Friday 10 February 2023

Fulford: The Khazarian Mafia Completely Defeated!


Fulford: The Khazarian Mafia Completely Defeated!


The Portal of Great Change 4

Monday, February 6, 2023

Fulford: The Khazarian Mafia Completely Defeated!

The Khazarian Mafia is Completely Defeated with the Loss of its Fraudulent Global Financial System, and its Agents are in the process of Arrest!

News by Benjamin Fulford on February 6, 2023

The events of the coming weeks will make it clear, even for the most indoctrinated sheep in the West, that something fundamental and historical has happened.

There is no doubt that the Khazarian Mafia was defeated and that the cleaning of its last leaders has begun.

The arrest of New Zealand Prime Minister Jack Adern, the criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset and Pfizer, the mass arrests of Ukrainian government representatives and many other events demonstrate this.

Another sign that the Khazarian Mafia is losing is that it is now becoming common to talk about Mossad and Israeli founding Prime Minister David Ben Gurions in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

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Meanwhile, Israel is trying to negotiate a surrender with the Russians via France.For its part, the bankrupt US Corporation government, has become the laughing stock of the world by using the excuse "a balloon ate my homework" after Anthony Blinken, Rockefeller slave secretary of state, received the directive not to bother to come to China on a begging mission.

The war in Ukraine also ends with the last satanists now surrounded in Bakhmut where they are expected to fight to death in the coming weeks.

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More importantly, the Khazarian Mafia lost control of the global financial system on January 31, 2023 and the quantum financial system is now working (more on this later).

However, it is not over until it is over and there is a strong possibility that the Khazarian Mafia, desperate and cornered, will try a kind of black swan mega-terrorist event, most likely either an EMP or a nuclear attack.

Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu told the American ambassador to remove his "dirty legs from Turkey" after Washington and eight European countries issued warnings to travelers about possible terrorist attacks in this country.Similar warnings have been made about Iran.

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The order of Western governments to evacuate their citizens means that it is likely that the cornered Israeli regime will launch a massive attack there.

An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 followed by dozens more at the time of writing this report indicates that it has already begun.

A CIA source said: "This is a weather modification weapon (or geo-engineering) used to show Erdogan who is still in charge".

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The attack took place when Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, landed in Iraq to launch "military-technical" cooperation with Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq with the Gulf States.

Since Egypt is also a de facto Russian ally, it represents an existential threat to the Khazarian Mafia regime in Israel (not for the Jews, however).

The Iranian government has now warned Israel's neighbors that to "maintain their security", they should "stay away from this regime, which is dying more and more every day".

The Khazarian Mafia is desperately trying to blow up the entire planet (using agents in Iran and Israel) because the Vatican controlled by the Khazarian Mafia and their subsidiary Corporation of the USA lost control of the financial system on January 31, 2023.

This is why the entire Internet in Italy closed on February 1, 2023, according to MI6 sources.The Vatican Bank, which was used to bribe most so-called world leaders, has been closed.

Now, the Khazarian Mafia has until February 13, 2023 before their U.S. Corporation is completely eliminated.

MI6 sources claim that the quantum financial system took over the SWIFT interbank settlement system of the Khazarian Mafia on February 1.I experienced this on Sunday when a money transfer arrived instantly instead of the following Monday for a similar transfer made last month.

The creator of the QFS says that "the advancement of the IT infrastructure including DLT or Distributed Ledger technology, commonly known as blockchain, simply means that all the world's national banking systems are aligned.

Until now, a same-day transfer was manual and arduous because two bank managers had to sit on the screens at each end of a phone and manage the transfer via the different clearing houses such as SWIFT.

A tedious job, expensive in case of problems and very stressful.

The replacement of global banking is designed to reset all debts.

However, the source indicates that any official jubilee-type announcement will probably have to wait until June, because the withdrawal of the rest of the Khazarian Mafia control grid must first take place.

On this front, there is no doubt that a net is getting closer to the Khazarian Mafia.

