Friday 10 February 2023

Fulford: Rockefeller Card Castle is collapsing!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Fulford: Rockefeller Card Castle is collapsing!

It is the End of the Rockefeller Kingdom that announces the Liberation of the Peoples of the Land of Slavery and the Beginning of the New Golden Age!

Report by Benjamin Fulford on January 23, 2023

The Rothschild surrender and the collapse of the Rockefeller grip on the United States Corporation will allow us all to live like millionaires during the next golden age of hydrogen.
This is the great story behind all the news about reaching the US debt limit, the defeat of Ukraine and the dismantling of the false Biden regime.
The Rockefellers used their control (via more than 200 foundations) of Fortune 500 companies to hide the fact that they are the real brains behind the war in Ukraine, the attempted vaccine genocide and much more.
They are now being rejected from everywhere.

To understand their involvement and imminent defeat, let's start by looking at the members of Joe Biden's so-called regime who belong to the Rockefeller-controlled Council of External Relations (CFR):
Kamala Harris, Vice-President (CFR through the family; Harvard; DLA Piper; Uber across the family)
Antony Blinken, Secretary of State (member of the CFR; Harvard and Columbia; WestExec)
Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury (member of the CFR; Yale and Harvard; Brookings)
Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defence (member of the CFR; WestExec; Raytheon)
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, United Nations Ambassador (member of the CFR; Albright Stonebridge)
Cecilia Rouse, Council of Economic Advisors (Director of the CFR; Princeton; Rowe Price)
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (member of the CFR; Wilmer Hale)
Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor (author of the CFR; Yale and Oxford; Carnegie)
Ron Klain, Chief of Staff (CFR through the family; Harvard; O'Melveny and Meyers)
John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate (member of the CFR; Yale)
Susan Rice, Head of the National Council (member of the CFR; Harvard, Oxford and Stanford)
William J. Burns, Director of Central Intelligence (member of the CFR; Oxford; Carnegie)
Kurt M. Campbell, Indo-Pacific Tsar (member of the CFR; Harvard and Oxford; Asia Group)
Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (member of the CFR; Dairy Export Council)
Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (Member of the CFR; Oxford; Point Judith Capital)
Eric S. Lander, Director of the Office of Science and Technology (member of the CFR; Harvard)
Jeffery Zients, advisor to the president (member of the CFR; Cranemere)

The very first act of the "Biden" regime was to protect Rockefeller's oil interests by cancelling the Keystone pipeline, which would have allowed the American people access to reliable oil supplies not controlled by the Rockefellers.
The war in Ukraine can also be seen as a Rockefeller attempt to force Europeans to buy oil and gas from them and not from the Russians.
My involvement with this family began more than ten years ago when I asked the Japanese Minister of Finance and Economy, Heizo Takenaka, why he had ceded control of all Japanese companies listed on the stock exchange to institutions controlled by Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
These include Blackrock, State Street and Banking and Vanguard.
I was told that Japan had been forced to give up its companies because it was threatened by earthquake weapons (it was before Fukushima).
The deadly mass attack on Japan on March 11, 2011 in Fukushima also forced the country to stop its nuclear energy production and buy Rockefeller-controlled oil.
Years of research have revealed the fact that Rockefeller's interests are behind many, many crimes, including the spread of cancer.
At the beginning of the 20th century, only one in 19 people had cancer.
Today, it's one in two people.
Needless to say, "healing cancer" is now one of the most profitable activities of the pharmaceutical companies they control.
The recent pandemic and vaccination campaign also brings record benefits for Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also controlled by criminal families of the Khazarian Mafia such as the Rockefellers.
The Rockefellers also stifled human progress by removing energy technology that threatened their control via oil.
This is why Nicola Tesla found himself impoverished, prisoner in a hotel room, while his technology was being repressed.
Later, Japanese solar panel manufacturers told me that they had been forced to get rid of half of the solar panels they produced while the price of the silicon they bought was multiplied by five to prevent solar energy from being competitive with oil.
They also did everything in their power to prevent the use of hydrogen as a cheap, non-polluting and virtually unlimited fuel.
More than 70% of the cost of modern economic activity comes from energy and the Rockefellers have suppressed human progress to ensure that energy comes from the expensive oil they control.
The list of their crimes is far too long to be listed here.
The fact is that recent world events are the result of an International Alliance to overthrow the power of the United States of America Corporation, their executing body.

Okay, with this context in mind, let's look at the developments of the past week.
The most important was the default on January 19, 2023 of this American Corporation.
This was reported in official propaganda news, as the United States reached the debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion.
However, note that the day before this event, Jerome Powell, the director of the Federal Reserve, was "tested positive for Covid" and put himself in "self-isolation".
CIA sources, of course, say that this actually means that he was either arrested or hid.

