Sunday 12 February 2023

India: Court Date Set for Bill Gates to Answer to Victims’ Family for Daughter’s Murder by Vaccine


India: Court Date Set for Bill Gates to Answer to Victims’ Family for Daughter’s Murder by Vaccine

India: Court Date Set for Bill Gates to Answer to Victims’ Family for Daughter’s Murder by Vaccine

Rhoda WilsonSeptember 28, 2022

In November 2021, the World’s first Covid injection murder case against Bill Gates was filed in India. It was the case of a 23-year-old who had died after taking a Covishield “vaccine” because the railways mandated it as a condition to travel. The two named defendants were Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India. The unnamed defendants were “other Government officials and leaders.” The claimant was requesting US$134 million compensation and that the defendants undergo lie detector and narcoanalysis tests. There seems to be no further news on this case as yet. However, another case involving a young doctor has progressed.

Covishield is the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine made by the Serum Institute of India. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has been suspended or has had its use limited in many countries, in some cases temporarily, over safety and efficacy issues. See Wikipedia ‘Oxford–AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine’. Bill Gates funded the efforts in manufacturing the Covishield “vaccine.” As a report by The Hindustan Times in August 2020 indicated, Gates had big dreams for Covishield:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, via its Strategic Investment Fund, will provide at-risk funding of USD 150 million to Gavi, which will then be utilized to support the Serum Institute to manufacture the potential vaccine candidate. The potential Covid-19 vaccine manufactured by SII is likely to be made available to at least 92 countries.

Serum Institute ties up with Bill Gates Foundation, Gavi to speed up Covid-19 vaccine manufacture process, The Hindustan Times, 7 August 2020none

In October 2021, the month before the first murder case was filed, India’s National Adverse Event Following Immunisation (“AEFI”) committee acknowledged, almost seven months after her death, that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat, a 33- year-old doctor from Maharashtra working in Gurugram, was due a Covishield “vaccine.” At the time, Dr. Lunawat’s death was recognised as the third vaccine-induced death by AEFI.

Dr. Lunawat was compelled to take the “vaccine” on 28 January 2021 as she came under the category of health worker. Eight days later, she developed a severe headache and vomiting and was rushed to a hospital where doctors found bleeding in her brain. She died on 1 March 2021.

In December 2021, in an unrelated case, India’s Central Government told the Supreme Court in its affidavit that there was no immunity for vaccine companies. The Indian Bar Association noted:

It is a major setback to the toxic philanthropist and vaccine mafia’s Kingpin Bill Gates and his partner Adar Poonawalla, and other co-accused who have been prosecuted for mass murders through vaccines. They are also charged for offences of cheating public at large with false narratives and conspiracy theories.

More Trouble for Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, Indian Bar Association, 3 December 2021none

On 31 January 2022, the deceased doctor’s father, Dilip Lunwat, filed an Rs.10,000 crores or Rs.100,000,000,000 (US$1.34 billion) claim for compensation in the Indian High Court against the State Government of Maharashtra and Adar Poonawalla and his partner Bill Gates. 

On 1 September 2022, the Indian Bar Association reported that it was “game over” for Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla as the Bombay High Court had “issued notice in a vaccine murder case of Dr. Snehal Lunawat where interim compensation of Rs. 1,000 crores (US$126 million approx.) is sought.” The notice was issued on 26 August. The 8 defendants in the case are:

Serum Institute’s CEO Adar Poonawalla

Bill Gates– Partner in the Covishield vaccine

Union of India

State of Maharashtra

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Drug Controller General of India

Dr. V.G. Somani – Drug Controller General

Dr. Randeep Guleria, Former Director of AIIMS

The Advocate for Bill Gates appeared before the High Court and accepted the notice.

The claim also requests action against social media operators such as Facebook, YouTube, Google and corporate media who are “running false narratives and conspiracy theories that vaccines are completely safe and are suppressing the news and information regarding side effects, inefficacy or failure of vaccines.”