In particular, their unsuccessful attempt to kill 90% of humanity with electromagnetic attacks and toxic vaccines has awakened many powerful people who are now seeking justice.

Banker Pascal Najadi - the person who filed a complaint against the Swiss President - says: "We have scientific evidence that the vaccine causes damage.

This is the greatest medical technical failure in the history of humanity."

Najadi, whose father was one of the founders of the EGF, was triple vaxxed because he trusted the government.

Today, he is in strong legal proceedings.

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In Thailand, the collapse in the coma of the crown princess, triple vaxxed, put this country on the road to war.

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi says: "Safety pharmacological studies have never been carried out... Pfizer BioNTech will have to repay these billions to Thailand."

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Also in Japan, a press conference widely publicized by doctors pursuing the Ministry of Health also provided evidence that vaccines kill people.

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The situation has reached the point where even CDC statistics show that 84.5% of Americans are opposed to vaccines.

This will have deep political ramifications.

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In addition to this, Russians and Chinese have now understood that "Covid 19" is an electromagnetic attack and not a virus.

The Russians claim that the WHO (World Organization of Evil) violates its legal charter by refusing to provide real virus samples.

They also say that the WHO hides many other things, also in violation of its charter.

Government authorities around the world should follow the Swiss example and make criminal charges against government representatives.

In New Zealand, the White Hats Military Alliance has already taken action by arresting former Prime Minister Jack Ardern.

The COVID dictatorship of Arnen has caused a 3203% increase in excess mortality following its mandatory laws on COVID vaccination

We also receive reports from local residents that Canadian Minister of Crime Justin Castrudeau and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz fled to an underground bunker complex in Stephenville, Newfoundland.

However, these men cannot hide anywhere.

Castrudeau can no longer appear in public without an angry crowd gathering demanding his arrest.

The track of money behind Covid war crimes is also being disclosed.

Simultaneous raids on various properties associated with Joe Biden and Ihor Kolomoisky, head of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, provide a forensic path leading directly to the leadership of the Khazarian Mafia.

Zelensky has traveled 14 times in the last two years to Geneva and Tel Aviv, where Kolomoisky and his bosses Rockefeller and Rothschild are hiding, according to Mossad sources.

Money laundering via Ukraine has financed the covid attacks as well as the massive corruption of politicians and government officials throughout the West.

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This is now stopped.

This will affect not only the false Biden regime, but also the WHO, the EU, the UN and the GEF. Klaus Schwab Rothschilds' private organization signed a memorandum with the United Nations in June 2019, to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for the 2030.

This was the plan of the Khazarian Mafia to transform the planet into a giant animal farm by killing 90% of humanity and enslaved the rest.

It now turns out that in addition to killing us with electromagnetic attacks and vaccines, these criminals were trying to poison us by forcing us to eat insects.

Insects are full of chitin.

Chitin is highly allergenic in mammals, stimulates the immune system and therefore contributes to the development of many chronic diseases.

Insects also contain countless germs and parasites that are pathogenic to humans.

Turning this into food is not only negligence, but it is also intentional.

If people could eat insects, don't you think hungry people would have tried this in the past?

There is a reason why people do not eat insects: they are toxic to humans.

The removal of this will destroy the ability of the Khazarian Mafia to wash the brains of a huge part of the world's population, especially in the West, to lead them to hurt themselves, by doing things like eating insects.

Most of the content on the Internet, whether blogs, videos or photos, is created by the user, but it was indeed owned and controlled by a handful of Web 2.0 oligopolies such as Facebook (now Meta), Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (now Alphabet), collectively called "FAANG" shares.

The spectacular increase in the American market in recent years was almost entirely due to the fiat money of the Khazarian Mafia that was channeled through these companies.

As this author and many other truth-based investigators discovered, the FAANGs created a thought control grid far beyond anything George Orwell could have imagined.