The Polish intelligence services also tell us that the United States has set a deadline for restrictions on the legal currency in U.S. dollars that expires on January 31, 2023.
The restrictions mean that all U.S. dollar bills printed before 2021 will no longer be accepted or will no longer have legal tender anywhere in the world.
According to MI6 sources, this is a desperate attempt by the Rockefellers to prevent bankruptcy, forcing everyone to use the central bank's digital currencies they plan to issue.
But multiple sources say that instead, the world will cut Rockefeller food by refusing the digital currencies they will produce after January 31, 2023!
The bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve means that the entire American financial system is in full implosion.
These consumer charts maximizing their credit cards, the biggest financial bubble in history and the fall in real estate prices all show that the American financial system is now dysfunctional.

For example, a source from the Mossad told me: "I know full well that Bank of America is insolvent. (The same goes for Wells Fargo Bank)
They are in chapter 11, but this cannot be revealed to the public.
This would bring down the entire financial system.
I know a client B of A who repaid his mortgage and wanted the deed of ownership of his house.
The director of the branch told him that he had to contact the bank's lawyers.
They didn't have it. Oops."
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There are a lot of reports on Instagram, Tiktok, Reddit of problems in banks, for those who want to confirm this.
Many customers lack money and do not get answers.
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None of these banks answered questions about their bankruptcy at the time of publication of this report.
Interestingly, among so many other precise future forecasts, the Simpsons predicted that Bank of America was running out of money.
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Another sign that business is not continuing as usual, the same day that Fed chief Jerome Powell isolated himself, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that she was going on a begging mission to Zurich, Switzerland to meet with Deputy Prime Minister Liu He.
The Chinese media reported that the talks of January 20, 2023 ended earlier than expected, Yellen, who showed a "lack of self-confidence", ended the talks earlier because she "had a flight to take".

In an allusion to the fact that the Chinese are asking for huge concessions, the state media also said: "The possibility of opening the door between China and the United States will be a test of the state of mind and the United States should wonder if it is ready.

Asian secret society sources claim that the Chinese now know that they have been subjected to an electromagnetic attack disguised as a "pandemic" by the Khazarian Mafia led by Rockefeller / Rothschild and demand that responsible criminals be arrested.
However, the Chinese must also ensure that they also arrest criminals in their own country.
A disturbing video from China shows what seems to be the bodies of children whose Adrenochrome has been collected.
We would like the Chinese authorities to publish a public statement explaining their version of what this video shows.

Needless to say, a majority of the Western population also requires high-level criminals to be brought to justice.
For example, Senator Ron Johnson is one of the many voices that are now publicly calling for a Nuremberg-type court for the "COVID Cartel".

The evidence of their crimes is overwhelming.
Secret documents from Pfizer and the government confirm that millions of people have died worldwide as a result of COVID vaccination.

This is only the tip of the iceberg since, as any African will tell you, most of the tens of millions of deaths due to HIV/AIDS were also caused by vaccination.
Several intelligence agency sources confirm that a war crimes court for the management of the Khazarian Mafia is now a certainty.
Nazi war criminals in Ukraine are also confronted with justice.
Last week, Russian forces killed 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers in the Donetsk region alone, according to Pentagon estimates.
Ukrainians also lost their Minister of the Interior and 6 other senior officials in a helicopter accident last week.
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The American military expert, Colonel Douglas McGregor, says that open source documents show that Ukrainians have found 157,000 dead and 300,000 injured so far, compared to 16,000 Russian victims.
This means that Ukraine, with a much smaller population, loses ten soldiers for each Russian lost.
Knowing that the war is already lost, the Americans, Germans and British refused to send tanks to Ukraine.
They also refused because "the criminals behind the Zelensky government would simply have sold the cutting-edge Western tanks to the Russians for reverse engineering".
Polish intelligence sources agree.
They note that last week, "more than 50 American Chevrolet Tahoe SUVs donated to Ukraine by General Motors disappeared as soon as they arrived in the country".

Chevrolet Tahoe 2000 photo image

Polish intelligence sources claim that, desperate, the Nazi Ukrainian regime is taking 14-year-olds and boys in the streets to use them as cannon fodder against the Russians.
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Switzerland essentially declares war on Russia by threatening to seize Russian assets to "use them for the reconstruction of Ukraine", as stated by the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAE) Ignazio Cassis in an interview on Swiss radio and television broadcast on Thursday.

In his speech in Davos last week, Alain Barset, the president of Switzerland, also showed that his country was no longer neutral by attacking Russia with blatant lies.

This means that unless the surrender of the Octagon group, whose headquarters is there, an invasion of Switzerland is inevitable.
MI6 sources say that the Rothschilds are negotiating such a surrender, but that the process will take time.
They said that real changes could begin after the coronation of King Charles III in June.
In the United States, the real change has already begun.
The public impeachment of the fake Joe Biden from power continues with an avalanche of stories written on "classified documents", found in Biden's house, garage and other "bad places".
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We also note that even the Khazarian Mafia propaganda media, such as CNN, are beginning to leave the reserve by reporting more horrible crimes committed by Biden and his son Hunter, who have been dead for a long time.

In addition, a sign that the official propaganda media are losing the information war, CNN closes its headquarters in Atlanta showing another sign of capitulation of the Khazarian Mafia.