The victim’s father, Dilip Lunwat, also wants the appropriate government agencies involved with approving and releasing Covishield in India to give a full account of what has transpired. He says he wants justice for his daughter, and to fight for “many more people who are likely to be murdered” under similar circumstances.

The case has been scheduled for hearing on 17 November 2022.

Further reading:

Serum Institute, Bill Gates get Bombay high court notice as petitioner claims Covishield killed his daughter, The Hindustan Times, 3 September 2022

Father accuses Bill Gates of killing daughter with Covishield covid “vaccine” from Serum Institute of India, Dr. Eddy Bettermann, 10 September 2022

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India: Tarikh Mahkamah ditetapkan untuk Bill Gates untuk menjawab kepada keluarga mangsa untuk pembunuhan anak perempuan oleh vaksin

donshafi911November 14, 2022

India: Tarikh Mahkamah ditetapkan untuk Bill Gates untuk menjawab kepada keluarga mangsa untuk pembunuhan anak perempuan oleh vaksin

Rhoda WilsonSeptember 28, 2022

Pada November 2021, kes pembunuhan suntikan Covid pertama di dunia terhadap Bill Gates telah difailkan di India. Ini adalah kes seorang lelaki berusia 23 tahun yang meninggal dunia setelah mengambil "vaksin" Covishield kerana kereta api mengamanatkannya sebagai syarat untuk melakukan perjalanan. Dua defendan bernama Bill Gates dan Adar Poonawalla, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Serum Institute Of India. Defendan yang tidak disebutkan namanya adalah "pegawai dan pemimpin kerajaan yang lain."Pihak Menuntut telah meminta pampasan AS $ 134 juta dan bahawa defendan menjalani pengesan pembohongan dan ujian narkotik. Nampaknya belum ada berita lebih lanjut mengenai kes ini. Walau bagaimanapun, satu lagi kes yang melibatkan doktor muda telah berkembang.

Covishield adalah vaksin Oxford-AstraZeneca yang dibuat oleh Institut serum India. Vaksin Oxford-AstraZeneca telah ditangguhkan atau penggunaannya terbatas di banyak negara, dalam beberapa kes sementara, kerana masalah keselamatan dan keberkesanan. Lihat Wikipedia 'vaksin Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19'. Bill Gates membiayai usaha dalam pembuatan vaksin Covishield"."Seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh laporan Hindustan Times pada bulan Ogos 2020, Gates mempunyai impian besar untuk Covishield:

Yayasan Bill dan Melinda Gates, melalui Dana Pelaburan strategiknya, akan menyediakan pembiayaan berisiko sebanyak USD 150 juta kepada Gavi, yang kemudiannya akan digunakan untuk menyokong Institut Serum untuk mengeluarkan calon vaksin yang berpotensi. Potensi vaksin Covid-19 yang dihasilkan oleh SII berkemungkinan disediakan untuk sekurang-kurangnya 92 negara.

Institut Serum menjalin hubungan dengan Yayasan Bill Gates, Gavi untuk mempercepatkan proses pembuatan vaksin Covid-19, The Hindustan Times, 7 Ogos 2020tiada

Pada Oktober 2021, sebulan sebelum kes pembunuhan pertama difailkan, kejadian buruk Kebangsaan India berikutan Jawatankuasa imunisasi ("AEFI") mengakui, hampir tujuh bulan selepas kematiannya, bahawa kematian Dr. Snehal Lunawat, seorang doktor berusia 33 tahun dari Maharashtra yang bekerja di Gurugram, adalah disebabkan oleh vaksin Covishield"."Pada masa itu, kematian Dr. Lunawat diakui sebagai kematian akibat vaksin ketiga oleh AEFI.