For example, I and many colleagues were banned by You-Tube, for reporting the truth about covid and vaccines.

It's over now.

According to what a CIA source says about what will be done to really put an end to it:

The real plan is to send a hypersonic warhead with a very powerful EMP attached.

It takes 40 seconds to reach altitude and destination after launching from a submarine off the east coast.

It can destroy all electrical systems in most of the United States and a large part of Canada if it is released above the Omaha region.

The higher it is released, the larger the coverage area. (See the attached photo graph showing the radiation). The powers in question are very aware of the intentions.

This is not discussed publicly by Washington DC and the fake Biden show.

Once this is done, a blockchain-based Internet will replace the Internet controlled by the oligopoly.

This means that content producers, instead of receiving crumbs from Google, etc., will get most of the credit and money on their creations.

This will also mean that there will no longer be corporate censorship.

Existing laws on defamation, slander and crime, with a few amendments, will be enough to protect people from harm.

The end of centralized control of information is also likely to put an end to monotheism as we know it.

As a reminder, the word "religion" comes from the Latin "Re Ligare", which means re-linked in a Fascii or a package: in other words, transform many distinct things into a single centralized one. This is also related to the word "government" which means "mental control (govern)".

In other words, a project of several thousand years to transform humanity into a monolith controlled by a single spirit is coming to an end.

In a sign that this is happening, the planetary liberation alliance seems to have taken control of the avatar posing as Pope Francis as this article shows:

"Hands off Africa!": The pope blows up the foreign looting of Congo:

KINSHASA, Congo — Pope Francis demanded on Tuesday that foreign powers stop plundering Africa's natural resources for the "poison of their own greed" as he arrived in DR Congo for a noisy reception by the Congolese grateful that he focused the world's attention on their forgotten fate.

Discover the many photos in the article.

You can see that it is not the original Pope Francis.

There is also a beautiful close-up of him.

The change at the top of the monotheistic hierarchy can have even more upsetting consequences.

It turns out that the Khazarian Mafia controllers of monotheism have deliberately kept our lives short and miserable in the name of what the Majestic 12 (M12) group thinks is a rogue AI controlling our universe.

This is implied in the words of former Pope Maledict:

"The world is like an oil press that compresses itself.

If you are the dregs, you are expelled; if you are oil, you are collected.

But being in a hurry is inevitable...

The kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world [because] the freedom of man would be denied." - Pope Benedict XVI,

By "freedom", Maledict referred to the short and brutal lives that we were all forced to live.

This is why all discoveries that lead to longer lives and increased human abilities have been systematically suppressed for immemorial times.

Here is how a Polish intelligence source describes our situation:

We live on a farm with artificial sun and artificial cycles.

The "owners" of the Earth treat us energetically, but this business is ending, another farm is out of control.

There was a time when a shield was established to separate the Earth from the true cosmos.

This shield made of a plasma-energy barrier, is collapsing.

With the overthrow of the Khazarian Mafia, we are now likely to enter a new Cambrian explosion with an exponential expansion of earthly life in the universe.

And with that, here are the latest extraterrestrial observations:

1. UFO in the shape of a cigar on India!

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2. UFO seen from a jet:

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3. UFO seen from a jet:

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4. A apparent group of UFOs seen above Phoenix, Arizona, United States February 1, 2023:

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Finally, you can see here a strange light anomaly filmed over Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada where there is a secret underground complex: v=2_8ToXQUQ8o

A similar anomaly was spotted on Volgograd Russia (Stalingrad) when Vladimir Putin gave a speech the other day.

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As a species, we are now definitely heading for unexplored waters.

Translation Little Star (Thank You Marinette!)

Original English version: 

Ndlt: As always, for those who understand English, I would really suggest that you subscribe to Benjamin Fulford's weekly letter. People like him work hard for us, at the risk of their lives. Supporting them is a very small way to show them our gratitude.

Broadcast by Réjean for his website "La Table Ronde", Thank you! :

at February 06, 2023


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