healthcare practitioners in line with that;
1.4. you made aspersions related to the cause of coronavirus or Covid-19 and further
made aspersions related to the cause of Covid-19, the treatment thereof and the
prevention of severe illness in patients with this disease that are not in line with the
three tenants (sic)

Doctor Chetty’s response to the charges: “I’ve been patiently waiting for this distraction. It presents a great opportunity to enlighten and organise, time to assemble our army of truth and love. Personally, I don’t care much for their antics. I may not be able to practice as a doctor (if they succeed), but I can sing like a free canary. Their choice – wild dog on a leash, or off? They can bring it on!”

The complaint to HPCSA was made by Prof. Francois Venter:

The similarly vague charge sheet against Dr Vosloo states:

Charges against Dr Tros Becker can be read about here.

Fahrie Hassan, Scientist and Conflicts of Interest Researcher

What do we know about Prof. Francois Venter?

Research by scientist and conflicts of interest expert Fahrie Hassan: “Shankara’s detractor, Prof Francois Venter, was a lead investigator in the Together Trial. It is well known that the Trial was fudged and a scam, at least the Ivermectin leg of the trial, as confirmed by one of the principal investigators, Dr Andrew Hill. Hill admitted that the conclusions of the Together trial which originally showed good outcomes for Ivermectin. The conclusion, he says, was summarily changed to a negative outcome following pressure from the trial funder UnitAid (partner to WHO in Covid Accelerator Access Tools). Another nefarious funder of the Together Trial is The Rainwater Charitable Foundation, which has as funders Covid industry hacks and beneficiaries – Janssen (J&J), Lilly Corp, ABBVIE, Biogen, asset management giants, BLACKROCK, VANGUARD etc. The other funder of the trial is discredited digital currency scammer and criminal, FTX. 

Prof Venter is also director of EZINTSHA, a subsidiary of Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute – led by another Big Pharma lobbyist and co-conspirator, Prof Helen Rees (Chairperson of SAHPRA). SAHPRA’s funders include, Big Pharma, Pfizer, J&J, Novavax (Covid vaccine candidates), Merck, ABBVIE, GSK (Covid industry), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, NIH, CDC, USAID, PEPFAR, and UN. Venter’s direct funders are Big Pharma, J&J, Roche, Gilead Sciences, Biogen, Abbott Laboratories, ViiV Healthcare, Sanofi, GSK, Merck, etc. It is known that he accepts funding from CDC, NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Global Fund. Therefore he is a major defender of the Covid-19 vaccine ‘safe and effective’ narrative. Prof Francois Venter is part of a lucrative ‘gangster’ enterprise – the Big Pharma-Medico-Industrial complex.”

What do we know about the HPCSA?

  • “Formed in 1974 as a statutory body, the council brings together 12 professional boards. It is meant to protect the public by setting and upholding standards, ethics and a code of conduct for the education, training and registration of practising health professionals.
    It is also supposed to protect and advocate for its members who have to pay subscriptions to the council to be licensed to work.”
  • “The HPCSA is funded by these subscriptions. Currently it is described as a going concern and in 2020 collected annual fees of R223,174,168, but its financial statements also reflect growing deficits that more than doubled between 2019 and 2020.”
  • “For years the HPCSA has been dogged by poor governance, mismanagement and administrative irregularities. Conflicts of interest keep arising, as do the unsettled issues of possibly unbundling boards from the council, and the need for a clearer delineation of functions between its internal structures.”
  • “As far back as the end of 2015, a ministerial task team investigation found senior staff at the HPCSA unfit to hold their positions and highlighted widespread misconduct, irregular expenditure and failure to efficiently manage operations.” Medical Brief article.
  • In 2018, the Health Professions Council was reported to be struggling in a fight against corruption. “The body has, among other things, defended its policy of flying some board members around because ‘Skype is expensive’. A ministerial task team investigated alleged maladministration, irregularities, mismanagement and poor governance at the organisation four years ago.”
  • In 2021, 16 HPCSA staff were suspended on allegations of fraud and corruption. They were allegedly implicated in acts of corruption or bribery to expedite registration processes of doctors and medical students. “HPCSA spokesperson Priscilla Sekhonyana said the investigation was launched in 2019 and covered a four-year period from 2016 to 2019.”
  • In 2021, the then new HPCSA CEO was charged and arrested in a R8.7m fraudand corruption case and contraventions of the Public Finance Management Act. Ufrieda Ho, writing for Spotlight, says the arrest and charges against Motau are “another blow [to the] already battered image of the Health Professions Council of South Africa”. Motau failed in his appeal to overturn suspension.

What can we do to support South African doctors?

  1. Share this article and related content such as posters and raise awareness across all social and video platforms
  2. Send South African doctors a message of support and HPCSA a message of opposition and we will share them
  3. Email the HPCSA and CC
  4. Support Children’s Health Defense Africa’s work by signing up for updates, volunteering, or donating if you can

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