Dr. Lunawat terpaksa mengambil "vaksin" pada 28 Januari 2021 kerana dia berada di bawah kategori pekerja kesihatan. Lapan hari kemudian, dia mengalami sakit kepala dan muntah yang teruk dan dikejarkan ke hospital di mana doktor mendapati pendarahan di otaknya. Dia meninggal pada 1 Mac 2021.

Pada Disember 2021, dalam kes yang tidak berkaitan, kerajaan pusat India memberitahu Mahkamah Agung dalam afidavitnya bahawa tiada imuniti untuk syarikat vaksin. Persatuan Peguam India menyatakan:

Ini adalah kemunduran besar bagi dermawan toksik dan raja mafia vaksin Bill Gates dan pasangannya Adar Poonawalla, dan tertuduh lain yang telah didakwa atas pembunuhan besar-besaran melalui vaksin. Mereka juga didakwa atas kesalahan menipu orang ramai dengan naratif palsu dan teori konspirasi.

Lebih banyak masalah untuk Bill Gates dan Adar Poonawalla, Persatuan Peguam India, 3 Disember 2021tiada

Pada 31 Januari 2022, bapa doktor yang meninggal dunia, Dilip Lunwat, memfailkan Rs.10,000 crores atau Rs.100,000,000,000 (AS$1,34 bilion) menuntut pampasan di Mahkamah Tinggi India terhadap Kerajaan Negeri Maharashtra dan Adar Poonawalla dan pasangannya Bill Gates. 

Pada 1 September 2022, Persatuan Peguam India melaporkan bahawa ia adalah "permainan berakhir" untuk Bill Gates dan Adar Poonawalla kerana Mahkamah Tinggi Bombay telah "mengeluarkan notis dalam kes pembunuhan vaksin Dr. Snehal Lunawat di mana pampasan sementara Rs. 1,000 crores (kira-kira AS$126 juta.) dicari."Notis itu dikeluarkan pada 26 Ogos. 8 defendan dalam kes tersebut adalah:

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Institut Serum Adar Poonawalla

Bill Gates-rakan kongsi dalam vaksin Covishield

Kesatuan India

Negeri Maharashtra

Kementerian Kesihatan & Kebajikan Keluarga

Ketua pengawal Dadah India

Dr. V. G. Somani-Ketua Pengawal Dadah

Dr. Randeep Guleria, bekas Pengarah AIIMS

Peguam bela untuk Bill Gates muncul di hadapan Mahkamah Tinggi dan menerima notis itu.

Tuntutan itu juga meminta tindakan terhadap pengendali media sosial seperti Facebook, YouTube, Google dan media korporat yang "menjalankan naratif palsu dan teori konspirasi bahawa vaksin benar-benar selamat dan menekan berita dan maklumat mengenai kesan sampingan, ketidakcekapan atau kegagalan vaksin.”

Bapa mangsa, Dilip Lunwat, juga mahu agensi kerajaan yang sesuai terlibat dengan meluluskan dan melepaskan Covishield di India untuk memberikan gambaran penuh tentang apa yang telah berlaku. Dia berkata dia mahu keadilan untuk anak perempuannya, dan berjuang untuk "lebih ramai orang yang mungkin dibunuh" dalam keadaan yang sama.

Kes itu telah dijadualkan untuk perbicaraan pada 17 November 2022.

Bacaan lanjut:

Institut Serum, Bill Gates mendapat notis Mahkamah Tinggi Bombay sebagai pempetisyen mendakwa Covishield membunuh anak perempuannya, Hindustan Times, 3 September 2022

Bapa menuduh Bill Gates membunuh anak perempuan dengan "vaksin" Covishield covid dari Institut serum India, Dr. Eddy Bettermann, 10 September 2022

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PSYOP Covid kini digunakan untuk Perubahan Iklim

Kebenaran Tersembunyi Mengenai Vaksin; Apa Yang Ibu Bapa Tidak Diberitahu

Kilas balik: pengkomputeran cecair Charles Lieber

Surat kepada Editor: dua peraturan emas yang diikuti oleh semua doktor

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