With Biden's inevitable impeachment, the rats began to abandon the ship, with White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain being the most recent.(Filibert: See our article on his arrest before his escape: )

We also note that Kamala Harris, a CFR minion, cannot legally replace Biden because his parents were not American citizens.

We also note that other election thieves are arrested or expelled.
Here, you can see the fraudulently elected governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs, wearing a boot with a GPS bracelet at the ankle.
"She is under a military arrest by the White Hats alliance," said CIA sources.
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In addition, Jack Ardern, the transvestite, New Zealand Prime Minister, announced his resignation.

Jack's replacement is Chris Hipkins, in order to deliberately implode his government, is forced to say that he will track down and vaccinate all New Zealanders, according to MI6 sources.
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The world elite knows that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers lost, which is why most of them cancelled at the last minute their plan to visit their Davos World Economic Forum last week.
Look at the empty audience for the Prime Minister of Spain as an example.
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The elite of the lineage may not have until June to carry out the reforms because the peasants came out in force with their modern mobile forks connected to the Internet.
Here, for example, you can see demonstrators in Davos, Switzerland, targeting Black Rock.
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In Madrid, Spain, a huge crowd is calling for the resignation of the government.

In Paris, France, millions of people march to protest against the theft of their pensions.
Similar riots to protest the surge in food and energy costs are breaking out across Europe.
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/Beautiful demonstration against Blackrock in Davos

In Peru too, the Incas resumed the war to liberate their country from 500 years of colonial domination.
The former Inca capital of Machu Picchu was closed due to anti-government demonstrations, blocking hundreds of tourists near the Inca citadel amid deadly upheavals.
The police are in force.

I remember, as a teenager, seeing worthy teachers being shot by the police in front of tourists for protesting that they had not been paid for months.
I thought it would be everywhere in the news of the world, but not a word came out.
This time, it will be different, because the entire Peruvian population has risen against their controllers.
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What is important is that these protests do not end with the elites cutting the tails of the lizards in order to escape by throwing a few servants, so-called leaders, to the crowd.
We need real reform and that means overthrowing the Rockefellers and their control over energy.
If the West does not, Asia will do so.
As with solar energy, China is now defying the Khazarian Mafia's blockade on hydrogen technology.

We are already seeing hydrogen planes.

We also witness the extraction of hydrogen from seawater.

It is difficult to underestimate the impact of hydrogen and other new energy technologies.
This will allow humanity to spread life on this planet like a seed turning into an oak.
We will be able to green deserts and arctic wastelands, build new underground and space ecosystems and, fundamentally, exponentially increase the amount of earth's life.
The only constraint to create more carbon-based life will be the amount of carbon, and there are many.
Immortality is also now within our reach.
Last week, Rejuvenate Bio, based in San Diego, injected mice with a DNA-altering substance that allowed them to live the human equivalent of an additional six years.
The results indicate a way to advance and reduce the age of an animal "at will", explains society.

This is only a very recent example of life-exalying technology that, in the past, would have been suppressed by the Khazarian Mafia.
So many other breakthroughs of this type that have been buried in the past can now be developed.
In other words, reaching a lifespan of thousands of years will be technically possible in a few years, once the Khazarian Mafia has lost control of the financial system.
However, before celebrating prematurely, remember that the Khazarian Mafia is almost certainly planning something horrible in order to stay in power.
The next most likely trick will be a false alien invasion.
For example, a December 2020 presentation by NBC is now broadcast on the Internet.
This says that "the former Israeli head of space programs said that the Galactic Federation is real and that Trump is aware of it".
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"It looks like the Khazarian Mafia is preparing the sheep for an alien invasion," said a Mossad source.
"What the puppeteers of the Khazarian Mafia can do with this hoax is extraordinary!
They could bomb entire cities and countries.
They could kill billions of people and blame the 'extraterrestrials'."
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The source says they would do this to force people to use their intended brand of the Central Bank Digital Curreee (See the attached video with Glenn Beck)
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With this transition, here are the latest appearances of the Blue Beam project in the world.
"Above Camrose, Alberta 2 days ago".
Interdimensional Light Vessel over Camrose, Alberta-Canada
"It's not Photoshop (image working software)!
It is a Vessel of Light, of another dimension.
I zoomed in to 500% and there was no obvious manipulation."

2. A group of UFO drones!
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3. Masked mothership over Bursa, Turkey!
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4. A cigar-shaped UFO over South Africa!
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Just remember that this war will be won on the ground and by people, regardless of the type of holograms they project into the sky.
Each of us can do our part by insisting on the use of real currency backed by assets and by refusing their digital currency Marque-de-la -bête.

Translation Little Star (Thank You Marinette!)
Original English version:
Ndlt: As always, for those who understand English, I would really suggest that you subscribe to Benjamin Fulford's weekly letter. People like him work hard for us, at the risk of their lives. Supporting them is a very small way to show them our gratitude.

Published by Réjean on "La Table Ronde"! Thank you Réjean!

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