Sunday 12 February 2023

How the US has checkmated Europe and Germany. Propaganda, narrative control so why Germany can’t back down.


How the US has checkmated Europe and Germany. Propaganda, narrative control so why Germany can’t back down.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

I often hear questions on Duran how do we stop it, why Germany just does not change course. We need to remember the narrative that was spewed. During this conflict we had articles about Russia using mass rapes as a weapon, meaning they were encouraging their solders to carry out mass rapes of civilians. We were told Russia was kidnaping kids in Ukraine. We were told Russia was forcefully relocating the population to Russia. We were told Russia intentionally attacked and shelled civilians. We were told Russia committed atrocities on civilians like in Bucha etc… Basically what bad thing we didn’t hear about Russia and Putin. Putin is basically evil, Hitler, reincarnation of Satan, Beelzebub basically pure evil.

Now look around and ask yourself how many people actually believe this stuff, answer is a lot, how can you turn and start talks with pure reincarnation of evil, literal Hitler so Putin. The EU got screwed because their propaganda machine pushed all this bullshit. To change something they would have to admit everything that they said before was a lie. Like I wrote before, if Scholz says a single good word about Putin the next day you will see all western media writing about Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact comparing Scholz to Hitler making deals with Stalin and that he is planning division of Ukraine or even the whole of Eastern Europe between them Russia and Germany. They are FUCKED! Because they pushed narrative that backed them into a corner.

I also wanted to write about US stockpiles and China before Chomsky said it in an interview. On Duran you hear about that the USA is afraid of their stocks of weapons being depleted. I do not agree. I see Chomsky did not agree also. I see the only issue of the USA’s de-dollarisation of the economy. If they stop it or fix it somehow they are in a good position. Stocks are depleted so they need to be replenished which means a big bust to the economy. The whole of Europe’s stock is depleted and military spending will go up and some will be contracted to US Military–industrial complex another bust to the economy. Europe’s energy costs and energy security make it uncompetitive and many of those companies will also move to the US, another bust to the economy. Using the narrative the US has put Europe into conflict with Russia so that Europe, which is a competitor to the US now, is weakened and controlled by the US narrative even more than before and the US made sure Germany and the EU are not able to work with Russia which threatens their dominance even more.

Like I wrote before China just needs to wait and they win, so the US needs to do something so the US knows they don’t have to be afraid of China and China talk is just bullshit to get another bust to the economy via military spending.

Only problem in the US is the de-dollarisation of the global economy which would cause a global crash which, in my opinion having around at least 20-30% of world wealth disappearing. Since everyone’s got dollars and if they lose value that would be something like 20-30% of world wealth, because we also need to include US government bonds. If dollars collapse, government bonds would also have to default. In my opinion China is really scared of that because they have huge reserves of dollars so it would hurt them the most. They want to spend those dollars before they become worthless. Also they are slowly growing. In reality they are not a threat to our military. In reality we are not a threat to them either, at least not the military. the whole of NATO would not have the force to occupy China. That’s the issue not defeating them but you need to occupy them. Russia has the power to defeat the whole of the Ukraine but not to occupy the whole of the Ukraine. That’s why they will only try to take a part of Ukraine in my opinion, I assume, up to the Dnieper river, or less.

I don’t know what the US is planning about a de-dollarisation of the economy, maybe some crypto scam instead of petrodollar or some cold war economics. Or they are just sure it’s still too early and there are still too many dollars and because of that the rest of the world can’t afford to do it. If they somehow stop or fix de-dollarisation they are in a good position because of the reasons I mentioned before. So stuff they are telling about how we are scared of the Chinese and Russia military is just narrative. In reality China is more afraid of the US, but the narrative control of our media which is brainwashing people.

“In fact quite generally, commercial advertising is fundamentally an effort to undermine markets. We should recognize that. If you’ve taken an economics course, you know that markets are supposed to be based on informed consumers making rational choices. You take a look at the first ad you see on television and ask yourself … is that it’s purpose? No it’s not. It’s to create uninformed consumers making irrational choices. And these same institutions run political campaigns. It’s pretty much the same: you have to undermine democracy by trying to get uninformed people to make irrational choices.”

― Noam Chomsky, The Kind of Anarchism I Believe in, and What’s Wrong with Libertarians

China is afraid of that more than our military. Like Chomsky said on Duran, some things are taboo in polite society like the JFK assassination, 9/11 or the truth about our war on Iraq and atrocities we committed in Iraq which were much worse than those now done in Ukraine. We had the doctrine “Shock and awe” in Iraq but yes Putin is committing atrocities in Ukraine. People forgot about PATRIOT ACT BEING EXTENDED, about Guantanamo.

“It is crowds rather than isolated individuals that may be induced to run the risk of death to secure the triumph of a creed or an idea, that may be fired with enthusiasm for glory and honour… Such heroism is without doubt somewhat unconscious, but it is of such heroism that history is made.”―Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

“The tyranny exercised unconsciously on men’s minds is the only real tyranny, because it cannot be fought against.”-Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been re-written, every picture has been re-painted, every statue and street and building has been re-named, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” -George Orwell, 1984

“…at least three-quarters of what Orwell narrates is not negative Utopia, but history.”

-Umberto Eco

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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